St. John's Episcopal Church - Centreville, VA

Parish News - December 14, 2022

To St. John's Parishioners and Friends -

From the Deacon:

This past Sunday I participated in a beautiful service and celebration of a special event honoring the Virgin Mary at San Gabriel’s Episcopal Church in Centreville called “MISA GUADALUPANA”. Please take a minute to view some of the wonderful music, dance, and costumes used in the Celebration of the appearance of the Virgin Mary to a poor old man. (Fast forward to 1 hour and 44 minutes to see the colorful procession).

Misa Guadalupana | By St Gabriel's - San Gabriel Episcopal Church | Facebook  During the prayers of the people, I was struck by these words of prayer from a largely immigrant church community “Help us to love one another as you love us, so that we may serve Christ in all people. We commend to you the immigrant and refugee community, and for those whom we find difficult to love” followed by” “We ask you, Virgin of Guadalupe, to help us overcome our prejudices, discrimination, and hatred so that we may find peace as one body in Christ”. Then later in An Immigrant’s Eucharistic Prayer; “We took away what had been yours and fenced it in with barbed wire, we turned against one another and from the paradise you entrusted us, we created an infernal world of pain and misery. Millions of your children looked for hope in other lands.” And then “you sent us your very Son, Jesus, who emigrated from Heaven to Earth to live among us.” We are invited to participate in what God is doing through serving others. Let us remember we are all God’s children and must love one another as God loves us and be welcoming beacons of light to all people. This could make us closer to Heaven on Earth as we approach the celebration of the birth of the savior of all, Jesus next Sunday.


 Rev Deacon Steve

Annual GREENING OF THE CHURCH – Saturday, December 17, from 9 AM - 11 AM, we will have the greening of the Historic Church from top to bottom, so come help decorate the church for Christmas!




Usher and Crucifer still needed for both Christmas Eve Services. If you are available for either one, please sign up below.

Choir Members Participating in the Bishop's Consecration Dec. 3rd:

David & Penny Parker, Susie & Larry Pike

(Other participants included Walt Cooner, banner bearer, and the Rev. Steve Busch processed with the clergy. Attendees included Sara Cooner as well as our former rector, The Rev. Carol Hancock; and those who participated from home via livestream.)

Bell Dedication Held

On Friday, December 2, St. John's once again had a handsome bell in place on the "walk of the saints." Our last bell had done duty on a ship before coming to St. John's. This new bell basked in the sunshine under a clear blue sky, and all was calm and peaceful. May it ever be so.

And on Sunday, December 4, the new bell was dedicated to "the memory of Helen Rusnak", with many of her family members present.

The Fire - Wood Fundraiser for Outreach

has started ! Bigger Bundles this year! The Woodchucks have been out chopping, and there is a lot of wood in store! $10 for a large bundle, $25 for 3 large bundles! Right outside the front door. Envelopes available - please drop envelopes with $$ or checks in our mailbox adjacent to the wood.

How to help Ukrainians If you would like to help those in need, Episcopal Relief and Development is working closely with a group that is on the ground in Ukraine. You can make a contribution: at 

A Prayer for all those involved in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen

(written by Archbishop Justin Welby and Archbishop Stephen Cottrell)


Centreville Immigration Forum & Labor Resource Center

Volunteer & Intern Opportunities

The Katharine K. Hanley Family Shelter

Toothpaste / Shampoo / Conditioner / Body Wash /

Bar Soap / Hand Soap / Deodorant

The items may be dropped off at the box in the office.

The Katharine K. Hanley Family Shelter is nearby and  houses up to 12 families onsite, 12 families in hotel sites and serve over 40 families in their prevention and rapid rehousing programs. Seeking volunteers for: On-call movers , Volunteer Shelter Assistant

Please contact Rev. Deacon Steve at who will coordinate with KKHFS Community Coordinator to get you started.

