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City Calendar

7/10 - Municipal Court

7/17 - Board of Aldermen Meeting - 7 pm

8/05 - Board of Adjustments - (As Needed)

5:30 pm

8/05 - Old Town Historic Commission - 6 pm ( As Needed )

8/05 - Planning and Zoning - 7 pm (As Needed)

8/07- Municipal Court

8/21 - Board of Aldermen Meeting -

7 pm

Cottleville Events:

Twilight Tuesday Schedule

7/16 - 5 pm Reptile Display in the Log Cabin at Legacy Park

7/23 - 6 pm No Diggity at the CWS Rotary Amphitheatre

7/30 - 6 pm The Band Wildfire at the CWS Rotary Amphitheatre

8/6 - 6 pm - Up All night at the CWS Rotary Amphitheatre

8/13 - 5 pm - Back To School Family Fun Night In Legacy Park




Now Open!

RSVP Events & Travel

5377 Highway N Suite 208

The Oak Street Inn

5521 Oak Street

Oak Street Inn and Lounge

Epiphany Dermatology

1493 Cottleville Parkway

Investors Title

5237 Highway N

Cottleville City Fields

5854 Highway N

Cottleville City Fields

Fit City

6035 Mid Rivers Mall Drive

Fit City STL

(Formerly Office Max)

O2B Kids Daycare

1481 Cottleville Pkwy


Pink Willow Cafe


5521 Oak Street

Majestic Dental

Majestic Dental

1451 Cottleville Parkway

One Life FS

5377 Highway N, Suite 222



Cottle Village

6470 Highway N

Bauerhaus Properties

141 Cottleville Pkwy


Safesplash Swim School

1471 Cottleville Parkway


Quick Links:

Free Solid Waste Bill Pay

Cottleville Resident ID Card

Municipal Court /Pay A Fine

Pledge to Recycle with Blue Bags Enroll Here

Solid Waste Senior Citizen Discount Form

Reserve A Pavilion

Public Hearing Notices

RFP & Bid Requests

Employment Opportunities

Sign Up For E News

Sign up for Missouri Sand Volleyball at Legacy Park

Cottleville Interactive Map

Request Mosquito Spray

Request Code Enforcement

Report a Cottleville Street Light or Traffic Signal Outage, Down Street Sign

Request a Pothole, Street Slab, Sidewalk or Curb Repair

Vacation Check Form


Your Elected Officials: 


Bob Ronkoski



Ward 1 Aldermen:

Michael Guccione


Emilie Colombatto


Ward 2 Aldermen:

Johnny Gnau


Mike Krekeler


City Staff:

City Administrator

Michael Padella


City Clerk/Treasurer:

Amy Lewis


City Engineer

Tom Goldkamp


Solid Waste Coordinator/Deputy City Clerk:

Lindsay Jones


Building Inspector/Code Enforcement:

John Evans


Front Desk/Inspection Scheduling:

Hannah Glisson



Parks Maintenance:

Mike Braun


Chief of Police:

Dave McCune


Court Administrator

Jeana Arbuckle


Prosecutor's Assistant:

Vicki Shope


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Gutermuth Road Improvements Project Awarded to Contractor!

The St. Charles County Road Board and MoDOT have dedicated grant funding to straighten and widen Gutermuth Road to Motherhead Road and include a 10 foot wide multi-use trail. Design and right-of-way acquisition initially delayed phase 3 of the project. In addition, initial construction bids received were also over budget, therefore the project was recently redesigned and rebid. The bidding period is now closed, and on June 24,2024 the St. Charles County Council just awarded the project to Gershenson Construction Co. as the general contractor. Stay tuned for a construction schedule coming soon with a tentative start for later this summer.

Bid Plans: sccmo.org

For the St Charles County's Gutermuth Road Phase 3 improvements updates please visit: Gutermuth road phase 3 or call 636-949-7490.

Work on Parking Analysis Continues for the Cottleville Old Town Area:


City staff is still in the process of completing a high-level analysis of the entire parking situation in the old town area of Cottleville by actively gathering data, assessing

current parking infrastructure and exploring potential opportunities to add more parking and or provide alternative solutions.


Here are some highlights of what we know today.


