St. John's Episcopal Church

Welcome to the E-Notes!

November 15, 2017 

Many Thanks to All Who Participated in the "Fall Freshen Up" around St. John's grounds! The mulch (donated by a parishioner) was laid, and the planting beds were tidied up for winter. It looks wonderful!
Thanksgiving and Christmas Basket Donations & Delivery Help Needed
We are collecting monetary donations to put together 12 Thanksgiving baskets for those in need. Names are given to us by Western Fairfax Christian Ministries. Marie McDermott has graciously agreed to coordinate this outreach project. We will need volunteers to help Marie shop and assemble the baskets on Friday, November 17 and to deliver the baskets after church this Sunday, November 19. Please let Marie know if you can help. Envelopes for donations are on the table in the back of the church.
ATTN:  Men's Group
We discussed having a monthly or quarterly Men's Group meeting at our inaugural kick-off meeting back in March.  However, it ended up being daily with respect to the summer painting project!  Many contributed time, talent, and treasure.  We had a day crew, a night crew, as well as a younger generation, that worked pretty consistently.  It was a very successful project.  It not only saved the parish on the expense side, but it really gave the entrances and the church a fresh upgrade.  St. John's parishioners as well as our Ministry Partners were very appreciative of the efforts by all.  Thank you! 

Let's take stock on where we are and what we may want the Men's Group to do or not do this Fall/Winter.

What:  Men's Group Recap

When:  Saturday, November 18th @ 8:00 a.m.

Where:  IHOP, Centreville

If there is anyone that you think would like the update or the invite; please forward this information to them,

Hope to see you on Saturday!     -Andrew Wade

Interested in Traveling to the Holy Land?
Trip:  January 29 - February 7, 2019
'Footsteps of Jesus' Program through St. George's College
Have you ever thought about visiting the holy sites in Israel?  We have found a cost effective, educational, and affordable way to make it happen! The program we are using is through St. George's College, Jerusalem.  Parishioners from St. John's as well as Emmanuel in Delaplane, VA will be traveling together. If you are interested in going, or just getting more information, please see Andrew Wade. 

Planning Timeline:
November/December 2017 - Information Gathering  
January/February 2018 - Confirmation of Attendees
Spring 2018 - Joint Parish Educational Meeting at St. John's in Centreville
Fall 2018 - Joint Parish Educational Meeting at Emmanuel in Delaplane
December 2018/January 2019 - Joint Parish / Send off Dinner
Trip:  January 29 - February 7, 2019  - 'Footsteps of Jesus' Program through St. George's
Pledge Cards
If you have not already turned in your completed pledge card, please do so as soon as possible. Many thanks to all you have returned their pledge cards. The Finance Committee is actively working on the budget for 2018.
Joint Thanksgiving Eve Service
A Thanksgiving Service with some of our Ministry Partners will be held at St. John's on Wednesday, November 22 at 7:30 PM. Please bring non perishable food items for Western Fairfax Christian Ministries. Any financial donations collected at the service will also go to WFCM. Please join us to give thanks to God for all God's many blessing so richly bestowed upon us.
Please sign up to provide altar flowers, coffee hour snacks, and help with Sunday services
You can sign up online! Just scroll further up this page to the sign up block. Click on "altar flowers" or "coffee hour" or "altar servers" and sign up for the date you want. We really need YOUR help. If you would like to be a lector, crucifer, usher or Lay Eucharistic Minister, please let Carol know. Training is provided.

as LEM, Crucifer, Lector, Usher, Verger, Torch Bearer at a Sunday Service.

click here:
You will receive an automatic reminder a few days in advance. ( If you would like to become an altar server, please see the Rev. Carol Hancock.)

for coffee hour after the Sunday Service in the Breezeway.

 click here: 
You will receive an automatic reminder a few days in advance. Coffee hour is an important part of fellowship - staying connected with each other and welcoming newcomers.

for a Sunday service throughout 2017.

click here:
You may sign up here to donate the flowers to be used on the altar for each of the Sundays in 2017. Click to read additional info before signing up.

For updates on information and events around the diocese, please visit their website at 
We can prepare our hearts and minds
by reading ahead for the Sunday Service lessons 
Sunday, November 19, 2017  
Debora sends Barak into Battle. Judges 4:1-7 
The Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 
The First Reading:  
Judges 4:1-7 
The book of Judges recounts the cycles of human behavior that result from insincere repentance. The Israelites fall out of faithfulness into oppression, and when they realize their sin, repent and a savior is sent. 
The Psalm:  123
The Epistle:  
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
The Thessalonians, and we ourselves, are called to live according to God's perspective of creation rather than the temptation to the sleepiness of the world. 
The Gospel:
Matthew 25:14-30
Jesus tells the parable of the talents, of those whom much has been given, much will be expected. 

FROM 10:50 - 11:50 am 

(Rm. 205) 
During the Service
   Joint Sunday School
  Each week, St. John's children join
 with three of our Ministry Partners: 
Fairfax Chinese Christian Church, 
Wellspring United Church  of Christ
& Grace Baptist Church 
 for Sunday School 10:30  - 11:30 AM .  
We  offer 3 classes:
  PreK: Rm. 205;
 K - 6th grade: R m. 207/208;
 7th - 12th grade: Rm 206
______________________ __________
          to see artworks and text relevant to this Sunday's readings  
Annual Pledge Campaign
We have received 36 completed pledge cards so far for 2018. If you have not yet returned your pledge card, please do so as soon as possible. Extra pledge cards are on the back table in the church.

Every Wednesday evening, we have a service of Holy Eucharist and healing at 6:00 PM. The service is about 30 minutes. It is a perfect alternative for those who cannot come to church on Sunday mornings, as well as a good spiritual boost in the middle of the week. Come join us!
Do something to make a difference in the world today, this week, this year. Don't let the size of the task discourage you.  Do what you can. And remember these words of Jesus: "YOU give them something to eat."

My email address is,
and the office number is 703-803-7500.  
May our ministry together spread God's love to all whom we encounter.

       - Carol
       The Rev. Carol Hancock

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