St. John's Episcopal Church - Centreville, VA

Parish News - September 28, 2022

Masks are now optional during the service

To St. John's Parishioners and Friends -

From the Deacon:

 This morning as I was scrolling through my Facebook page (note I rarely post – mostly keeping up with family news) I came upon a post from an Episcopal Bishop about setting time aside each day for prayer and bible study. He called it prayer hour. Encouraging each of us to set aside 1 hour (or at least a ½ an hour) each day for prayer and bible study. This is so important to nourish our relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Our Book of Common Prayer is full of meaningful prayers that you can pick and choose to meet your spiritual or personal needs each day. Starting on Page 251 are 25 collects or prayers for almost any need including for the sick, the departed, the needy and the church. Starting on page 815-841 are an additional 81 Prayers and Thanksgivings that you can pick from to feed your spiritual needs or to pray for the needs of others. After, praying take time to read and study a few verses from the Bible. Then of course we take what we learn from Bible Study and inspiration from Prayer out into the world to share God’s love and compassion with our neighbors and those in need. 

May you receive and share the Peace of God!

Rev Deacon Steve

       The Courage to Face Oneself        

What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

  It was a crisp autumn’s day in Chicago. The young man walked around the streets of the city and considered committing suicide by drowning himself in Lake Michigan. He was only 32 years old but felt his life was already over. Five years earlier he had lost his four-year-old daughter due to complications from polio and spinal meningitis. He had just gotten fired from his job and future job prospects looked slim to nonexistent. Another baby girl was born that year, but he had no savings to support his wife and new baby.  He tried to ease his pain by indulging in heavy drinking.

  It was during one of these dark days something happened that would change his life forever. Afterwards, he described the incident as a white light that enveloped him. He felt himself elevated above the ground. Then he heard a voice speaking to him that said, “You do not have the right to eliminate yourself. You do not belong to you....apply yourself to converting your experiences to the highest advantage of others”.

  The experience led him to a profound introspection of himself. He decided he would perform "an experiment, to find what a single individual could contribute to changing the world and benefiting all humanity.” His name was Buckminister Fuller. He became an engineer, designer, architect, and a highly regarded influential thinker in the second half of the 20th century. He registered 25 U.S Patents, received over 40 honorary degrees, and was a sought-after university lecturer. He designed the Geodesic Dome, which remains the largest dome design that can be built directly on the ground as a complete building. Geodesic Domes are extremely energy efficient and very resistant to rain, snow, and wind. Some houses built in the shape of Geodesic Domes have even withstood a hurricane!

  The Book of First Kings records how the Prophet Elijah responded to threats by the evil Queen Jezebel by focusing on his fears rather than his trust in God. Elijah was so fearful that not even God’s miracle on Mount Carmel or the angelic delivery of his food and water kept him from running away from his prophetic mission. It was only after he faced up to himself and listened to the still small voice inside that he realized he was not alone. He knew then that God’s promises would never change for him or anyone who seeks His divine guidance.

  As we begin the 2022 Pledge Drive, it may be helpful to look beyond any internal doubts and fears you may have about giving and think about the greater majesty of God’s eternal guarantees. Including where He said,

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Joshua 1:5

By David Weir

*** St. John’s Parish Survey ***

 The Discernment Committee has developed a survey to gauge your thoughts and opinions concerning our next clergy. The survey consists of 14 questions and takes about five minutes to complete. The survey is designed to be taken anonymously. The collected data will be analyzed and summarized. The results of the survey will be presented to the Vestry and Parish Members. 

The survey is closing at 5PM on Oct 2, this Saturday. 

The Discernment Committee members greatly appreciate your participation.


The link to the survey is:

David Weir

Chair, Discernment Committee

St John’s Discernment Committee Notes

An email address dedicated for the St John’s Discernment Committee has been established. You can email any questions or comments on the process of selecting our next clergy to:


David Weir 

Chair, Discernment Committee

We welcomed The Rev. Philene Ware Dunn on April 24 to St. John's, and she is the priest celebrating the Sunday services. She will be here on Sunday mornings only and will work with Deacon Steve on any pastoral concerns.

Bishop's Blend Coffee

After the Service

"Coffee Hour" Is Back!

