Amidst such challenging and vital times for our communities, the special community that is E8 has come together to do what it does best -- listen, learn, collaborate and invest with purpose for impact and returns. Entrepreneurs have shared their progress and responses to COVID; we've studied up on batteries and deal terms; we've touched on behavior change and commitments to climate and racial justice. Our members have continued to invest, and our membership has grown. Thank you for being a part! Please see what's to come and reflect on the voices and stories from the first half of 2020 . It's a summer for rest, and for action; j oin E8 , contribute to D8 , spread the word, and lean into your communities.
What's to Come
Philanthropic Impact Investing, in our cleantech deals and for equity , with Impact Assets' Sally Boulter & Luni Libes of Realize Impact. July 16, 12pm-1pm PDT * RSVP *

Cleantech's Upside, Returns and Exits -- analysis and lessons from E8 Members. September 17, 12pm-1pm PDT. * RSVP *. Additional sessions Oct. 22 and Nov. 12 .
Portfolio Co.
Updates & Offers

July 23, 12pm-1pm PDT * RSVP *
Companies to be announced soon;
additional placeholders for October 15 and December 10 .
September 10, 12pm-1pm PDT * D8 RSVP *
Winner/investee presentations for contributors -- and angel co-investment, with completed DD and scoring briefs.
Member Meetings
September 24, 12pm-2pm PDT * Sept. RSVP *
October 29 , 12pm-2pm * Oct. RSVP *
November 19 , 12pm-2pm * Nov. RSVP *
* location and duration pending
2020 YTD: Voices and Value
Together, along with so many other contributions and conversations, We :
Explored the Early COVID Crisis and Implications for Cleantech with Ramez Naam and E8 leaders and members; catch them all .
Heard Updates and Invested in High Potential Companies , including Storm Sensor and Erin Rothman, and PittMoss, SparkMeter, Solstice, PickMySolar, and IdleSmart.
Got a Personal Tour of Companies Adding COVID-era Products , such as Steelhead's oxygen cannisters and Indow's Clean Practice.
Considered How Cleantech Disrupts Systems, including inequitable ones ; Solstice and so many are standing against racism and for equity, including VertueLab . There is more we must do.
Studied Up Together , on next generation battery tech and term sheets -- technical and practical know-how for any cleantech angel, with more to come.
Launched Decarbon8-US to Leverage Philanthropic Capital and interest in climate progress. Applicants are in review now: follow the process, invite others, and get involved !
Got Smarter About Consumer Behavior and How to Accelerate Adoption and Transformation , via a new partnership with Climate Solutions ;
get the full view .
Added New Members -- and enjoyed some down time , with online breakouts and a virtual chat and winetasting with the Women of E8 and Vital Wines .
Shared Stories of Climate Action, from activism to regenerative agriculture and wine .
A Very Special 2020 Thanks to our Sponsors! (click on each!)