www.thehrteam.com | 410-381-9700
January 2019
Eileen's Lesson:
Some time ago, I had a college intern, and in her first week I gave her a task I thought to be simple — answering the phone.
I said, “Just answer the phone, tell whoever is calling that so and so is in a meeting, and ask to take a message.” When the first call came in, she picked up the phone and didn’t know what to say.

It turns out that she was unaccustomed to answering phones and didn’t really know how to answer one.

Millennial? Generation Z? So typical, right? No, this happened in 1990, and she is likely now in her late 40’s. The point is that no generation has all the answers, even though we often talk ourselves into believing otherwise. And guess what? Even without all the answers, they eventually figure it out.

So, when someone asks me if I’m worried about all those ‘millennials’ graduating in the new year and joining our workforce, I simply answer, “No, they will be just fine.” 

If you need some workforce guidance, give us a call from your hand set, mobile phone or voice-activated device — whichever one makes you most comfortable.

Check out this month's HR tips below
& log onto our blog for more helpful info!
7 New Year's Resolutions Boost Company's Productivity

Traditionally, the New Year is seen as an opportunity to make a fresh start and improve our lifestyles in some fashion. Why not get your entire staff involved in the resolution-making process?

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Hiring for Fit - You Can't Change Personality

To make the right hire or promotion, hiring managers must assess a person's skills and abilities; but they must also understand the personality traits a candidate needs to succeed in the role and match them accordingly.

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Industry News You Can Use
Government Shutdown Resource Center

With Congress and the president at an impasse over funding for a border wall, a partial government shutdown was triggered when appropriations for several agencies lapsed at midnight on December 22. Even an abbreviated shutdown has a significant...

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E-Verify Expired During Government Shutdown

​E-Verify-the federal electronic employment eligibility verification service- has expired due to a lapse in funding and will not be available during the partial shutdown of the U.S. government.

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With our full outsourcing solution, The HR Team seamlessly becomes your HR department. You’ll receive ongoing support tailored to suit your business’ specific needs with dependable strategic and tactical services you can rely on. If you haven’t given serious thought to outsourcing, the range of tasks that can be offloaded to us might surprise you. As our client, you’ll be assigned a dedicated, experienced professional to handle all of your HR needs, including: