"Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others."
New Sunday Service and in person gathering protocols are in place!
We have begun indoor church services once again.
We will continue to follow CDC and Health Dept. guidelines. Read ECA guidelines HERE
Update from Fr, Paul+ on COVID measures for Worship Services
Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ. As you know, from the beginning of the pandemic, I have continually stayed abreast of guidance from the CDC, the public health dept., the Diocese, and other authorities to ensure that ECA is following best practices in terms of safety protocols. After reviewing and interpreting all currently available guidance, and in conjunction with discussions with the Vestry, we are putting in place the following COVID Safety Protocols for ECA. These protocols will remain in effect until further notice; however, you may be sure that I will continue to review, consider and interpret any new or additional guidance that may come along and revise these protocols accordingly so that ECA members may continue to worship together safely. At this time we will hold 2 inside worship services not to exceed 50 persons at 8:30am and 10:00am and 1 outside Sunday worship service not to exceed 75 persons at 11:15am with some modifications. It is my sincere hope that we will be able to slowly begin to resume worship among one another keeping within the trust granted to me and the Vestry that you have given us. We have been away from one another for some time and I am aware new “routines" have been created and getting "back in the saddle again” will take an intentional part from all of us. My hope and prayer is that being a part of a worshiping community with one another will take precedence once again in our lives and we will get back to making a difference in the lives of those who are in need both physically and spiritually. May the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace in believing through the power of the Holy Spirit. In Christ, Fr. Paul+
Inside In-Person Worship Now Allowed: Sunday Worship
You are invited to join this Sunday at 8:30 AM (also streamed online via FB), 10:00 AM (Inside services) or 11:15 AM (Outside at the Pavilion). You do not need to register, we will take names for contact tracing persons when you arrive. Please follow all CDC and health Department guidelines and we look forward to our parish members slowly returning as you feel comfortable and attending worship again.
Join Us in Making Palm Crosses THIS SATURAY: All are Invited! We will be making palm crosses on Saturday, March 27 at 10am outside in the breezeway (weather permitting). If the weather does not cooperate, then we will meet socially distanced inside. Bring scissors if you have them. Come enjoy the fellowship as we prepare for Palm Sunday. Contact Bliss Peterson or Brenda Pinkston for more information. We'd love your help!
Christian Formation this Sunday in person and via Zoom at 9:20am All are welcome to join adult Christian Formation this Sunday under the pavilion and/or via Zoom immediately following the 8:30am service. Please contact Ron Allen for log-in information to join the zoom meeting:
Holy Week and Easter Services
We will have services associated with Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday with Stations of the Cross, Easter Vigil and Easter services. We will have service also live streamed for those who are still taking their own necessary precautions during these times.
*Maundy Thursday
7:00pm- Holy Eucharist (Worship service & Stripping of the Altar)
9:00pm-Noon- Gethsemane watch Prayer Vigil (Prayer Vigil goes into Good Friday and will be conducted virtually via live stream)
*Good Friday
12:00 (noon)- Station of the Cross & Eucharist (Outside weather permitting)
6:00pm- Stations of the Cross (Outside Church, weather & light permitting)
7:00pm- Holy Eucharist w/ the reserve sacrament (Veneration of the Cross)
* Holy Saturday – The Great Vigil of Easter
8:20pm- Easter Vigil with cantor (lighting of Paschal fire & Holy Eucharist)
Light incense will be used for outside service
*Easter Sunday- Feast of the Resurrection
8:30am- Holy Eucharist Rite II with music
10:00am- Holy Eucharist Rite II with music
11:05am- Easter Egg Hunt (Children & Youth) (Special areas designated for COVID safety procedures)
11:15am- Holy Eucharist Rite II with Festive music
Light incense will be used for outside services
**Picnic luncheon will follow this service, please bring your own food
Blessings, Fr. Paul+
Last Call for Easter Flower Dedications
Easter Flower dedications are now open. Thank you for supporting ECA Altar Flower Ministry. Please email your dedication (complete with wording in thanksgiving for/in memory of) to or print and mail the form here.
Ushers Needed
As we transition back to traditional worship, we are beginning to schedule volunteer positions again. Currently, we are in need of ushers, lectors and counters. If you are interested in volunteering on Sunday mornings, please email Thank you!
It's almost time: ECA is forming a Caregiver's Virtual Support Group on ZOOM Starting April 6th at 7PM The journey for our caregivers as well as family members of those affected by terminal and/or chronic illnesses is extremely hard. It is so important to connect with others and exchange ideas and share support. My name is Robin Racoff and I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor and trained at the Rosalynn Carter Institute to help caregivers, as well as having been a caregiver and working professionally with ALS, Muscular Dystrophy, Crohns and Colitis, and dementia caregivers and patients. The focus of our group will be on the caregiver, but if you are your own caregiver, you are welcome. We will have our first meeting Tuesday April 6th at 7:00 PM, and plan to meet the first Tuesday of each month. Please contact me at if you are interested. During the Zoom Session you may participate with or without video, audio, or just observe. Or simply phone in! It will not be recorded and confidentiality will be the standard. Also, if you have any concerns or questions regarding ZOOM, please contact me directly at (404) 290-1550. It is super easy. I look forward to hearing from you.
Reach Collecting Food items for Local Food Pantries We Support We may not be gathering for in-person worship due to diocesan restrictions, but the need for food items at our local food pantries continues. ECA is supporting local charities such as Never Alone and Papa’s Pantry in their food ministries. You are welcome to come by on Sundays to drop off these much-needed items, or drive-by the office during the week. Thank you for your continued generosity and support of helping those in need!
Education for Ministry to Resume this Summer: Mark your calendar Education for Ministry is a small mentored group that provides the framework for understanding life and shaping actions as Christian faith is deepened. EFM will resume in August from 1:30-4:00. EFM is a study to help discern your calling and If you are interested or need more information, contact Katie Dunlap at 404-444-6874 or
Volunteers being Sought for Sunday Service including Readers! We need YOU! If you are interested with helping during the service, please contact Fr. Paul at There are several minor tasks we need help with in order to make sure we are able to live stream and record for parish members. I look forward to hearing from those who may be interested. Volunteers are especially needed to read the Sunday lessons.
Do you need Prayer, Counseling or Confidential Assistance?
Fr. Paul is making his Pastoral Rounds virtually via telephone calls and online check-ins. If you are in need of counseling, prayer, simple virtual visit or confidential assistance; please contact Fr. Paul directly at or call him at 770-490-7234. You may also contact the ECA Senior Warden, Wanda Ziembinski at Part of what makes ECA so special is the community and support we offer to one another!
ECA Finances to Date
(YTD) Through Feb. 2021 _ Actual Budget _+/-____
Revenues $46,936 $41,962 $4,974
Expenses $34,924 $40,119 ($5,195)
Net Year to date $12,012 $1,843 $10,169
1673 Jamerson Road Marietta, Georgia 30066
8:30AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:30AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II