2023 Resource Adequacy Request for Offers

Issuance Date: Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 8am PPT 

Response Deadline: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 5pm PPT 

EBCE Response: Friday, September 29, 2023 by 5pm PPT 

Prospective Resource Adequacy Suppliers:

East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) is seeking offers from prospective Resource Adequacy suppliers to Buy 2024 System and/or Flex RA (EBCE sells) as further described herein: 

Product Description:

  • EBCE sells 2024 System and/or Flex RA outright for the following individual months:
  • Feb-Mar;
  • May-Jun; and
  • Oct-Dec
  • EBCE swaps 2024 Flex RA for the following individual months:
  • Jan-Feb; and
  • Apr-Dec

Please respond with 2024 System and/or Flex RA volumes, proposed bids (including swap premiums), and MCC/EFC of resource.


EBCE intends to execute purchases under a standard WSPP Agreement (attached) but may consider edits. 


Please direct all questions pertaining to this RFO to KLee@ebce.org and ASiebuhr@ebce.org with the email subject line “EBCE September 2023 RA RFO Questions”. 

Submission of Offers

Please submit the completed RFO Submission Template to KLee@ebce.org and ASiebuhr@ebce.org by 5pm PT on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 with the email subject line “EBCE 2023 RA RFO Submission”. 



EBCE reserves the sole and discretionary right to (i) reject any offers received in response to this solicitation for any reason, and (ii) accept any offers received after the deadline for submittals as indicated herein. Additionally, EBCE reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to not enter into any confirmation for the transaction at the conclusion of this solicitation. EBCE reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this solicitation at any time based on changing needs and market feedback. EBCE also reserves the right to rescind this solicitation at any time prior to EBCE’s execution of a binding agreement. EBCE will not be liable at any time for any costs the prospective supplier may incur in preparing or submitting its response to this solicitation.

EBCE WSPP RA Confirmation