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Announcing the Most Spiritually Literate Films of 2022

Greetings, Friends. Today we are delighted to announce our choices for the Most Spiritually Literate Films of 2022. Although some of these titles have been nominated for Oscars (to be announced Sunday night, March 12), you'll find many other films on our list. We've chosen 20 features, 10 international films, and 10 documentaries.

When we call a film "spiritually literate" we mean that it is a good illustration of one of the practices in the Alphabet of Spiritual Literacy. In the sidebar coding on our review, you'll see what we have identified as its strengths. To see our list, click on the blue button above. To read how we classify films using the Alphabet, see our article on "Spirituality & Film." Happy viewing!

Salaam, Shalom, Shanti, Peace,

The S&P Team

A Birthday Party with Douglas Wood and Old Turtle

A benefit on S&P’s birthday for our Redesign Fund on March 21

Douglas Wood is a renaissance man. Not only does he write books for children and adults, he is an artist, musician, naturalist, and wilderness guide. What remains constant, no matter what his form of expression, is his voice — a voice that resonates with heart.

His bestselling classic, Old Turtle, is one of our favorite children's book. So we were happy to discover that Douglas often does school and community programs where he reads Old Turtle, plays the 12-string guitar and mandolin, and sings. He even has a special "Happy Birthday" song. He will be singing that song during a special benefit on S&P's birthday March 21. Old Turtle will also attend!

We are grateful that Douglas has graciously offered to help us raise money for the fund to redesign this year. Please come to the party and view the recording afterwards. We are planning the time together so that you can easily share it for other birthdays and special occasions.

Get your tickets here!


There are times in our lives when we feel stuck: stuck in our work, relationships, habits, and cravings. We've identified spiritual resources that offer perspectives and practices for moving on. A character in a film gets unstuck by accepting a mission, falling in love, and taking a risk.

Resources That Speak to Your Condition . . .

Short & Sweet Spirituality

Within all the spiritual traditions, short and sweet wisdom abounds: from mantras and blessings to 12-step slogans and proverbs, to music lyrics and movie lines, to quotations from spiritual teachers. Check out our posts in this blog. Each has a meme and seven seeds of spiritual wisdom.

Read the Blog . . .

Discover More!

  • Emily. An imaginative film about what Emily Bronte life’s might have been like to enable her to write Wuthering Heights.
  • Healing Conflict with Lectio Divina. Instructions for a contemplative and open-hearted reading of a text provided by someone with whom you are in conflict.
  • Happy 100th Birthday, Father Thomas of Blessed Memory. Peruse our profile of the co-founder of the Centering Prayer movement and master teacher of contemplative devotional practices.
  • I Am Not Afraid. Children's book author Sandy Sasso offers a gentle, contemporary retelling of the 23rd Psalm.
  • Connections. A program plan for individuals and small groups on the spiritual practice of connections.
  • Quotes on Diversity. Words of wisdom about our crucial need to deal with matters of identity and difference.
  • Free Updates. Help us spread the word about what's happening at Spirituality & Practice. On this page, you and your friends and colleagues can sign up for this E-newsletter, our E-Course Announcements list, Updates from the Practicing Democracy Project, and our daily free emails with the Spiritual Practice of the Day.

Resources for Your Spiritual Journey to Carry You Forward

A Proverb to Ponder

Be humble, for you are made of the earth.

Be noble, for you are made of stars.

Serbian Proverb

A Quotation to Inspire

There are days when you don't have a song in your heart. Sing anyway.

Emory Austin

A Blessing from Us to You

God bless the path on which you go

God bless the earth beneath your feet

God bless your destination.

God be a smooth way before you

A guiding star above you

A keen eye behind you

This day, this night, and forever.

from Celtic Blessings compiled by Ray Simpson

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