 Please get a cup of coffee and/or a snack & join St. John's friends. If you would like to sign up to bring coffee hour "snacks" in the coming weeks: NEW LINK:  SUNDAY SNACK SIGN UP

35th Anniversary Celebration Honoring Founding Organizations of Western Fairfax Christian Ministries


Sunday October 2, from 4:30 to 7:30 PM,

at the Chantilly National Golf & Country Club

with appetizers and desserts, presentations and entertainment.  

 If you have questions, please contact

Deacon Steve ( or 703-220-0270,

or Bob Faithful ( or 703-599-7948.

We have all seen the horrors of the war in Ukraine. If you would like to help those in need, Episcopal Relief and Development is working closely with a group that is on the ground in Ukraine. You can make a contribution on their website at Please continue to keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers.

A Prayer for all those involved in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen
(written by Archbishop Justin Welby and Archbishop Stephen Cottrell)
Centreville Immigration Forum and Labor Resource Center
Volunteer & Intern Opportunities
Volunteer in these areas:
  •  Administration / Community Outreach / Database Management Marketing Committee / Personnel Committee / Fundraising
  • Our new volunteer orientations are a great way to meet the staff and hear more about our current volunteer needs.
  •  Please fill out the Intake form by going to the link below, and we will reach out to you shortly with information about the next information session. (Be sure to read our Code of Ethics before filling out the form!)
  •  Join us in action as we make Centreville a model of how day laborers and the community can work together!
Top Items Currently Needed by
The Katharine K. Hanley Family Shelter
Toothpaste / Shampoo / Conditioner / Body Wash /
Bar Soap / Hand Soap / Deodorant
The items may be dropped off at the box in the office.
The Katharine K. Hanley Family Shelter is located nearby and currently house up to 12 families onsite, 12 families in hotel sites and serve over 40 families in their prevention and rapid rehousing programs. Seeking volunteers for: On-call movers , Volunteer Shelter Assistant
If you are interested in these opportunities, please contact Rev. Deacon Steve at who will coordinate with KKHFS Community Coordinator to get you started.

Western Fairfax Christian Ministries updated list of the foods that they need the most. You can bring your non-perishable items to the church on Sunday mornings, or drop them off in the box outside the door by the breezeway during the week and they will be delivered to WFCM.

Most needed items in the food pantry this month, September 2022:

·   Canned Tuna 

·    Canned Mixed Vegetables (low salt preferred) 

·    Refried and Black Beans

·    Peanut Butter

·    Pasta

·    Flavored Pasta (Pasta Helper)

·    Flour

·    Vegetable Oil

·    Tomato Sauce and Tomato Paste

·    Flavored Rice 

·    Family Size Boxed Cereal

·    Ramen soup

·    Mac & Cheese 

·    Ketchup and Mayo (family size not miniature packs)

· Toiletries: Toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste.

Please only donate size 6 or larger size diapers, larger size pull ups size 4T/5T for toddlers, or wipes if you want to donate items for babies.)


They accept food and toiletry donations Monday - Friday 8-10 am at 4511 Daly Drive Suite H (Back Door) and on the second Saturday monthly 9-11 am. 

The Western Fairfax Shepherd Center is still accepting volunteer drivers to support clients who need help getting to appointments, shopping trips (for food), and to deliver food from WFCM to clients. Please contact the Shepherd Center at 703-246-5920 or email and copy Deacon Steve at

The services continue to be live streamed at 9:30 AM on Sunday morning, and they can be watched later as well. On Saturday, we will resend the link, along with a link for the bulletin and the lectionary class.


SIGN UPS - Volunteers Support our Sunday Service

  • Lectors read the lessons, ushers greet and help with the service
  • Lay Eucharistic Visitors help visit our sick and shut-ins who would like communion at their home (see Deacon Steve for this),
  • Altar Guild members help prepare for our worship service (see Marcia Evans or another A.G. member)

Sunday service reader or usher We welcome and value your help! The lector reads the 2 lessons and the psalm. The usher hands out bulletins and brings the elements and offering to the altar.


Altar Flowers

When you sign up, please indicate how you wish your flower donation to appear in the Sunday bulletin.


