May 22, 2020
Welcome to St. Bede's E-News!

We hope that this weekly offering will keep you up-to-date on the latest information from the parish and from around the diocese

Our e-newsletters are now being archived on our website. 
Y ou can go to www.stbedes.org and look under the Connect With Us tab at the top of the home page to find past newsletters.
St. Bede's Announcements

Online Worship for Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Seventh Sunday of Easter

10 am - Morning Prayer on Zoom
Join us for Morning Prayer on Zoom 
and we will attempt to live stream 
to the St. Bede's YouTube page.  
(If the live stream does not work, 
we will post the recording to our YouTube page later.)

This Sunday morning, 
we will celebrate 
our graduating 
High School Seniors 
and hear reflections from them 
on life, faith, and the future.

8 pm - Compline on Zoom
End your Sunday by joining others from St.Bede's 
in the quiet evening prayer form known as Compline.
We usually take a few moments at the end to catch up as well.
Information about how to join 
Morning Prayer & Compline on Zoom
will be sent out in a separate email 
and will be posted to the St. Bede's website 
by Saturday afternoon.
There is always a call-in (from a regular telephone) option for 
all worship, fellowship, and meeting opportunities 
that are offered on Zoom.
Congratulations St. Bede's Graduates!

High School

Emma Brantley 
from Woodward Academy
(going to the University of Cincinnati)

Ashton Busch 
from The Tapestry Public Charter School 
(going to Blackbird Academy, Nashville)

Tyler Busch 
from Lakeside High School 
(going to Valdosta State University)

Bryce Cannon 
from Decatur High School 
(going to Georgia State University)

Jaden Patterson 
from Druid Hills High School 
(going to Agnes Scott College)

Matthew Tate 
from Lakeside High School 
(going to  Lenoir-Rhyne University, Hickory, NC)


Sylvia Abraham 
from Georgia State University


The Rev'd Colin Brown 
from Candler School of Theology of Emory University

St. Bede's Education for Ministry Program

Glenn Carroll Boatenreiter
Carol Kemker 
Sue Ellen Lampros

Let's Stay Connected

In the season ahead, we would love for any of our members to share any personal reflections, poetry, or stories of hope that will keep us connected and lift our spirits. 

You can send them to: connect@stbedes.org and we will offer these in the weekly e-newsletter or on Facebook.

This week, in the spirit of celebrating graduates:

Sylvia Abraham, daughter of Junior, graduated from Georgia State University this month. She had a very unique way of marking the occasion in this time of quarantine and social distancing:

An Invitation to 
St. Bede's Virtual VBS 2020
The Way of Love

View an Invitation for ALL to join us...
View an Invitation for ALL to join us...

We're anticipating a fantastic virtual Vacation Bible School this summer--for the whole family! We will offer a weekly bilingual Zoom meeting every Monday from June 15th through July 27th. The meeting will also be uploaded to the "St. Bede's on YouTube". There will be stories from the Bible, crafts, activities, and music, all in the comfort of your own home. The theme of the VBS is "The Way of Love". Register your planned participation below.

We also need volunteers to act as virtual storytellers, to help edit videos, and to help in other ways. See below for volunteer opportunities and please watch an example of the video created by St. Bede's members for last year's VBS about "The Parable of the Sower". You can also watch another video for creative inspiration. More information and details about volunteering will be shared with those that are interested and able to help.

Click below to access the forms:

We can't wait to see what St. Bede's/San Beda will create as we walk the Way of Love together! So hurry and grab a story (or song) before they are all gone! Please contact Alyssa (404-579-6768, asali@stbedes.org) or Carmen (678-927-7200) by email, message or WhatsApp to get started!