Parking Space Count Summary in Old Town Area:

*There are 11 commercial buildings with no off-street/private parking.

*There are 1,201 parking spaces consisting of 382 private spaces and 819 public spaces including Legacy Park but NOT including St. Joseph Church.

*Per the City Zoning Code and based upon occupied building square footage and business use in the Old Town study area 937 parking spaces would be required.

*The difference between the total public/private parking spaces available versus the City’s Code parking requirements is 264 extra parking spaces. 

Staff evaluated what is the “ideal” distance that individuals will walk once they have parked?

Interesting article that examines this question. Walmart – a metric for walkability? On average, someone parking close to a Walmart entrance and getting a gallon of milk will walk 950’ feet. Is there a difference in the walking distance between a “historic district” and a modern strip mall or shopping center.  Cottleville’s typical city block is under 300’ long.

A “historic district” typically offers a wide array of shops, restaurants, and other entertainment options and are intended to be “walkable” which is part of the experience. However, a strip mall or shopping center typically offers more standard types of shopping and service businesses that may be considered a staple. They tend to offer convenience and speed with customers spending less overall time at the location, i.e. greater customer volume.

What is next?

Staff is now working on identifying possible locations to develop new parking opportunities as well as brainstorming other ideas to serve and alleviate the Old Town Area residents, visitors and businesses parking needs. So stay tuned as the City plans to seek the public's input and feedback on the topic of parking in Old Town area from residents, visitors and businesses at a public meeting; however, given the complexity of the issue and the need for thorough analysis, we believe it would be more productive to wait until we have a completed assessment before convening a public meeting. We ask for continued patience as we work through and finish up a variety and long list of issues.


Did you know?

In 2022 and 2023 the City of Cottleville successfully added the following new public parking areas:

*40 additional public parking spaces on the northwest side of City Hall.

*106 space public parking lot was added at Kochanski Multi Sports Field in Legacy Park

*65 public parking spaces in and around City Hall and Legacy Park

*11 public parking spaces were recently added on Chestnut St. behind the Cottleville Post Office.

*51 space public parking lot was added south of the City Shed off St. Charles St.

*52 space golf cart parking lot was added off of St. Charles St. and was marked on Chestnut St.

These improvements alone have added over 300 new spaces in Old Town and the City Hall and park complex in just the last couple of years. The City is committed to continued investment into Old Town to ensure its viability while maintaining it as a fun and safe place to visit.

City Development Review & Sunshine Law Requirements for Public Meetings

In spite of the headlines, there is nothing nefarious occurring. Once an applicant submits plans, the City's professional staff review the plans to ensure compliance with City Code and other related factors like the potential impact to the community and municipal services. For the current pending proposals, there have been some of the typical plan cleanup along with consideration for major infrastructure improvements that could have a positive impact on the surrounding community at large. City staff anticipates that the pending proposals will be ready to be presented at the continued Public Hearings before the Planning & Zoning Commission on August 5th."

For More News Release on City Development Review Process & Sunshine Law Requirements for Public Meetings:

Cottleville Planning and Zoning

Planning and Coordination Efforts Continue for the Cottleville Blueway Improvements Along Dardenne Creek...

Recently, several city,county, and administrative parks staff conducted a trial kayak trip on the upper portion of the Dardenne Creek starting at Bluebird Meadows Park in Dardenne Prairie and ending at St. Peter's Woodland Sports Park. The St. Charles County Parks & Recreation are taking the lead and are working with the cities of Dardenne Prairie, O'Fallon, Cottleville, and St. Peters to implement this next outdoor recreational opportunity. 

The distance kayaked was 6.8 miles and it took the group of seven approximately five hours to complete. There were many low sections of the creek that required portaging of the kayaks which slowed the pace. The planned improvements will include bank stabilization and channelization enhancements intended to increase the average depth helping to make the creek channel more navigable and reduce the amount of erosion occurring along the creek bank. The initial bank stabilization/channelization work is planned to begin during the fall of 2024 and should be completed by spring of 2025. 

"While kayaking this segment of the Dardenne Creek, I was surprised to see so much diverse wildlife including deer, turkey, owl, hawk, duck, and lots of large fish", said Michael Padella, Cottleville's City Administrator. He went on to say, "It felt like being in a remote part of the Ozarks floating, but in reality I was in a highly urbanized portion of St. Charles County!"