The Adult Lectionary Forum - IN PERSON & ON ZOOM

is held after the Sunday service. All are invited to join in, following the Sunday service, in the library. Or use the link to the Lectionary Forum via Zoom, in case you cannot attend in person. Here is the current login link, which runs through December:

We can prepare our hearts & minds by reading ahead

for the Sunday Service lesson.

The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

October 2, 2022

The First Reading - Lamentations 1: 1-6

When the temple is destroyed in Jerusalem, the people lose hope. The city, symbolizing God’s favor and presence, is desolate.


(The Psalm): Lamentations 3: 19-26

The thought of my affliction and my homelessness

   is wormwood and gall!

My soul continually thinks of it

   and is bowed down within me.

But this I call to mind,

   and therefore I have hope:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,

   his mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;

   great is your faithfulness.

‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul,

   ‘therefore I will hope in him.’

The Lord is good to those who wait for him,

   to the soul that seeks him.

It is good that one should wait quietly

   for the salvation of the Lord.

The Second Reading: 2 Timothy 1:1-14

Paul encourages his brother in faith, Timothy, in their mutual ministry of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, acknowledging both the difficulties and the joys of this call.

The Gospel: Luke 17:5-10

The duty of Christian disciples is to practice faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ. Our call is to cultivate and hone our faith through our daily lives.

Online Contributions
 to St. John's
St. John's now offers three buttons for online donations via You may use the buttons below to go directly to, or you may download the app on your phone or tablet.
The Pledge payment button may be used only to make your pledge payment (after signing up to be a pledger, which may be done at any time in the year. See Carol or Vestry)
The Facility Campaign button may be used only for any contribution for the facility's buildings and grounds, or special facility campaigns.
The Donation button may be used for any other type of donation to St. John's. To designate a special purpose (i.e. Organ Fund, Ministry Partner payments, etc.) please send a note to
PLEDGE payment
FACILITY campaign

Bishop-Elect E. Mark Stevenson to Call Canon to the Ordinary

Bishop-Elect E. Mark Stevenson has announced his intention to call the Reverend Deacon d’Rue Hazel to be Canon to the Ordinary following his consecration as Bishop in December. Hazel currently serves as Archdeacon for the Diocese of Upper South Carolina. Among her many duties, she oversees clergy continuing education, training, conferences, and transition ministry.

Archdeacon Hazel will begin her new ministry in the Diocese of Virginia in January 2023. In her role as Canon to the Ordinary, she will support congregational development, work with congregations in conflict, oversee the work of congregational consultants, manage the Title IV process, and work with diocesan teams to identify and embrace new opportunities for the Church.

“I have known d’Rue for more than fifteen years,” said Bishop-Elect Stevenson, “and she is one of the most talented, good-humored, straight-forward, well-read, lovers of Jesus that I have ever come across. Her diaconal focus - to inspire and support the people of God in their vocational calling - has enriched the ministry of the episcopate in the Diocese of Upper South Carolina and across the whole of the Church.”

Since 2003, Archdeacon Hazel has served in a variety of roles in the Diocese of Upper South Carolina, including Dean of the Diocesan School for Ministry (2003-2005), Director of Ministry Development (2005-2010), and Canon for Vision and Ministry Development (2010-2021). Prior to that, she served as a lay professional at St. Mary’s Church, Columbia, SC.

Archdeacon Hazel holds a certificate in Education for Ministry from the University of the South and has completed graduate courses at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. She obtained her Bachelor of Science degree from Winthrop University in Rock Hill, S.C. 

“While engaging in discernment with Bishop-Elect Stevenson,” said Archdeacon Hazel, “the potential of serving in a diocese that embraces the ministries of reconciliation, evangelism, and stewardship affirmed this call. I am personally excited to work in a place that has such a strong sense of history and mission and that has provided, over many years, the love of Jesus to its people and a prophetic vision to the church at large. It is with profound gratitude that I accept his invitation to serve with the people of God in the Diocese of Virginia.” 

Archdeacon Hazel will succeed the Rev. Canon Abbott Bailey who has served as Interim Canon to the Ordinary since 2021. Canon Bailey will continue to serve through the first quarter of 2023 to assist with the transition.

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