September 27, 2019
Welcome to St. Bede's E-News!

We hope that this weekly offering will keep you up-to-date on the latest information from the parish and from around the diocese

Our e-newsletters are now being achieved on our website. You can go to www.stbedes.org and look under the Connect With Us tab at the top of the home page to find past newsletters.
St. Bede's Announcements

Sunday Worship Schedule 

Our Sunday worship schedule:
     8:15 am - Holy Eucharist
     9:30 am - Christian Formation for All Ages
   10:45 am - Holy Eucharist
     5:00 pm - Santa Eucaristía

A reminder:
you can click the link to St. Bede's Calendar in the column on the right any time you want to check for events in the parish. 

 Adult Christian Formation

All classes meet at 9:30 am in room M-110 unless otherwise noted.

9/29 & 10/6:
We are excited to host Dr. Kyle Lambelet, currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Emory University's Candler School of Theology who specializes in teaching on religion and the ethics of nonviolence, organizing and social change. He recently completed his Ph.D. at the University of Notre Dame in the joint program of the Department of Theology and Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. Dr. Lambelet will be leading us in the below discussion:
Conflict as Communion
Conflict is a dirty word. In our homes, in our church, and in our society we often associate conflict with sin, brokenness, and failure. What does conflict have to do with communion? In this three-week adult education series Dr. Kyle Lambelet, a faculty member at Emory's Candler School of Theology, will explore how we understand conflict theologically: not merely as sin or evidence of our finitude, but as the foundation of communion. Beginning with a Trinitarian account of unity in difference, what theologians call perichoresis, we will explore the goodness of conflict theologically and scripturally as well as build skills for engaging conflict in healthy ways.


Welcome to our new way of connecting with each other  at St. Bede's

Please  watch the short video below as an introduction to the Realm way of connecting with one another in our parish.

We will have a different video displayed here for you to watch for the next few weeks.

There will be a meeting on Sunday, October 6 at Noon in Room-110 to get you started on Realm. Listen for an announcement at both services on Sunday about the October 6 meeting.
Realm Resources - Core
Realm Resources - Core

Youth Group News

On Sunday, September 29 the Youth Group will meet from Noon - 4.They will venture to the Atlanta 2019 Greek Festival at the Atlanta Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Annunciation.  Bring $5 for a ticket and $ for lunch as we go and celebrate the music, food, history, art and enjoy the philoxenia of our Greek neighbors.  

St. Bede's Photographed by the Diocese 
on Sunday, October 6 at 10:45am

On Sunday, October 6, we will have a photographer from the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta taking photos both inside and outside, with a focus on capturing dynamic and emotionally resonant candid photos of our community engaged in worship.

We have an opt-out form that parishioners may complete if they don't want their photo distributed. These forms will be available on the table in the Commons on the day of the photo shoot. We also have some in the office if you wish to go ahead and fill one out.

Communications Ministry Seeking Videographer

The Communications Ministry is looking for a videographer and a video editor to help with a small project being considered.  If you have these skills, please contact Will Mizell at willmizell@wa fflehouse.com .  

Be Kind & Do Good with A Bede Bag

There are plenty of Bede Bags in the Connect Center.

What to do with Bede Bags?
Pick up a bag and give it to someone in need.

Keep one in your car. Carry one with you. Be prepared to offer one to a person in need.

Making a difference one bag at a time.

~ Brought to you by St. Bede's Youth Group

Community Engagement Committee Hosting Simple Lunch on October 20

Save the date! The Community Engagement Committee will be hosting a lunch following the 10:45am Holy Eucharist on Sunday, October 20th. Join with fellow parishoners for a simple meal of soups and breads where we will learn more about how we as individuals and as a community can make a positive impact on food security. Please sign up in the Connect Center if you are willing to make soup/bread to bring, and sign up if you are planning to attend.

Save The Date!


St Bede's Food Festival - September 28, 11am-2pm

Parishioners of St. Bede's will be serving all kinds of food from America and Latino countries: hot dogs, hamburgers, tacos, burros, tamales, tostadas, cakes and more. Please stop by to lunch with us or buy and take it home with you. Friends, neighbors, and all are welcome. Funds will support our Parish ministries.

