***Serbian movie with English subtitles***

St. Sava Cathedral Hall
Saturday, April 6th, 2019
7 pm
Admission: $10
Seniors and students: $5
-Tickets can be purchased at the door-

This marvelous documentary leads us through the Serbian-American history which spans more than 200 years. Serbian-American history began in a symbolic way with Djordje Sagic aka George Fisher who arrived through the port of Philadelphia at the beginning of the ninetieth century. After him, Serbian immigrants came in several waves and helped shape American history. The movie describes Serbian-American contributions in building the United States and the world and the importance of preserving the Serbian heritage. Zeljko Jack Dimich, the Serbian-American Actor from New York, plays Nikola Tesla, the Serbian-American Scientist and Inventor, and is the narrator of the movie. The movie was sponsored by the Serb National Federation among others, and produced by Optimistic Film and Radio Television of Serbia.