Summer 2021 Newsletter

Fire Destroys Dormitory at Nambale Magnet School

On Sunday, June 20, a fire caused by an electrical surge, destroyed the entire boys’ dormitory on the Nambale Magnet School campus. The dorm is home to 150 boys who board at the School. 

Thankfully, all of the residential students are safe and no one was injured. The structure and its contents (from beds, mattresses, and blankets to uniforms and personal belongings) have been reduced to rubble--nothing is salvageable.

Following last year’s temporary school closing due to COVID, this event is yet another devastating blow to the School and its students.

Surprise Teacher Appreciation Celebration
at Nambale Magnet School

In June the teachers of the Nambale Magnet School attended a surprise Zoom gathering where they were honored for their dedication and work. 

The Xi Psi Chapter (an international honors society for educators) of Kappa Delta at Fitchburg State University in Massachusetts honored the teachers and recognized their work in creating a learning environment that supports all students while helping them achieve their personal and academic goals. 

The awards for all 23 teachers were written by Evalyn Wakhusama, the school's founder and presented to them virtually by members of Kappa Delta Pi. Each teacher was individually recognized for his or her dedication and commitment to the students especially throughout this difficult year which was severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Their amazing guidance and dedication has not gone unnoticed! 

Save the Date for the
2021 Fall Festival!
The Cornerstone Project’s 5th Annual Fall Festival and Auction fundraiser will be a virtual event on Sunday, October 3 through Tuesday, October 12, 2021.

Join our online festivities beginning on Sunday featuring live music, the latest news about the Cornerstone Project and the launch of our Online Auction fundraiser.

Call for Auction Items

You can play an important part in supporting Cornerstone Project’s mission by donating an item to our Fall Festival Online Auction fundraiser.
Your generosity in donating an item, experience or service will go a long way in helping the Cornerstone Project continue to support the education, nurturing and empowerment of vulnerable communities including the Nambale Magnet School in Western Kenya, Africa.

We appreciate your generosity in donating- here are some of the most popular items that we're seeking:
·        Artwork
·        Autographed Memorabilia
·        Furniture
·        Trips/Airbnb Vacation Rentals
·        Jewelry
·        Experiences 
·        Gaming/Console packages
·        Gift Certificates
·        Catering/Restaurant Gift Certificates

If you have an auction item to donate, please contact Martine Nolletti at

Sponsor Our Event!

Corporate and individual Fall Festival sponsorships are welcome and appreciated! Sponsorship packages start at just $100. Learn more
Nambale Students Excel Academically
Nambale Magnet School ranked #1 in the county in the most recent Eighth Grade National Exams. We’re very proud of their hard work and academic achievements!

Taken at the end of primary school (8th grade), this test determines what secondary school each student will attend. Students who score the highest are placed in national public schools which receive the highest funding and resources from the Kenyan government.

Thanks to your support, the strong education and nurturing of these once vulnerable youngsters has prepared them well for their futures!

Town Hall Series Success
To date, Cornerstone Project in conjunction with WIX-USA, Friends of Nambale and Noroton Presbyterian Church has conducted three Town Hall virtual events to date to share the Nambale Magnet School news and updates and express our appreciation for our donors’ ongoing support.

The Town Hall events have been a great way to showcase students’ academic achievements, the key improvements that have been made to the campus’ infrastructure as well as the agriculture and sustainability goals and accomplishments- all thanks to your generous contributions!
The Town Hall also lets everyone hear from the School’s founder Rev. Evalyn Wakhusama who continues to share her ongoing vision to further the School’s mission. 
To take part in future virtual Town Hall events please email with ‘Town Hall’ in the subject line.