Welcome to St. Bede's E-News! 

We hope that this weekly offering will keep you up-to-date
on the latest information from the parish
and from around the Diocese of Atlanta and wider Church. 

Our e-newsletters are now being archived on our website. 
You can go to www.stbedes.org and look under the Connect With Us tab
at the top of the home page to find past newsletters.

St. Bede's Announcements

Online Worship
for Sunday, April 18, 2021
The Third Sunday of Easter


10 am - Morning Worship (in English) on Zoom
Join us for Morning Worship on Zoom 
also live streamed 

1 pm - Worship (in Spanish) on Facebook

Join us for Sunday Worship in Spanish 

Querida Comunidad de San Beda, Unase a nosotros a orar. 
Nuestro servicio en español es los domingos 
a la 1 p.m. a través de Facebook live. 

8 pm - Compline (in English) on Zoom
End your Sunday by joining others from St.Bede's 
in the quiet evening prayer form known as Compline.
We usually take a few moments at the end to catch up as well.

Information about how to join 
all of our Sunday offerings on Zoom
will be sent out in a separate email 
and will be posted to the St. Bede's website 
by Saturday afternoon.
There is always a call-in (from a regular telephone) option for 
all worship, fellowship, and meeting opportunities 
that are offered on Zoom.

Photos by Jan Swoope

All-Ages Formation

During the season of Easter we will again be joining other Episcopalians around the world learning together --at home!-- with "Faith at Home" https://www.dofaithathome.org/.

Each Sunday, find a new resource, based on the week's lectionary readings, for yourself or yourhousehold. There are special sections for small children, elementary age, middle and high school, and adults. These short reflections are perfect for talking about at mealtime or bedtime. 

If you would like to make an Easter Gift to St. Bede's
you may do so here through Realm Giving
(debit or credit card or ACH transfer from your bank account)
or by mailing a gift to St. Bede's.

Education for Ministry Graduates

Jim Handsfield
Mary Martha Riviere (her 3rd time to graduate from our group!!)
Kenneth Riviere (his 3rd time to graduate from our group!!)

Lynnsay Buehler
Jo Marie Lyons

Sacred Ground Circle Graduates

Junior Abraham
Pat Callaway
Connie Coralli
Nina Daniel
Claudia Fedarko
Laura Martin
Anita Montelione
Ben Padgett
David Padgett
Kim Padgett

Muriel Diguette
Molly Graves
Miriam Needha
Tommie Thompson

Healing Our Racism
Book Discussion Group

Meeting Time:
4th Monday of each month at 2:00 pm 

Monday, April 26th at 2:00 pm
Please join Muriel Diguette and other members/friends of St. Bede's to discuss current books pertaining to the issues of racism and white privilege.
We will meet the 4th Monday of each month at 2:00 pm.

For our March meeting on April 26th we will be reading The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander.

Once in a great while a book comes along that changes the way we see the world and helps to fuel a nationwide social movement. The New Jim Crow is such a book. Praised by Harvard Law professor Lani Guinier as "brave and bold," this book directly challenges the notion that the election of Barack Obama signals a new era of colorblindness. With dazzling candor, legal scholar Michelle Alexander argues that "we have not ended racial caste in America; we have merely redesigned it." By targeting black men through the War on Drugs and decimating communities of color, the U.S. criminal justice system functions as a contemporary system of racial control—relegating millions to a permanent second-class status—even as it formally adheres to the principle of colorblindness. In the words of Benjamin Todd Jealous, president and CEO of the NAACP, this book is a "call to action."

If you want to go ahead and order books for future discussions:
May 24: The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein
June 28: Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man by Emmanuel Acho 
July 26: The Devil You Know by Charles Blow
August 23: Native Son by Richard Wright
September 27: The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee

Mostly Mysteries Book Group
Meeting Time:
4th Monday of each month at 7:00 pm 

The Mostly Mysteries Book Group is continuing to meet on Zoom. If you would like to take part, please contact Connie Coralli and she will send you the link.

For our April 26th meeting at 7:00pm we will be reading  Kitchens of the Great Midwest by J. Ryan Stadal.

Each chapter in J. Ryan Stradal’s startlingly original debut tells the story of a single dish and character, at once capturing the zeitgeist of the Midwest, the rise of foodie culture, and delving into the ways food creates community and a sense of identity. By turns quirky, hilarious, and vividly sensory, Kitchens of the Great Midwest is an unexpected mother-daughter story about the bittersweet nature of life—its missed opportunities and its joyful surprises. It marks the entry of a brilliant new talent.