In Our Prayers
Willie Diaz
Claire & her family, friends of Alyssa Sali
Gloria Hansen, mother of Alyssa Sali
Len Sali, father of Judah Sali
Glenn Carroll Boatenreiter, cousin of Lynnsay Buehler
Tim Waring
David & Marie Holly, parents of Richard Busch
Junior Abraham
Peggy Allen , mother of Lisa Main
Dixie Snider
Ray Lampros
Gwen Cordner
Arlene Means, sister of Larry Bing
Maggie Williams
Mary Rodriguez
Hollis Pickett
Dixie Snider
Beth Cannon
Margie Klein, mother of Jody Klein
Ed Bennett , brother-in-law of Laura Martin
Anita Maloof
Lynn Edgar, mother of Beth Cannon
Nancy Waring
John Branan
Kerry Penney
Patrick Newberry, son of David Newberry, 
            stepson of Gretchen Berggren
Connie Aylor
Mark Ahlfinger, son of Jean Ahlfinger  
Carolyn Branan, mother of John Branan
Andy Matia and Darryl Schwartz, friends of Ann Foote
Brooke & Taylor Harty, granddaughters of Nancy Waring
Jim Ohl
Frances Bowen
Max Carpenter , grandson of Sarra David
Judy Penney , sister-in-law of Kerry Penney
Sydney Lund
Ann Foote
Helen Abraham
Cameron Maddox

For those who have died
Jim Sease
Britt Williams, neighbor of Peg Harriss

We give thanks for those celebrating birthdays this week
    5/24 :   Lynnsay Buehler
    5/26:   Ray Lampros 
    5/27:   Helen Abraham
    5/28    Will Mizell
    5/30:   Elizabeth Zuniga


And we rejoice 
on the 30th Anniversary 
of the Ordination to the Priesthood 
of the Rev'd Lynnsay Buehler 
on Monday, May 25 
(the Feast of St. Bede)
a reflection by the Rev'd Nora Cruz-Diaz

Last week the Nuevo Amanecer Conference took place, not at Camp Kanuga, as usual, but by Zoom. There were more than 300 participants joined via Zoom every day; from U.S., Canada, Mexico, Latin and Central America, the Caribbean and Europe. Others were watching the conference via Facebook and YouTube. Incredible! Though some sadness about not been able to meet face to face, but so glad that modern technology allowed us to see each other and greet our friends.

Presiding Bishop Most Rev'd Michael Curry was the main speaker on the second day of the conference. His message was Love is the Way - the way from the old to the new. The love of Christ urges us to move on, the old has passed away.   I found his message heartwarming and uplifting.

We had four sessions to choose from each day, 2 in English and 2 in Spanish. You could go to any, since they were being translated. The music was fabulous. There were about 15 to 20 people in the choir. They practiced for months in order to bring us their music, joined together from their different locations via Zoom. Some of us were singing along with them. Several St. Bede's members attended via Zoom. It was fun.

It was a great conference and we hope to be able to meet in person in 2022 at Camp Kanuga.

Dear Ones,

Bishop Wright has issued an update on how the Diocese of Atlanta, its parishes, and its other ministries will continue to operate for the  foreseeable  future during the current public health crisis. 

Through consultation with public health officials and church leaders from across the Church, Bishop Wright's directive is that faith communities will not be able to gather for worship, meetings, fellowship, or formation in our buildings until further notice.  This removes the hoped-for date of "not before May 24" which may be heart-breaking for many, but prudent in light of the continued crisis and other reasons that Bishop Wright discusses in his communication.

Bishop Wright and his staff are meeting regularly (bi-weekly via Zoom) with clergy and wardens to update them on developments during this time. When a decision is made that we can begin phased reopening, parishes will be given 30 days notice to prepare and implement the changes necessary to make this possible.

Please know that your clergy, staff, ministry leaders, and Vestry are having ongoing conversations during this time about how St. Bede's will continue in its mission and ministry even as we cannot gather or meet in our building. Bishop Wright  often  reminds us that we are in the business of "loving self and loving neighbor" and we will continue this essential ministry no matter where we find  ourselves being the Church in God's creation.