The next phase of improvements will include selection and installation of public access landings along the blueway. No specific date for these improvements has been set yet. Stay tuned for further updates as this initiative progresses. 

For more information on the entire BlueWay project please visit: sccmo.org.

City Administrator Rich Francis Retires!

Employees enjoyed a lunch together celebrating Rich Francis who has moved on enjoying his retirement. Employees shared stories of strength and support from Rich over the years. Rich is staying on as a consultant with limited part time hours.

Rich started his employment with the City in 2013 as the City Engineer and was later appointed the City Administrator in 2016 by then Mayor Jim Hennessey replacing former City Administrator, Scott Lewis. Rich plans to spend more time with his grandkids and doing the things he loves such as hunting, fishing, camping and traveling. 

Thank you for your service Rich! Enjoy retirement life!


Introductory Summer 4-Day Soccer Camp

Soccer Camp in Legacy Park at Kochanski Multi Sports Field in Legacy Park. Sign up here:

Saint Charles FC Soccer Leagues

New Pedestrian Crosswalk Work Underway....

Design work is underway to provide pedestrian crossing safety enhancements in the Old Town area of Cottleville between Wood Street & the entrance to Legacy Park. Enhancements will make it easier and safer for residents and visitors to navigate the area on foot, bike, or golf cart. Currently, staff is coordinating and ordering supplies for the project. Also, a firm has been selected and is working on options for lighting improvements along Hwy N from the Old Town area of Cottleville to the area of Piazza Messina. These improvements will enhance visibility. Upon completion, a contractor will be solicited through an RFP process with construction to start soon thereafter.

The City has been and continues to be committed to pursuing these types of improvements.

In 2022 and 2023 the City improved pedestrian safety throughout the City by:

*restriped crosswalks,

*erected more pedestrian crosswalk signage,

*installed new pedestrian crosswalk signs within the actual crosswalks,

*added lighting,

*constructed new connecting sidewalks,

*installed a new larger crosswalk signal at Weiss Road and the Warren G. Cottle Trail,

*installed a flashing pedestrian signal at St. Charles Street and Highway N.

Dogs In Cottleville:

All dogs must be on a leash in Cottleville parks, sidewalks, trails etc. with the exception of inside our fenced dog park at Legacy Park.

If you would like to report any concerning behavior at the time of occurrence, please call our 24 hour non emergency police dispatch anytime at 636-939-9966 or 911 if it is an emergency.

Also, Cottleville animal control services are provided by St. Charles County Animal Control.

St. Charles County Animal Control is located at 4850 Mid Rivers Mall Drive St. Peters, MO 63376

Ph: 636-949-7387

If you need assistance outside of regular business hours (Monday -

Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), on weekends, or on holidays, again, please

call our non emergency police dispatch anytime at 636-939-9966.

Various Cottleville Street Slab Repairs Underway Now!

The City has been actively repairing damaged street slabs again. After spending several hundreds of thousands of dollars on street repairs in 2023, work is taking place to repair more streets. Recently projects were completed in the Terraces of Columbus Pointe, Dardenne Farms and Madison Park Estates subdivisions.  Also included is an overlay of portions of Lohmar Lane. It is anticipated these repairs will be completed near the fall of this year.  

The street slab replacement projects are funded by the City of Cottleville and the St. Charles County Road Tax Funds. City staff has prioritized a list of the remaining slab repairs that were submitted in 2024 to the St. Charles County Highway Department totaling more than $300,000. Work has begun to submit a list for 2025 repairs as well.

EV Electric Charging Stations Available in Cottleville!

In 2023, two dual electric vehicle charging stations were installed along Highway N in the Old Town Cottleville area. The Old Town Community Improvement District researched and initiated this public improvement. The project was fully funded by AmerenUE and the Old Town Community Improvement District with NO costs to the City of Cottleville. The consumer pays for their electric service at the EV stations. Whether you come by golf cart or electric vehicle, be sure to stop and recharge your batteries while you visit, shop, or dine in Old Town Cottleville!

