June 20, 2023
From the Pastor
What a great day of worship we had this past Sunday! We had the largest attendance we have had since Easter, with many out-of-town guests visiting with family. Allow me to use this as an occasion to remind us that being a friendly church carries two important responsibilities: 1) Greeting one another – Paul instructed the Thessalonians to greet one another with “a holy kiss.” According to a Grand Canyon University blog, “In New Testament times, a kiss on the cheek was used for greeting and implied friendship and acceptance.  A kiss of greeting between Christians implied that no elite groups existed and that all were equally loved and accepted—not only by God—but by one other.” Whether by ‘holy kiss,’ handshake, pat on the arm, or a good old hug, we should show our love for one another when we gather. 2) Greeting our guests – I wouldn’t recommend trying to give a ‘holy kiss’ to someone you don’t know, but the best way to be friendly to our guests is to speak to them. Doing so acknowledges their presence and communicates that we are glad they have come. When Janice and I visit other churches, we notice those who go out of their way to speak to us and make us feel welcomed. We also notice those who don’t. Be intentional in greeting guests. Soon, it will become an unconscious habit!
Not only did we have a great attendance, but I sensed a sweet spirit among us. Thank you to our Sanctuary Choir and Andrew McKnight for the special music. And, it was such a blessing to include in our Father’s Day service the Parent/Child dedication of James “Jamie” Douglas Lambert, Jr., and Ava Grace Jarrell!
Once again, thank you, church, for allowing me to represent you as a messenger at the 2023 SBC Annual Meeting in New Orleans last week. I also want to thank Lolita Lee, Dawna Gordon, David Renfro (his wife Heidi attended on Tuesday as a ‘guest”), and Anita Kendrick who also served as messengers.
This convention was one of the most encouraging ones I have attended. From the beginning, it was clear that our convention doesn’t shy away from the hard things, as evidenced by early resolution motions such as wisely engaging immigration, proactively engaging artificial intelligence and emerging technologies in a manner that recognizes the sovereignty and power of God, women’s involvement in fulfilling the Great Commission, affirming that only men are Scripturally qualified to serve in the office of bishop/elder/pastor, opposition to “gender transitions,” and others. Even with more than 12,000 messengers in attendance (more than 18,000 including guests), I sensed a sweet spirit and overriding commitment to uphold the authority of Scripture.
For me, the votes on 2 key matters were insightful and encouraging. First of all, Bart Barber was re-elected for a second term as president over Mike Stone. Both are good men, but this election served as a referendum on the SBC’s current direction and commitment to sexual abuse and misconduct reform, or a return to the practices that existed prior to the independent investigation. The landslide re-election of Bart Barber signals that our churches will not tolerate the abuse of women and children in our churches or by our church leaders, and that the reforms that are being implemented are the best way to safeguard potential victims while maintaining church autonomy.
The second matter was the consideration of the appeals of 3 churches that the Executive Committee had deemed as not being in “friendly cooperation” with the SBC. The EC action meant that those churches were no longer considered a part of the SBC and are, therefore, not allowed to send messengers to the annual meeting. Freedom Church in Vero Beach, Fla., was deemed to not to be in friendly cooperation because the church failed to cooperate in resolving concerns regarding a sexual abuse allegation against their pastor. Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Ca., and Fern Creek Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky., were deemed to not be in friendly cooperation with the SBC due to having “a faith and practice that does not closely identify with the Convention’s adopted statement of faith, as demonstrated by the church[es] having a female teaching pastor functioning in the office of pastor.” The appeals of these churches were overwhelmingly defeated by messengers, showing a clear conviction on the authority of Scripture as defined in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 which states, “the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture.”
Please keep the SBC on your prayer list. Next year’s Annual Meeting with be in Indianapolis, Indiana, June 11-12.
Our youth got off to Centrifuge on Monday morning. This year they are attending camp in Clinton, Mississippi. Rhys has reported that the camp is “going great. Kids still have energy and are excited!” Please pray for them, especially for those who have never opened their heart to Jesus.

You Are Loved!
Sunday, June 25

"For the Lord does not see as man sees;
for man looks a the outward appearance,
but the Lord looks at the heart."

~ 1 Samuel 16:7

Join us weekly in memorizing God's word. Dig deeper by purchasing "The Joshua Code" by O.S. Hawkins.
June 25
Session 4

Explore the Bible:
Jeremiah 12:1-13

Bible Studies for Life:
Mordecai and Esther
Esther 2:5-7; 4:8- 17

Tuesday, June 20 @ 11 am
JOY Sunday School Luncheon

Wednesday, June 21 @ 7 pm
Adult Choir Practice

Sunday, June 25
@ 3 pm - Committee on Committee
@ 4 pm - Nominating Committee
@ 5 pm - VBS Volunteers
Mark your Calendars!

We are preparing a celebration on
Sunday, July 2

Sunday School:
9:15 am

One Worship Service in Gym:
10:30 am

Dinner on the Grounds to follow,
Meal provided by Church.

5:30-7:30 pm
June 21 - Swim Party @ Harpers
June 28 - Skate Station

5:30 - 7:00 pm
July 5 - Neon Night in Gym

6:00 - 7:00 pm
July 12 - VBS Family Night
Mark Your Calendars!
July 10 - 14
9:00 am - Noon
4yrs - 6th Grade

Volunteers Needed!
Contact Briana Abercrombie @ 601-347-3728

Kool-Aid & Cookie Donations Needed!
Drop off in Welcome Center Shopping Cart

5:00 pm Hang time
(Snack Bar Open)
6:00 pm Worship

Please continue to be in Prayer
for our Youth and Chaperones while away at camp the week.

MS College in Clinton

Saturday, June 24
Gym Donations

Final Construction Bid: $1,063,725
Donations: $1,024,252

The Gym Committee wants your help in naming our new Gym.
You may use bulletin tear off and place in tithe box or email church with your suggestions.
No matter how big or small your purchase from Claiborne Hill, your receipt can help us raise funds. This will be a year round fundraiser so remember to save your receipts. Special drop box located in Sanctuary lobby or church office.
A copy of the monthly Financial Report for May will be available in the church office upon request.
Phone: 601-798-2372

Praise in the Park:
June 24, 4:00pm at Crosby Commons
First Cornerstone BC invites ALL churches, praise team, choirs, etc. to join them for music and praise. Bring your lawnchair!

Idaho Mission Trip:
August 22-30; Workers needed to remove shingled roof and install metal roof. Contact Bro. Tony Inmon.

Volunteers for Assoc. Grounds Care
Needed for:
June 23-24
July 7-8
August 4-5, 18-19
September 15-16

Mowing and weed eating; Fuel Provided or replaced. Call 601-798-2372 to sign up for dates (Week dates also available).

Worship: Sunday @ 11:00 am
Prayer Meeting: Wednesday @ 6:00 pm

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June 18


General Officer.......2


8:30 AM………131
11 AM..............151


8:30 AM

9:45 AM
Sunday School

11:00 AM
Nursery (Birth-4yrs)


5:00 PM
Youth Hangout (7th-12th)

5:30 PM
Kids Life (1st-6th)

6:00 PM
Adult Prayer Meeting
Nursery (Birth-2yrs)
Mission Friends (Prek-K)
Kids Life (1st-6th Grade)
Student Ministry (7th-12th).
Dan Young
Senior Pastor
Brad Replogle
Assoc. Pastor / Music
Rhys Everspaugh
Youth/Education Minister
Ceasar Argueta
Spanish Pastor
Jennifer Drennan
Financial Secretary
Nadia Young
Education Secretary