With love,

Women's Retreat Scheduled 
for September 2020 Cancelled

It is with disappointment that we announce that the St. Bede's Women's Retreat scheduled for September 2020 has been canceled. Guided by Bishop Wright's directive of May 7, which says that "all meetings, worship, and pastoral care [must] remain online or by other remote means until further notice," we made this decision in consultation with others and for several reasons, including:
  • the uncertainty of this time with no idea what things will be like in September,
  • the fact that that many of our members are in a high-risk group based on age and/or underlying conditions,
  • the strict cancellation policy of Forrest Hills is still in effect, meaning we would lose not only our deposit but a percentage of the total cost of our reservation if we do not cancel now.
While this was a difficult decision to make, we feel it is the correct course for us at this point. We know this is a disappointment for many of you, as it is for us, but we will have a retreat in the future once it is safe and feasible for us to do so.
For those of you who have already paid your deposit, we will refund that money to you.
Please feel free to contact one or both of us if you have questions or comments.
Connie Coralli

Molly Graves

Vestry Establishes 
Community Emergency Assistance Fund

In addition to all of the wonderful ways that the Community Engagement Team is leading us in supporting community ministry partners (locally, churchwide, and globally) during this critical time, the Vestry has established a Community Emergency Assistance Fund to help people within the greater St. Bede's community with food assistance during the current public health crisis.  This fund will be administered confidentially by the clergy in a similar way as their normal discretionary funds, but will be used exclusively to help with food assistance during this crisis.  

If you would like to contribute to this fund you may do so through Realm Giving and selecting "Community Emergency Assistance Fund" from the "Fund" drop-down menu.  You may also mail a gift to St. Bede's designated for "Community Emergency Assistance Fund".  

If you have questions about this offering to the greater St. Bede's community or if you are in need of food assistance or know someone who is, please contact either the Rev'd Caroline Magee or the Rev'd Fabio Sotelo.

Mostly Mysteries Book Group on Zoom

The Mostly Mysteries Book Group is continuing to meet on Zoom. If you would like to take part, please contact Connie Coralli and she will send you the link.

The May meeting will be on Monday, May 25 (Memorial Day) at 7:00 pm and the group will discuss  An Unwanted Guest by Shari Lapena.

The June meeting will meet on Monday, June 22, and the group will discuss The Lost Man by Jane Harper.

For more information, please contact Connie at conniecoralli@gmail.com

The Forward Day by Day booklets of daily devotions for May - July 2020 are here!

If you would like Muriel to send one to you, please call her at the parish office or email her at   mdiguette@stbedes.org

If you would like to pick one up at the church, Muriel can leave one taped to the front glass doors in a plastic bag with your name on it. Again, call or email her at the church office.

Please note that you can also find the daily devotions on line at 


Blessed To Be A Blessing Pledge Campaign

Thank you to all who have so generously responded by returning your Blessed To Be A Blessing pledge card. If you haven't yet returned your completed pledge card, additional pledge cards are available in the Connect Center.