Are You Coordinating a Cottleville Neighborhood or Subdivision Yard

Sale this Year?

We would be happy to feature the information in our monthly enews.

Contact our front desk and provide us with your flyer, date and

details via email, messenger or 636-498-6565 press 0.

Rent a Kayak or Stand Up Paddle Board Today at Scott A. Lewis Park!

Self-service kayak and stand-up paddle board rentals are available at Buchheit Lake in Scott A. Lewis Park through the rent.fun app only. The self-service mobile app offers two-hour blocks of time for $25.00. Rentals include kayak or paddle boards with paddles and life vests.

Download the Rent.fun app now.

For more information please visit: Rent Fun

For rental charge issues, equipment issues or any customer service needs please use the app for the most timely resolution. You can also contact support via phone and email at:

386-200-1385 or support@rent.fun

Hosting a Special Event in Cottleville in 2024?

The City often gets requests for events to be held in Cottleville on City property, in a City park or using City infrastructure such as trails, sidewalks or City streets. These can include festivals, organized parades, runs, walks, trunk or treat, car shows, block parties and more. Similar to all of our neighboring cities, a special event application and permit is required,which includes providing a liability insurance certificate listing the City of Cottleville as an additional insured. This assists in protecting yourself, your organization or business, your tax dollars and City infrastructure. Approved permitted events can be featured in our enews, social media, city calendar, etc. 

To apply to host a special event in Cottleville on City property or using City infrastructure, apply here by using this application to reserve your date:  Special Event

2024 Twilight Tuesday



Legacy Park Log Cabin

Tuesday, July 16th 5-7pm



Legacy Park- Cottleville Weldon Spring Rotary Amphitheatre

Tuesday, July 23rd 6-8:30pm

WILDFIRE (New Date Due to Rain Out)


Legacy Park- Cottleville Weldon Spring Rotary Amphitheatre

Tuesday, July 30th 6-8:30 pm


Today's top pop and country

Legacy Park- Cottleville Weldon Spring Rotary Amphitheatre

Tuesday, August 6th 6-8:30pm


Legacy Park

Tuesday, August 13th 5-8pm



Legacy Park- Cottleville Weldon Spring Rotary Amphitheatre

Tuesday, August 20th 6-8:30pm


Brass & Soul

Legacy Park- Cottleville Weldon Spring Rotary Amphitheatre

Tuesday, September 10th 6-8:30pm


Legacy Park Log Cabin

Tuesday, September 17th 5-7pm

That 80's Band (New Date Due to Rain Out)

80's music

Legacy Park- Cottleville Weldon Spring Rotary Amphitheatre

Tuesday, September 24th 6-8:30pm



at the Clock Tower

Tuesday, December 3rd 6-8:30pm


Legacy Park Log Cabin

Tuesday, December 10th 4-7pm

Online Pavilion 

Portal Is Open

For 2024 Reservations!

The City of Cottleville has 6 pavilions that can be reserved online now through December 31st for family, company, and other gatherings. Pavilion reservations open up after February 1st of each year. 

The BEST way to reserve the pavilion on the date and time you need is to use our online system. Now you're able to conveniently book and pay 24 hours a day. New reservations made via the old form will, in many cases, experience requested dates being booked, due to delays in paperwork processing time.

Pricing includes a 4 hour reservation, leaving 60 minutes between reservations for clean up and set up. Pavilion Rental Fee(s) are Non-Refundable.

All Pavilions (Except Pavilion A in Legacy Park)

  • Cottleville Resident:            $35.00
  • Non Cottleville Resident:   $70.00

Legacy Park A Pavilion

  • Cottleville Resident:            $50.00
  • Non Cottleville Resident:   $100.00

Do you have a Cottleville Resident ID Card?

The card(s) are obtained at St. Peters City Hall, the Rec-Plex, or the St. Peters Recycle City. The documents needed are: a photo ID and a piece of mail with a current date and address. If the address on the photo ID is not current, then two (2) pieces of mail are required. Cottleville Resident ID Cards are free of charge.

Residents need the Cottleville Resident ID Card to receive reduced rates at the Rec-Plex and for yard waste privileges at the Earth Centre. 

Click here for application:  Resident ID Card

Join the Chamber!

