Special Edition: General Convention
July 8-11, 2022 | Day 4, Issue 5
Province One bishops, including Bishop Ian and Bishop Laura, gather for dinner and a photo.
The 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church
Monday, July 11, 2022
News & Updates

The fourth and final day of legislation is complete in Baltimore at The 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church. Thanks to our entire deputation for their faithful work in Baltimore! See more photos from today on our daily reflection.
ECCT's Clergy & Lay Deputes
Some of the Province One bishops in attendance, including Bishop Ian and Bishop Laura.
The Rev. Rowena Kemp, Chair of ECCT's deputation,
with House of Deputies president-elect, Ms. Julia Ayala Harris.
For All Things #GC80

ECCT's General Convention webpage has links to many different resources and websites that can provide you with information regarding #GC80. Explore the Virtual Binder which provides access to resolutions, committee reports, and much more. View archived coverage of the House of Bishops, House of Deputies, and daily media briefings on the GC 80 Media Hub here. Follow the conversation on Twitter by searching the hashtag #GC80.
The 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church will be held in Louisville, Kentucky in July 2024.
Episcopal Church in Connecticut