Come One, Come All!   Atlanta Pride Parade! 
Sunday, October 13

The youth group of St. Bede's would like to invite any and all members of the parish to walk with them and parishes from all over the Diocese in this year's Atlanta Pride Parade on Sun, October 13. The parade is from 12-2pm. We will celebrate Eucharist at the 8:15 service, go to Sunday School, grab something to eat, and head out to the Chamblee Marta station. From there we will travel to downtown and march, returning to the church by 3:30. All ages are invited! Any questions, please don't hesitate to email Beth Cannon at   tbcannon@bellsouth.net     Please join us!

Join with others from St. Bede's to visit detainees at the
Stewart Immigration Detention Center 
Saturday, November 9
St. Bede's congregation has the opportunity to visit detainees at the   Stewart Immigration Detention Center in Lumpkin, Georgia on Saturday, November 9. We hope to visit about once a quarter, and this is the last trip for this year. If you are interested  please sign up on the sheet in the commons or email Junior Abraham by October 21
We will leave St. Bede's at about 7:00am and return in the afternoon. Orientation is required for first time visitors and will be provided at St. Bede's. English, Spanish, and French languages are spoken, as well as others. Visits are a maximum of one hour. This has been a blessing for those who have visited and we hope you will consider joining us.

Mission Trip to Honduras, November 9-16

Kay and John Entrekin went on a mission trip to Honduras last year through Honduras Outreach International located here in Tucker. We are going back this year from November 9-16 and there are currently seven people signed up for the trip. They would love to have at least ten people go. If there is anyone who would be interested in joining us or just knowing more about the trip please contact us at  jentre23@bellsouth.net , call at 678-677-1350, or catch us at church. There are scholarships available if finances are a concern.

NET Food Pantry Jelly
The jelly supply and demand has balanced out, so we're back in the business of collecting jelly donations. There is a jelly basket in the Connection Center for your jars. Or you may write a check to St. Bede's and designate it for NET jelly. Lewis and Sally Cook faithfully deliver your contributions or purchase jelly as needed. Thanks to all for your generosity.

Mostly Mysteries Book Club

In October, we will read the book Bruno, Chief of Police by Martin Walker.  The first installment in the delightful, internationallyacclaimed series featuring Chief of Police Bruno.   "[A] wonderfully crafted novel as satisfying as a French pastry but with none of the guilt or calories." 

Welcome to St. Bede's Episcopal Church

Welcome! We're delighted to have you here. You are invited to visit our Commons Area for coffee and conversation after the 10:00 service. There you will find parish life materials to the right as you exit from the church.
Here are some other ways to get better acquainted with St. Bede's.
  • Visit stbedes.org and sign up for the church's weekly email and learn more about the active life of St. Bede's.   Also visit St. Bede's Facebook page, another way to check out the activities.
  • Fill out a visitor information form located on the Visitor's table located in the commons area. Let us know more about you so we can be in touch.
  • Contact the church office, 770-939-9797, to be placed on the mailing list or learn more about the life of St. Bede's.
The Invite Welcome Connect Committee has dinners for our newcomers with some of our "seasoned" parishioners. These dinners help you connect with the activities and life of St. Bede's. If you are a newcomer watch for an invitation to an "Invite Welcome Connect" dinner.

Pledge Campaign
Thank you to all who have so generously responded by returning your a Chorus of Gratitude pledge card. If you haven't as yet returned your completed pledge card, we ask that you do so as soon as possible. Additional pledge cards are available in the Commons.

Sunday, September 29

Vestry of the Week
Lisa Main, John Branan 

Emma Brantley, Clara Branch, Cullen Branch

Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors
 8:15 am     - Carol Kemker
10:45 am  - Melissa Biegler, Lisa Main, Claude Oakley

 8:15 am    -  Orisha Parsons
10:45 am  -  Will Mizell, Sam Lenaeus, Jimmy Tate, Issa Ackall

