Remembering Tatiana Melguizo

Tatiana Melguizo, respected professor and beloved member of the Rossier EDL family has passed away at the age of 55. Professor Melguizo legacy extended over two decades at USC, and her work has made an indelible impact at USC Rossier.

Read more about her life and long-lasting impact here.

Hello EDL students, and thanks for the opportunity to tell you about myself and the resources at USC Libraries. I am your education librarian and am looking forward to helping you with your research.

I’m looking forward to connecting you with the amazing resources at USC Libraries.

I can help you become a more efficient and productive library user. Take advantage of the Social and Behavioral Sciences library workshops, review the USC Libraries Education Research Guide, or book an individual research consultation with me to learn how to:

  • Perform basic and advanced database searches
  • Organize and store references with citation managers
  • Use APA style to engage in ethical scholarly discourse
  • Avoid bias in your research and writing

If you have other research needs or suggestions please reach out to me. 

Fight on!

Bridgid Fennell, MLIS, M.Ed. 

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