If you are interested in receiving the Zoom link, please email Connie Coralli

St. Bede's Prayer List

Prayers have been requested for:

Claire and Steve Kappy, friends of the Helms
Deena Holcomb, granddaughter of Sarah Jane Ohl
Bill Edgar, father of Beth Cannon
Sarra David
Pat Raybourne, sister of Fran Snider
Jessica and Abbey, friends of Larry Bing
Katherine Allen (Townes) Cunningham, sister of Rob Townes
Jen Fenner, friend of Larry Bing
Rosalene Larson, mother in law of Michael Daniel
Bryce Cannon
The Cannon Family
Aree Bancroft
Laura Ribas
Jane Wiggins
Hilda Bell
Willie Diaz
Tim Waring
Peggy Allen, mother of Lisa Main
Ray Lampros
Gwen Cordner
Arlene Means, sister of Larry Bing
Maggie Williams
Mary Rodriguez
Hollis Pickett
Margie Klein, mother of Jody Klein
Anita Maloof
Lynn Edgar, mother of Beth Cannon
Nancy Waring
John Branan
Kerry Penney
Patrick Newberry, stepson of Gretchen Berggren
Andy Matia, friend of Ann Foote
Brooke & Taylor Harty, granddaughters of Nancy Waring
Jim Ohl
Frances Bowen
Max Carpenter, grandson of Sarra David
Judy Penney, sister-in-law of Kerry Penney
Sydney Lund
Ann Foote
Helen Abraham
Cameron Maddox

For those who have died:

Haley Bird, friend of Sam Cannon and the Cannon family
Rogelio Fitten, brother of Nora’s friend Mellie

We rejoice with the newly baptized:

Ximena Aileen Navarrete
Hailey Abigail Navarrete

We give thanks for those celebrating birthdays this week: 
4/18: Katelyn Vaquero
4/19: Nancy Bruce
4/19: Chloe Sellers
4/20: Cristian Rodriguez-Calvillo
4/21: Brian Pettitt-Schieber
4/22: Nora Cruz-Diaz
4/23: Terry Cannon
4/23: Betzaida Juarex Morgado

Vestry Establishes 
Community Emergency Assistance Fund

In addition to all of the wonderful ways that the Community Engagement Team is leading us in supporting community ministry partners (locally, churchwide, and globally) during this critical time, the Vestry has established a Community Emergency Assistance Fund to help people within the greater St. Bede's community with food assistance during the current public health crisis. This fund will be administered confidentially by the clergy in a similar way as their normal discretionary funds, but will be used exclusively to help with food assistance during this crisis. 

If you would like to contribute to this fund you may do so through Realm Giving and selecting "Community Emergency Assistance Fund" from the "Fund" drop-down menu. You may also mail a gift to St. Bede's designated for "Community Emergency Assistance Fund".

UPDATE of April 8, 2021: We have collected around $10,000 and distributed over $6,000 in assistance though food and utility support for individuals and families so far during the current public health crisis. The current balance of the fund stands at around $4,200 and new needs continue to present themselves. A dedicated group of members work with Fabio to help identify need and deliver food. Thank you to all who have contributed!

If you have questions about this offering to the greater St. Bede's community or if you are in need of food assistance or know someone who is, please contact either the Rev'd Caroline Magee or the Rev'd Fabio Sotelo.

Your Amazon purchases can support St. Bede's 
through Amazon Smile
If you shop on Amazon, consider accessing Amazon through 
and designating St. Bede's as your charitable beneficiary.

To find St. Bede's in the beneficiary list,
you must search for "St Bedes Episcopal Church" 
(without the apostrophe) 
and choose the one located in Atlanta.

From around the Diocese
and the wider Church...

Support the Cathedral Book Store.

Ministry Partners
Such a huge name change after all these years and it sounds like we are leveling the playing field.  What are your thoughts? We need to thank Tim Pridgen Advent Church, Adelia Bovell-Benjamin St Michael and All Angels and Florence Wakoko St Thomas as they volunteered for Global Mission Commission and approved by Bishop Robert Wright to serve the Diocese. Thank you
Our Atlanta Diocese contributed $245,817 for 2020 year and we can be very proud of that. Those are individual and church contributions to ER-D to help in disasters, food, water and medicines both here and in 40 countries with strong Anglican roots. As you may know this ministry is 80 years old with its beginnings back in WWII. 
Presiding Bishop Curry loves ER-D and he had agreed to serve on the Board but then was elected Bishop so was not able. I am a member of Church of the Annunciation in Marietta and our rector Paul McCabe was able to get grant from ER-D for $15000 to help the needy with food and shelter in Cobb and Cherokee. The New York office does use the money for good causes and feeds some back to local churches. You could check with your church leadership to see if you can do something along these lines.
Janet Livingston - Diocesan ER-D Coordinator 

Several St. Bede's regulars subscribe to-and like! - these e-publications. To stay up to date on activities throughout the Diocese of Atlanta, sign up for the e-newsletter, Connecting.

You can also sign up to receive For Faith, which is a weekly devotional podcast from Bishop Rob Wright sent by email on Fridays. To sign up for either or both,  click here

Quick Links

To schedule events, please contact our 
Muriel Diguette

For the weekly lectionary readings visit: