September 1, 2020
From The Pastor
Yesterday was an exciting day as we welcomed the Cloy family: Jeremiah & Amanda with sons Wesley, and Hunter & Jaxon Harrelson! Other members of the family include sons Sawyer Harrelson and Owen Cloy. Please take time to introduce yourself to them as you make them feel welcome.

We are blessed to have so many “givers” at RPBC! Here are a few ways your giving has recently made a difference:
  • Your continued faithfulness in tithes and offerings during these unusual times.
  • The loan of a twin bed to assist the Gaddys.
  • All of the money needed to upgrade our Sanctuary projection system with large-screen LED monitors has been given.
  • Numerous donations of supplies and money to assist with Hurricane Laura relief.
Thank you for your generosity in being a Giver!

I also want to commend you for your tremendous response to my challenge to establish a prayer partner ministry. So far we have over 60 people who have signed up, and more are expected. There is no limit to the number who can participate in this ministry. My new goal is 100! If you have not yet committed, please complete one of the purple prayer partner cards available in the Sanctuary or church office! You may contact Anita Kendrick, Edith Breland, or me for more information.

We are planning a 24-hour prayer vigil capped off by a prayer rally in support of Franklin Graham’s call for a Prayer March in Washington, D.C. on September 26th. Sign-up sheets for the prayer vigil will be made available this Sunday. The time slots will be ½ hour, and the vigil will run from 10:00am Friday, September 25th, to 10:00am Saturday, September 26th. We will then gather on the grass behind the Fellowship Hall at 11:00am Saturday, September 26th, for a prayer rally in behalf of our nation. You may visit PrayerMarch2020.com for more information on the Washington Prayer March. You may also order your own Prayer March 2020 T-shirt from that site, if you would like one. I will be sharing more information in the next week. I hope you will make plans to participate with us!

Supplies and cash donations are still being collected for the #hope4merryville hurricane Laura relief project. You may drop them by the church office anytime. A list of needed supplies will be posted on both the RPBC web and Facebook pages, or may be picked up at the church office. It can also be emailed to you upon request. Work teams will also be organized within the next few weeks. I will strive to keep you abreast of needs and efforts as information is made available to me.

A Mighty Fortress is Our God!

Currently - compiling list of eligible men for nomination. If you wish to be removed from the upcoming list please contact the church office by Tuesday, September 8.

Sept. 13 - List of men will be presented at Deacon Meeting for approval.
Sept. 20 - Deacon Nomination List will be available to congregation for prayer.
Oct. 4 - Congregation will Vote.
Are you over 55+ and receiving 
our monthly newsletter Senior Life?

Senior life is mailed directly to your home and contains news, devotionals, hymn stories, secret recipes, humor, crossword puzzles, word searches, and more!

If you are not receiving it and would like to, text Bro. Brad 731-695-8298 or email brad@rpbc.us.
to view Hurricane Laura Relief Effort List.

Bro. Brad Arnett will be making another trip this Friday, September 4. Donations will need to be dropped off by Thursday, September 3 before 4:30 pm.
Wednesday, Sept. 2 @ 5:00 pm

Sunday, Sept. 13 @ 6:00 pm
Schedule Changes with Covid Restrictions:

8:30 am - Seniors 60+
(Doors will open at 8:30 am)
11 am - All Ages
(Nursery available for Birth - 4 years,
Doors open at 10:30 am, Live

Please help us adhere to some new changes as we come together for Worship.
  • We encourage face mask
  • Enter Sanctuary from Front Entrance
  • Handicap Entrance Location: south side foyer near welcome center
  • Only Sanctuary Restrooms will be open
  • Keep Social Distance (Every other pew will be available and roped off)
  • Tithe/Visitor card boxes will be available and located at three exits points
  • We will be cleaning between both morning services (Trash cans will be available at exit points)


Sunday @ 11:00 am

Wednesday @ 6:00 pm
Prayer Meeting

Unsure How to View?
Here are a few helpful hints...

  1. Clicking on a BLUE underlined word will take you to the website link
  2. Don't have a Facebook Account? Use the Vimeo link.
  3. Missed a LIVE feed? No problem, previous recordings are still available to view.
CHURCH OFFICE: Staff has returned to the office but we are temporarily closed to the public. We are available for our church members but we ask that you please contact the church office prior to entering building.

All Committees may resume meeting as needed.

  • Must meet in Fellowship Hall as to adhere to social distancing rules.
  • Contact the church office to schedule meetings ahead of time. This is to assure we do not double book and have time to clean between meetings.

Church Volunteer Teams:
Security Teams and Ushers will be needed during our worship services. Bro. Brad will be contacting our weekly teams for verification.

September 6
Session 1

Explore the Bible:
God Confronts
Isaiah 1:10-20

Bible Studies for Life:
Place God First
Exodus 20:1-6
Sunday School lessons will be available in a “Take Home” packet that you can get at our church service.

Lessons are also still available online at LIFEWAY for those not attending worship.
We are adding to our
Audio/Visual Team!

If you would be interested in training to become a part of our team please contact Bro. Brad at 731-695-8298.

Tuesdays from 7:45 - 9:00 pm
at the Mason Home
(Includes 2020 Graduates)
5:00 pm Hang time
(Snack Bar Open)
6:00 pm Worship


No matter how big or small your purchase from Claiborne Hill, your receipt can help us raise funds. This will be a year round fundraiser so remember to save your receipts. Special drop box located in Sanctuary lobby or church office.
A copy of the monthly Financial Report for AUGUST will be available in the church office upon request.
1.) Men's Ministry Meeting:
Held at LCC on Tuesday, Sept. 1 at 6:30 pm. Dr. Kenny Digby, Director of Christian Action Commission, will be our guest. A meal will be served.

2.) Workers Needed for Mowing & Weed Eating the Following Dates; October 2-3, 16-17, 30-31. Gas provided or refueled.
Please call 601-798-2372 to participate.
Take some time to
come together in prayer
Daily at 3:00 pm

1)     Pray for our President and other
leaders in the U.S. and around the
world that the LORD will give them
the wisdom to deal with this crisis
2)     Pray that the virus can be quickly
limited and contained
3)     Pray that human life will be spared
4)     Pray that the Lord will use this
crisis to soften hearts to the gospel
5) Pray that this will help spark a
spiritual revival
Dan Young
Senior Pastor
Brad Replogle
Assoc. Pastor / Music
Austin Mason
Youth / Education Pastor
Ceasar Argueta
Spanish Pastor
Jennifer Drennan
Financial Secretary
Nadia Young
Education Secretary