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OET News
October 2017

October OET News brings a couple new features: the E-cise of the Month, OET Recommends Spotlight, and the Key to Health. The goal of these articles are to bring you relevant and useful information and tools to help you live, play, and be pain free. 

The Floor Block is a wonderful e-cise that can help improve upper body posture and eliminate the negative effects of our computer and cell phone driven lives. The small foam blocks make doing the Floor Block along with many other e-cises much easier. This months Key to Health is variety. I talk about why variety is so important for optimal health and how creative play is a fun way to add variety to our daily lives. 

Please let me know how you like each of these new features and what you'd like to see more of in future newsletters by replying to this email. 

E-cise of the Month: Floor Block
The Floor Block is a great e-cise to improve upper body posture and alignment.  It is very common for people of all ages to have some degree of  thoracic kyphosis , rounded shoulders, and  forward head posture . The Floor Block will help correct all these imbalances which can lead to decreased pain, better  breathing , less  headaches , and  improved athletic performance . Learn more.
OET Recommends Monthly Spotlight:
Small Foam Block
The Small Foam Block is an essential piece of therapy equipment. The small block is used in e-cises like the Floor Block, Kneeling Forearm Stretch Ankle Squeezes, Standing Knee Pillow Squeezes, Modified Floor Block Prone Hamstring Curls, and many others. You can find and purchase the small block and other recommended therapy equipment  here.

This month's Key to Health: Variety
Humans are creatures of habit. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. Habits allow us to save energy and time which is great, but habits also mean our physical lives are repetitive. Variety in your physical movement is a essential key to health. Here's how to break out of your repetitive patterns in your life and introduce more variety: read more.
Never Leave the Playground
Play can help you stop or reverse aging. Stephen Jepson has figured out how to add an incredible amount of variety in movement and demand to his daily life through games and play. He is constantly inventing new activities, games, and physical challenges for himself which is keeping his mind and body young and active. Watch Stephen in action here.
Your free 30-minute appointment includes discussion of your  symptoms  and goals, posture evaluation, functional testing, and gait analysis. We will then discuss the different Posture Therapy options that are available to help you reach your goals. 

Visit  or call  971-279-2189 to schedule your FREE posture evaluation today. 
I know what it is like to suffer with chronic pain and recurrent injuries. I know what it feels like to be in pain and not be able to do what you love to do. I also know what it is like to overcome those injuries and become pain free. I used Postural Alignment Therapy to correct my posture, eliminate my pain, and return to living an active life without limitations. For the last 15 years I've been helping people just like you do the same.  If you or anyone you know is suffering from chronic pain or injuries, encourage them to call me today - I'd be happy to help them. 


Matt Whitehead
(971) 279 2189

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