Do you do business in the Cottleville and or Weldon Spring area? Membership rates are substantially lower than other area chambers and networking groups! Visit their office at 5342 Highway N, or call  (636) 336-2979   or visit their website.

City Information

Cottleville's Board of Aldermen meet once a month to conduct City business. They meet on the third Wednesday of each month in the boardroom at Cottleville City Hall (5490 5th Street). When necessary, Planning & Zoning meets on the first Monday of each month to review any applications received. The Old Town Historic Commission meets on the first Monday of the month as well. To view any meeting agendas and or public notices as a result of any applications received,  or City business needing conducted please visit:

Public Notices

If you are looking for more ways to stay connected with City of Cottleville updates and information please visit our website at City Of Cottleville to view all resources available to residents. Also follow us on social media and sign up to receive our monthly e news at: Enews

Are You a New Cottleville Resident?

Have You Notified St. Charles County Election Authority of Your New Cottleville Address?

IF NOT: You can register to vote, make name or address changes online at: Voter Registration OR in person during normal business hours at Cottleville City Hall (appointment recommended) OR in person at the St. Charles County Election Authority located at 397 Turner Blvd St. Peters, Mo. 63376. 

In addition, when you update your drivers license with your new Cottleville address at your local license office, you can also request they update your voter registration information.

For more St. Charles County voter information: Election Authority

Mosquitoes and Your Safety


Summertime brings fun in the sun, but it also means pesky critters which can be annoying, and even dangerous. Cottleville contracts with St. Charles County Environmental Service for Mosquito control. If you need to request additional mosquito control in your neighborhood please submit your request using this online form.

Mosquito safety is as easy as A, B, C, D...

Avoid bites---use insect repellent!

Be safe---always follow the repellent label instructions!

Cover up---wear loose, light-colored long sleeves and pants!

Dump---remove standing water around your home to reduce mosquito habitat! Check it regularly for standing water and remove it!

The best way that citizens can help, is to eliminate breeding grounds on their own property. Clogged gutters, potted plant trays, buckets and lids, old tires, garden ponds etc are an oasis of breeding grounds for mosquitos!

Report Cottleville street light outages, traffic signal outages, down or missing street or stop signs online at:

Street Light Out

The City provides Code Enforcement services for things such as: tall grass and weeds, peeling paint, missing windows or siding, broken fencing and other property maintenance items. Please report any code enforcement requests online at: Code Enforcement

The City does projects throughout the City and in Cottleville subdivisions each year. Every winter thaw causes potholes and erosion. Adding salt to the roadways compounds the problem and requires spring road maintenance. Repairs continue throughout each year by using City staff, contractors, and the St. Charles County Highway Department. Please report street slab(s), curb(s) pothole(s), or sidewalk(s) in need of repair online at: Street Requests

**Please note if you have already reported any of these items previously this year via phone or email, they are already on the list. There is no need to report again online.

CPD Communique 

Officer Gentry (CPD School Resource Officer) and students from Seager Middle School recently returned from a trip to Japan. Officer Gentry was invited as a special chaperone, and used his own resources to fulfill a long-time desire to visit Japan. The trip provided a wonderful opportunity for everyone to learn about and immerse themselves in Japanese culture. More than 50 students, parents and chaperones from various schools in St. Charles County attended.

CPD Calls for Service Summary

The Cottleville Police Department took 40 reports in conjunction with an

arrest and/or incident investigation as well as responding to 220 other incidents from dispatch

during the month of June 2024.

The calls for service include but are not limited to:

Arrests- 18

   Business & Residential Alarms - 142

Animal complaints-4

Assist Motorist-15


Peace Disturbance-9


Drug Offenses-0

Assisting other Law enforcement Agencies-19

Business checks & Person Wellbeing Checks-142

Driving While Suspended/Revoked- 6

Driving While Intoxicated-6

Careless and Imprudent Driving ( Hazardous Moving Violations ) - 0

Failure to Appear & Fugitive Arrests- 3

Ordinance Violations/Complaints - 31

Sick Cases- 5

Property Damage-6

Special Events-0

Stealing- 3


Identity Theft- 0

Unlawful Use of a Weapon- 0

Suspicious Incident Investigations (Circumstances, Persons, Vehicles)-25

  Accident Crash Investigations / Assisting Motorists / Traffic Hazards-18

Juvenile related offense/taken into custody-3

K9 ( Bach ) deployments ( successful in locating narcotics ) - 1

Follow Up Investigations- 5

Cottleville PD Now Hiring!