* volunteer SIGN UPS *

  • Lectors read the lessons, ushers greet and help with the service
  • Lay Eucharistic Visitors help visit our sick and shut-ins who would like communion at their home (see Deacon Steve for this),
  • Altar Guild members help prepare for our worship service (see Marcia Evans or another A.G. member)


 We welcome and value your help! The lector reads the 2 lessons and the psalm. The usher hands out bulletins and brings the elements and offering to the altar.


Bishop's Blend Coffee


If you would like to sign up to bring coffee hour "snacks" in the coming weeks click SUNDAY SNACK SIGN UP


When you sign up, please indicate how you wish your flower donation to appear in the Sunday bulletin.



IN PERSON & ON ZOOM All are invited to join in, following the Sunday service, in the library. Or use the link to the Lectionary Forum via Zoom, in case you cannot attend in person. Here is the current login link, which runs through December:

St. John's You Tube Link to view the Sunday Services

The services continue to be live streamed at 9:30 AM on Sunday morning, and they can be watched later as well. On Saturday, we will resend the link, along with a link for the bulletin and the lectionary class.

We can prepare our hearts & minds by reading ahead for the Sunday Service lesson.

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

December 18, 2022

The First Reading: Isaiah 7:10-16

 As Isaiah provides a sign of hope to King Ahaz, he proclaims the coming of Jesus Christ.


The Psalm: 80:1-7, 16-18, p. 702, BCP

The Second Reading: Romans 1:1-7

 Paul introduces himself and the letter to the Romans by focusing on Jesus and his heritage — the root and foundation for every Christian life.


The Gospel: Matthew 1:18-25

 The unusual conditions of Jesus’ origin and birth are described, Joseph obeys the call given him in a dream.


We welcomed The Rev. Philene Ware Dunn on April 24 to St. John's, and she is the priest celebrating the Sunday services. She is here on Sunday mornings only and will work with Deacon Steve on any pastoral concerns.

Masks are optional during the service

Online Contributions
 to St. John's
St. John's now offers three buttons for online donations via You may use the buttons below to go directly to, or you may download the app on your phone or tablet.
The Pledge payment button may be used only to make your pledge payment (after signing up to be a pledger, which may be done at any time in the year. See Carol or Vestry)
The Facility Campaign button may be used only for any contribution for the facility's buildings and grounds, or special facility campaigns.
The Donation button may be used for any other type of donation to St. John's. To designate a special purpose (i.e. Organ Fund, Ministry Partner payments, etc.) please send a note to
PLEDGE payment
FACILITY campaign

Bishop Stevenson Announces the Appointment of the Rt. Rev’d Gayle Elizabeth Harris as Assistant Bishop

The Rt. Rev’d E. Mark Stevenson, Bishop of the Diocese of Virginia, announced today the appointment of the Rt. Rev’d Gayle Elizabeth Harris as Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Virginia. Bishop Harris is currently Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of Massachusetts.

Bishop Harris will play a lead role in broadening and deepening the Diocese’s formation ministries for both clergy and lay leaders. She will also share in the full range of episcopal duties, including support of clergy, congregational development, and visitations to churches, schools, colleges, and retirement communities.

HERE IS THE LINK to the Diocesan Website's recording of the Consecration of the 14th Bishop of Virginia on Dec. 3.

The Rev. Canon Mark Stevenson

14th Bishop Diocesan of the Diocese of Virginia, Consecrated December 3

Over the course of Stevenson’s ordained ministry, he has served as Director of Episcopal Migration Ministries, Domestic Poverty Missioner for The Episcopal Church, and Canon to the Ordinary in the Diocese of Louisiana, and was the Rector in two parishes. Bishop Stevenson succeeds the Rt. Rev. Shannon Johnston who retired in 2017. Suffragan Bishop Susan Goff served as Ecclesiastical Authority in the interim years. As Bishop of the Diocese of Virginia, Stevenson is the pastoral leader of 177 congregations, with more than 65,000 baptized members.

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