The Season after Epiphany at ECA

 "Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others." 


Saturday, February 11

9:30am Gamblers Anonymous

11:30am Journeys Group Meeting

Sunday, February 12

*8:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II 

(also streamed online)

9:40am Adult Christian Formation

9:40am Bible Challenge Group

9:40am Children/Youth Christian Formation

*10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II 

*Nursery Provided at both services

12:00pm ECA Reach Meeting

12:00pm DOK Class for Newcomers

Tuesday, February 14

7:30pm Caregivers Support Group

Wednesday, February 15

11am ECA Tea Party Planning Meeting

6:30pm Faith, Food & Fellowship Dinner

Thursday, February 16

2pm ECA Book Club Meeting

Looking Ahead

Sunday, February 19

12pm DOK Newcomers Class

1pm Southern Comforters Meeting

Tuesday, February 21

6pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Wednesday, February 22

Ash Wednesday

12pm Imposition of Ashes

7pm Imposition of Ashes

*Note: you may also request an Eucharistic Visit for Imposition of Ashes.

Download Bulletin Here

The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany

February 12, 2023

O God, the strength of all who put their trust in you: Mercifully accept our prayers; and because in our weakness we can do nothing good without you, give us the help of your grace, that in keeping your commandments we may please you both in will and deed; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Deuteronomy 30:15-20

1 Corinthians 3:1-9

Matthew 5:21-37

Psalm 119:1-8

Server Schedule for the Month of:


Thank you for Serving ECA!

We Need YOU!

We are crucially low with volunteers (Ushers & Lectors) to serve during Sunday Services. We especially need volunteers for the 8:30am Service. Please email if you would like to volunteer. Thank you!

Journeys Group to meet THIS Saturday, Feb. 11 at 11:30am in the Activities Bldg.

This is a group that offers support, care, and compassion to those coping with grief, loss or any difficult life challenge.  If you are seeking support through fellowship, please join us the second Saturday of each month from 11:30am-12:30 in the Activity Building. Please call Suzie Hart at 404.234.5294 for more information.

The ECA Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King hosting New Members Meeting THIS Sun. The ECA Chapter of the DOK is accepting new members who want to learn how to pray and serve God incorporating the Rule of Life.  Beginner classes will be hosted on Feb. 12 & 19 after the 10:30am Service in the Activities Building.  Please contact Pam Weed at 678-668-6960 to learn more.  The first meeting of the DOK will be February 26 (location TBD). 

Don’t be late for a Very Important date! Tea Meeting on Feb. 15 at 11:00AM

Please join us at the next Tea Planning Committee Meeting on Wednesday morning, February 15th at 11:00 in the Activities building. We will be planning, sampling, and enjoying fellowship with our wonderful “tea ladies” group.  See you there!

Altar Flower Sign Up for 2023 Available

There is a new sign up poster in the Narthex for Altar Flowers for 2023. Please be sure to fill out a form to include your name, date for flowers, dedication, and phone number in case of questions. Thank you for supporting the ECA Altar Flower Ministry!


Reach Collecting Food items for Local Food Pantries, Thanks for your Support    ECA supports local charities Never Alone and Papa’s Pantry in their food ministries.  Please bring donations Sundays before worship. Now collecting nonperishable food and travel size toiletries. Thank you for supporting these local charities! 

Mark your Calendar! The Lenten Season is Quickly Approaching Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is Tuesday, February 21 at 6pm, Ash Wednesday is February 22 at Noon & 7pm and the Lenten Series Starts the First week in March. This year, we will be participating in "Unlocking The Easter Code” – A 40-day Lenten Journey". Click here to read more...

Update on the Demidovich Family

Vladimir and Mark have arrived safely from Ukraine! The family is enjoying their time together after so many months apart! Vladimir and Mark will need to begin English classes as soon as possible. We have an urgent need for drivers to get them back and forth to classes. The classes are two days a week from 9-12 in Smyrna. Other imminent needs include a car and late model smart phones. Irina is hoping to have her driver’s license soon and the family will need a car. Do you have one to donate or sell at a compassionate price? We are trying to get the family connected with US numbers but are having difficulty finding compatible phones. Have you recently upgraded, or maybe you’re thinking about an upgrade? We would love to have your old phones! If you would like to help the Demidovich family with any of these items, please contact Nicole File (404)274-8268

ECA End of Year Statements now Available.  Please pick up in Narthex   The 2022 year-end statements for tax purposes are now available to pick up in the Narthex.  If you would like yours emailed or mailed, please contact the office at or call 770-928-7916. Thank you for giving to ECA!

Each Month we make our Monthly Financials Available

(YTD) Through Jan. 2023      Actual                 Budget                    +/-                   

Revenues                             $22,365                   $26,355             $3,991

Expenses                              $20,790                   $23,540           ($2,751)

Net Year to                            $1,575           ($2,815)           $1,240

Fr. Paul is available during the week, Monday - Thursday, for guidance, prayer, and support.

Fr. Paul is out of the office on Fridays. Please call 770-490-7234 or email with any concerns, needs, or questions.

The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation

1673 Jamerson Road

Marietta, GA 30066


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