Check out this link: Missouri Department of Public Safety


To ensure collection, City containers must be at your curb by 6:30 am on the day of collection with the lid opening facing the street; ALL trash and tied blue bags must be inside the container. Containers need to be placed 4 feet from any obstruction, i.e., mailboxes, parked vehicles, basketball hoops, etc., to prevent damage from the automated collection arm.

The 2024 single family, basic solid waste service rate is $33.03/month

2024 Collection Schedule Collection Schedule

July 31st is Free Bulk Pick Up

for Cottleville Residents

SOUTH of Dardenne


If you live in the GREEN highlighted area of this map, which is South of Dardenne Creek, register your address & bulky ONLINE by July 29th for the next FREE curbside bulky trash pickup. View the Solid Waste Service Map: Solid Waste Service Map

Please note the following curbside bulky trash pickup rules:

-You are required to pre-register at least two days in advance. (In this case the deadline is July 29th)

-A minimum charge of $55.00 may be added to your waste hauling service account if you set out bulky trash without pre-registering at least two days in advance.

-Bulky trash scheduled for curbside pick up should be at the curb on the evening before or by 6:30 am the day of collection.

-A maximum of 3 cubic yards can be set out for curbside bulky trash collection which is approximately the amount that can fill a pick up truck bed.

-A minimum charge of $55.00 may be added to your waste hauling service account if you set out an excessive amount of bulk trash.

-Bulky trash are items that are too large to fit in your trash can. Prohibited items can be be found here:  Bulky Pick Up Information

Find YOUR FREE bulky pick up schedule here: Free Bulk Pick Up Schedule

* Please note you will have two free bulky pick up collections per year. However, you may schedule a special curbside bulky trash pick up anytime for a $55.00 fee by contacting cottleville city hall.

For even more information on appliance pick up or bulky pick up please visit:

Free Bulky Pick Up Information



Solid Waste Bill Pay


Enroll in the blue cag curbside recycling: Blue Bag Crew Enrollment. For more blue bags, Tie a plastic bag on your trash cart handle and a new roll of blue bags will be delivered to you however, no more than one roll of blue bags will be delivered within a 60-Day period.

For more for more blue bag recycling information: Recycling



5055 Highway N, Suite 117 -119

Cottleville, Mo 63304

Imagine your business in Cottleville?!? We do.....contact Michael Padella at michael.padella@cityofcottleville.com for available Cottleville locations. Cottleville offers great locations for: boutiques, retail shops, architects, attorneys, insurance offices, cafes, accountants, real estate offices, sandwich shops, book stores, coffee houses, bakeries, restaurants and more...with GREAT visibility. 

Check out this available location on Highway N.. It's a great, high traffic location in a high visibility area. Check them out today!


*If you would like to feature your space available for sale or lease in our enews please email  hannah.glisson@cityofcottleville.com

52d705bc-4de4-4454-a3d5-f6676ff770bd image

3901 Mid Rivers Mall Dr.

Cottleville, Mo 63376

5357 5th Street

Cottleville, Mo 63304

Need a fresh new haircut or spa day? Salon De Christe offers haircuts, color, massages, nail services and facials! You can go online to book your appointment today! Jubilee Hair Salon offers haircuts, color, nail services and facials as well! They are great options to choose from!

If you would like to feature your business in Cottleville please contact 636-498-6565 ext 0!

Do you own or operate a business in Cottleville from your home, office or retail space?

A Cottleville business license is required annually.

They expire at the end of each year on 12/31. Apply anytime at: General Business License

Do you wish to vend, sell or advertise items for sale from a mobile location such as a truck, trailer, tent or temporary stand of some kind at

Frankie Martin's Garden or at various locations, events or

pop markets located within Cottleville?  

A Cottleville vendor license is required annually. Rules and limitations apply.

They expire at the end of each year on 12/31. Apply anytime at:

Mobile Business Vendor Application