Around the Diocese

May 14, 2020
Episcopal Relief & Development continues to partner with local organizations and dioceses around the world to provide technical and financial aid in response to the novel coronavirus. The organization is in close contact with partners in 44 countries, including the United States, to assist as they adapt existing programs and to respond to specific needs created by the crisis.
In response to the physical distancing guidelines recommended by local health authorities, Episcopal Relief & Development and local partners are adapting programs to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.  For example, the Anglican Development Services of Nyanza (ADS-Nyanza) in southeastern Kenya is working with the Kenya Government Ministry of Health, Episcopal Relief & Development and other organizations on the prevention, control and home management of COVID-19. ADS-Nyanza is equipping their Community Health Volunteers and Early Childhood Promoters with personal protective equipment (PPE) and providing hand-washing facilities in strategic social places as well as supporting contact tracing in several counties. 
Similarly, with Episcopal Relief & Development's guidance and support, the Anglican Diocese of Kondoa in Tanzania has begun integrating COVID-19 prevention recommendations into their Savings with Education groups. Group facilitators have been equipped with mobile phones so they can lead efforts remotely via text messaging and phone calls. Distribution of emergency supplies and food rations for those impacted by the virus and shutdowns is being conducted using appropriate safety guidelines such as personal protective equipment (PPE) and physical distancing. 
As COVID-19 cases grew in Myanmar, the Church of the Province of Myanmar, in partnership with Episcopal Relief & Development, established a COVID Response Committee. The Church mobilized COVID-19 health messaging and awareness resources from the Ministry of Health and disseminated information through all eight diocesan networks. Church staff then coordinated with regional government departments to identify vulnerable households in order to provide material support such as basic food, sanitation and hygiene supplies.
Episcopal Relief & Development is also working in other countries to provide emergency food and supplies to vulnerable communities impacted by the stay-at-home orders and shutdowns. In partnership with Hope Africa, the agency is distributing food parcels to rural communities in the dioceses of Zululand and Khahlamba in South Africa. The Episcopal Diocese of Ecuador is distributing food and medical supplies to the elderly, single women and children in highly impacted areas of coastal Ecuador. In Brazil, Servicio Anglicano de Diacono e Desenvolvimento (SADD), the development arm of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil, is providing food, hygiene and cleaning supplies to women, adolescents and children, particularly those in vulnerable communities such as those without homes, domestic violence survivors and other low-income communities. In Pakistan, the Women Development & Service Society (WDSS), a ministry of the Diocese of Raiwind, Church of Pakistan, is distributing food and emergency supplies to over 1,500 families.
Several partners are offering additional emergency support to their communities. SADD in Brazil is providing PPE such as face masks and lab coats to healthcare professionals. The Anglican Diocese of Colombo in Sri Lanka is helping to sanitize schools and to provide them with PPE and thermometers which will allow the schools to open safely when the country begins to reopen.
"Our Program Officers continue to meet virtually with partners in weekly Community of Practice calls to share knowledge and provide technical support," said Abagail Nelson, Executive Vice President, Episcopal Relief & Development. "I am encouraged to see how our partners are learning, adapting and working together to serve their communities in this challenging time." 
Donations to the  COVID-19 Pandemic Response Fund will enable Episcopal Relief & Development and their partners to continue to provide emergency assistance to communities, both in the United States and around the world, that have been impacted by the coronavirus. In the coming weeks and months, additional updates will be provided about the ongoing response to this crisis.
For over 75 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has been working together with supporters and partners for lasting change around the world. Each year the organization facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for more than 3 million people struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. Inspired by Jesus' words in Matthew 25, Episcopal Relief & Development leverages the expertise and resources of Anglican and other partners to deliver measurable and sustainable change in three signature program areas: Women, Children and Climate.

For People with Bishop Rob Wright

Welcome to For People, a conversation with Bishop Rob Wright, spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. In this podcast, Bishop Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on his For Faith devotional, draws inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.

Responding to the Needs of our Neighbors

Part 2 - Food - Navigating Community Needs

Hunger and access to food is consistently an issue for the neighbors of Emmaus House. For many families, benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, better known as Food Stamps, routinely run out before the end of the month. With no major supermarkets in the area, residents have to drive several miles to shop or pay high prices for limited goods in nearby convenience stores. Those without automobiles must carry groceries home on a bus or walk blocks with heavy bags-an especially challenging situation for older residents.

Over the years, Emmaus House has always been there to tide neighbors over, providing groceries from its food pantry to supplement other benefits.

Now, with restrictions in place to avoid COVID-19, the challenges are even greater. Other food pantries in the area have closed. MARTA has reduced bus service. People have lost jobs or had their work hours cut back. And Emmaus House could no longer welcome pantry shoppers into its building to choose their food.

"Overnight we became one of few places in our area still open," said Adam Seeley, director of social services at Emmaus House. "We had to evaluate our own position-how could we have staff and volunteers serve people? We had to create a whole new model of logistical services. Client and volunteer safety are the top priority instead of efficiency."

Now clients choose from a list of available products and tell volunteers their choices. The volunteers pull groceries from the shelves, fill bags, and pass them through open doors or windows. People who need food are asked to make appointments to prevent crowding at the facilities, although some walk-ins are served.