Altar Guild
Julie Mizell, Ron Aylor, Connie Aylor

Flower Guild
Lois Shingler, Fran Snider

Pat Pickett, Anita Maloof

Bede Counters
Fran Snider, Loretta Vail, Nancy Bruce

Bread Guild
Carmen Camino

In Our Prayers
Laura Mobley, friend of Leslie Joiner
Kimberly Flannary, friend of Nancy Waring
Arthur Guevara , friend of Sarah Jane Ohl
Vicki Feener, friend of Junior Abraham
Cyn Foster, sister-in-law of Toni Graney
Johnny Rowland, friend of Toni Graney
Dee Parks, friend of Larry Bing  
Anita Maloof
John Branan
Nora Cruz-Diaz
Kerry Penney
Patrick Newberry, son of David Newberry, 
            stepson of Gretchen Berggren
Connie Aylor
Tony Sellers, husband of Laura Sellers  
Alice Brown, mother of Robin Brown-Haithco  
Mark Ahlfinger, son of Jean Ahlfinger 
Carolyn Branan, mother of John Branan
Andy Matia and Darryl Schwartz, friends of Ann Foote
Taylor Harty, granddaughter of Nancy Waring
Jim Ohl
Bill Stegall , friend of Jan & Jeff Swoope
Frances Bowen
Michael Dorger , brother of Maria Dorger
Max Carpenter , grandson of Sarra David
Andrea Abelman , friend of Junior Abraham
Judy Penney , sister-in-law of Kerry Penney
Sydney Lund
Ann Foote
Blaine Tinsley , cousin of Lisa Main
Helen Abraham
Cameron Maddox
We give thanks for those celebrating birthdays this week
9/29:     Dee Weems
9/29:     Miguel Resendiz
9/29:     Max Kottke
9/30:     Elizabeth Flanagan
10/1:     Jorge Chavez
10/1:     Mario Gonzalez
10/2:     Sandy Spires
10/2:     Jacob Fair
10/3:     Pat Pickett
10/3:     Susan Caceres
10/4:     Nina Daniel
10/4:     Catteryn Valdez
10/5:     Ashley Ortega

Around the Diocese

Several St. Bede's regulars subscribe to-
and like! - these e-publications. To stay up to date on activities throughout the Diocese of Atlanta, sign up for the e-newsletter, Connecting.

You can also sign up to receive For Faith, which is a weekly devotional message from Bishop Rob Wright sent by email on Fridays. To sign up for either or both,  click here

The Folk School at Camp Mikell - October 25-27

We have opened registration for the Fall Folk School. Join us October 25-27,

We are offering classes in knitting, quilting, weaving, ceramics, copper enameling, stained glass, woodturning.

Please join Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Bishop Robert Wright,
and the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Atlanta for

ReviveATL: Love in Action
an Episcopal Church Revival
January 22, 2020 from 6-8 p.m.
Atlanta University Center

This past year, Presiding Bishop Curry has urged people of faith to follow The Way of Love, fostering a community of people who follow Jesus by forming loving, liberating and life-giving relationships with God, their neighbors, and the environment.

This Way of Love is reflected by the Diocese of Atlanta's purpose statement:
We challenge ourselves and the world to love like Jesus as we worship joyfully, serve compassionately, and grow spiritually. 

What does Love in Action look like in a world that is hurting? ReviveATL invites us to live out our call to serve Jesus and love as he loves the unwelcome, the disenfranchised, the lost, and the found.

All are welcome. Come experience Love in Action. 


Details: Prior to the Revival, food trucks will be available from 4:30-6 p.m. to allow for early arrivals. A more detailed program will be released this fall.
Early bird registration before Nov. 1 includes guaranteed seating. Registration will be opening soon.


More St. Bede's Information
Wi-Fi is available throughout St. Bede's building!
Password is: 0011223344 
Worship Schedule


8:15 am  
  Holy Eucharist
9:30 am 
  for All Ages

10:45 am  
  Holy Eucharist
There is a nursery for  children ages 4 and  under available during  the 10:45 am service
5:00 pm 
  Santa Eucaristía

Quick Links
To schedule events,
please contact our
Paris h Administrator
Muriel Diguette
Weekly Classes
Tues  7 pm  
  ESL  & Children's      Program
Wed 10 am  

Thur   7 pm  
  ESL & Children's

(September through May)
Contact Information
St. Bede's Episcopal Church
2601 Henderson Mill Rd      Atlanta, GA 30345
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