January 19, 2021
From the Pastor
The Lord blessed with another great day of worship this past Sunday. And, we rejoice in receiving Mrs. Joan Simpson (Lori Replogle’s mother) into our faith family! Please welcome her when you see her.

I just want to remind you that I pray for you every day. I know the threat of COVID is a concern to so many of us. Lately we have seen a surge in COVID cases in our county, most likely due to The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. But also, with the colder weather we have had this winter, more people are confined indoors where the virus is more easily spread. If you feel it is necessary to worship with us from home via our livestreamed service on Sunday and our streamed Bible Study on Wednesday evenings, I completely understand and encourage you to do so. I am grateful we have the technology to make this possible. But, I know you, as well as I, are looking forward to when we can all be back together in our services.

For those who are able to come to church, our goal has been to create and maintain an environment where you are able to attend safely to the greatest practical extent. Let me remind you that we have developed a list of precautions and guidelines that is included in your Bulletin each week. Please take time to re-familiarize yourself with it from time to time. We already make masks available, but beginning this Sunday we will have N-95 masks available for anyone who would feel more comfortable wearing one. Also, the overflow room will be made available as a mask-only room with socially-distanced chair spacing for any who would feel more comfortable there.

Our teens will have DNOW this weekend. Please pray for them, the small group leaders, the worship leaders, the hosts, Bro. Austin, and all of the other volunteers. God can use this weekend to make a difference in a lot of lives. Pray that He will!

You are Loved !
Help Celebrate Human Life...
by supporting our local center. You can make checks payable to "Save-A-Life", please make note on tithe envelope for cash donations. Baby bottles are available in Church Lobby to collect loose change. Deadline for baby bottle return is Sunday, Feb. 28.
Please help us Welcome...
Joan Simpson

Joined by Statement:
Sunday, January 17
Wednesday, Jan. 20 @ 6:00 pm
Churchwide Business
January 24
Session 8

Explore the Bible:
Luke 4:16-30

Bible Studies for Life:
The Benefit of Spiritual Disciplines
1 Timothy 4:1-10

Friday, January 22
Sunday, January 24

Cost: $50
Deadline: Wed., Jan. 20

Donations Needed:
Snacks & Cleaning supplies
for host homes.
Items may be dropped off
in the church office.

We are so pumped! We are daily praying for everyone who will come. We are doing everything in our power to make sure everyone who attends stays safe while they’re in our care. Due to COVID, we have to make some changes to our sign-up deadline. If you plan to stay in a host home for the weekend, the deadline to sign up is Wednesday, Jan 20. If you miss that deadline, or if you feel uncomfortable staying in a host home, you can still attend all large group sessions and play games for a reduced price.

We want all parents and students to do what they feel is best for their families, while still offering all students an amazing weekend where Jesus is the focus.

We’re praying for y’all. We’re excited.
We can’t wait for this great weekend!


5:00 pm Hang time
(Snack Bar Open)
6:00 pm Worship


Take a break from cooking and help the
Youth group earn money in the process!

El Mariachi Restaurant
Tuesday, January 26
from 5:00 - 9:00 pm

Mention RPBC Youth
and a percentage will be donated.
No matter how big or small your purchase from Claiborne Hill, your receipt can help us raise funds. This will be a year round fundraiser so remember to save your receipts. Special drop box located in Sanctuary lobby or church office.
A copy of the monthly Financial Report for December will be available in the church office upon request.
RA Racing Day: February 6, 9:30 am at Lee Conference Center

Bible Drills: Associational Drills will take place at Central Baptist Church on
April 11 at 2:00 pm. (Children Grades 4-6, Youth Grades 7-12).

Take some time to
come together in prayer
Daily at 3:00 pm

1)     Pray for our President and other
leaders in the U.S. and around the
world that the LORD will give them
the wisdom to deal with this crisis
2)     Pray that the virus can be quickly
limited and contained
3)     Pray that human life will be spared
4)     Pray that the Lord will use this
crisis to soften hearts to the gospel
5) Pray that this will help spark a
spiritual revival
Schedule Changes with Covid Restrictions:

8:30 am - Seniors 60+
(Doors will open at 8:15 am)

9:45 am - Sunday School - All Ages

11 am - All Ages
(Nursery available for Birth - 4 years,
Doors open at 10:30 am, Live

Please help us adhere to some new changes as we come together for Worship.
  • We encourage face mask
  • Enter Sanctuary from Front Entrance
  • Handicap Entrance Location: south side foyer near welcome center
  • Only Sanctuary Restrooms will be open
  • Keep Social Distance (Every other pew will be available and roped off)
  • Tithe/Visitor card boxes will be available and located at three exits points
  • We will be cleaning between both morning services (Trash cans will be available at exit points)


Sunday @ 11:00 am

Wednesday @ 6:00 pm
Prayer Meeting

Unsure How to View?
Here are a few helpful hints...

  1. Clicking on a BLUE underlined word will take you to the website link
  2. Don't have a Facebook Account? Use the Vimeo link.
  3. Missed a LIVE feed? No problem, previous recordings are still available to view.
CHURCH OFFICE: Staff has returned to the office but we are temporarily closed to the public. We are available for our church members but we ask that you please contact the church office prior to entering building.

All Committees may resume meeting as needed.

  • Must meet in Fellowship Hall as to adhere to social distancing rules.
  • Contact the church office to schedule meetings ahead of time. This is to assure we do not double book and have time to clean between meetings.

Church Volunteer Teams:
Security Teams, Ushers and Nursery Workers (Nursery 11 am) will be needed during our worship services. We will be sending reminder cards and list info in weekly bulletins.



General Officer…1



8:30 AM…………57
11:00 AM………..88
(Service Total…..145)


8:30 AM
Worship - 60+

9:45 AM
Sunday School

11:00 AM
Worship - All Ages
Nursery (Birth-4yrs)


6:00 PM
Adult Prayer Meeting
Nursery (Birth-2yrs)
Mission Friends (3-5 yrs)
RA / GA (1st-6th)
Jr. Youth Group (5th-6th)
Student Ministry (7th-12th).
Dan Young
Senior Pastor
Brad Replogle
Assoc. Pastor / Music
Austin Mason
Youth / Education Pastor
Ceasar Argueta
Spanish Pastor
Jennifer Drennan
Financial Secretary
Nadia Young
Education Secretary