To accommodate the greater needs caused by the virus and the limited assistance available, Emmaus House has temporarily suspended requirements for proof of residency and geographic limits on who is eligible for services.

The adjustment hasn't always been smooth, Seeley said. One complication was that, just before the COVID-19 restrictions were put in place, the Atlanta Community Food Bank-the source of much of Emmaus House's food supply-was closed for a move into new facilities. 

Even though the Emmaus House pantry had to stop services for a week and a half in March because supplies were depleted and the food bank was shut down, statistics show how much demand jumped. "Things just exploded," Seeley said. Volunteers handed out 6,200 pounds of food to 184 households in less than three weeks, up from 4,600 pounds of food in all of February. In April, the numbers rose to 12,400 pounds.

"Our clients have been really understanding and patient as we've made changes as we go along," Seeley said. "That's never ideal. You like to have a plan in place before the need for it arises."
Fortunately, he said, volunteers, donors, and agency partners have come through to help.

Helping Hands

Parishioners from St. Martin's Episcopal Church are filling bags, which they call Bags of Hope, to bring every week. Other groups and individual families are making donations. And Carver Market in nearby Historic South Atlanta is also selling a version of Bags of Hope for Emmaus House. (The market itself is a model neighborhood resource, founded by Focused Community Strategies (FCS), a nonprofit organization to provide healthy foods and fresh produce at reasonable prices and to provide jobs to neighborhood residents.)
To buy a $35 Bag of Hope from Carver Market: 
Go to  communitygrounds.com/order, and select the "carry out" option. Emmaus House will pick up the bag. The grocery items include cereal, cereal bars, macaroni and cheese, flour, canned tuna and salmon, rice, beans, black-eyed peas, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, and bath soap. Emmaus House will distribute the bags to individuals and families in the Peoplestown area.
Contact  Ann Fowler  at (404) 808-1864 if you have questions.
Likewise, organizations are helping to get food out to people who can't come in for themselves. Welcoming Atlanta, a program of Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms' Office of Immigrant Affairs, assists new residents from other countries whose language barriers make it impossible for them to call, make an appointment, and communicate with English-speaking pantry volunteers. To serve the immigrant population, Seeley and Emmaus House executive director Greg Cole bought beans, rice, and tortillas in bulk at the Atlanta State Farmers Market so that the pantry could provide culturally appropriate food.
Innovative Solutions for Disadvantage and Disability, Inc. which works with grandparents raising grandchildren with special needs, makes sure their clients get the food they need from the Emmaus House pantry. And the 5-5-5ers, a homegrown neighborhood group in Peoplestown, receive food at the Emmaus House pantry for their neighbors and members who can't get out.

The 5-5-5ers are a steady force in the Emmaus House community. Several years ago, five women launched a group for people 55 and older. They planned to meet five times to see whether the organization would gel. They've been meeting and working together for neighborhood causes ever since. 

Jane Ridley, 75, was out of breath, just arriving home from making a grocery delivery. "I have a back problem, but I do what I can," she said. Others, she said, do much more.

Rachel Harris, 71, has been on the receiving end. "5-5-5 is bringing food to me," she said. "It's slow for me to get around."

While Emmaus House is making sure its neighbors have food, its neighbors are helping Emmaus House create and maintain community, even in times of pandemic.

Volunteer Mark Laster lives in the neighborhood, works part-time at a local funeral home, and helps run the food pantry in his off time. "We try to make sure we have what people need," he said. "I try to make sure they're happy and they make sure I'm happy. We're like one big family. Customers, too."

Several St. Bede's regulars subscribe to-
and like! - these e-publications. To stay up to date on activities throughout the Diocese of Atlanta, sign up for the e-newsletter, Connecting.

You can also sign up to receive For Faith, which is a weekly devotional message from Bishop Rob Wright sent by email on Fridays. To sign up for either or both,  click here

Quick Links

To schedule events,  please contact our 
  Paris h Administrator
Muriel Diguette

For the weekly lectionary readings  visit: