E-News: 2022 Imaging Recommendations For The Patient Who Has Been Strangled

Dear Friends,


Welcome to anotheedition of the Strangulation Prevention E-News. E-News was launched to share important information about non and near-fatal strangulation assaults. Each E-News focuses on one subject, highlights one organization or individual, and/or shares one featured resource. 


For this E-News, we are excited to highlight the new 2022 Imaging Recommendations For The Patient Who Has Been Strangled. This highly anticipated, updated resource was recently released and is already being implemented by professionals across the United States.

The Imaging Recommendations document is intended to be used primarily by medical professionals. However, we have heard from Advocates, Law Enforcement, Attorneys, and others who have successfully used the Recommendations document as a tool to advocate for survivors of strangulation assaults. 


The 2022 Imaging Recommendations as well as a recording of our most recent Imaging Webinar can be found through our online resource library. Please take a moment to review our Imaging Recommendations, latest Imaging Webinar recording, as well as a variety of other helpful resources linked below.

Thank you to our National Medical Advisory Committee for your unwavering dedication to educate others on the importance of imaging. The updated 2022 Imaging Recommendations are of the utmost importance and have already helped so many survivors of strangulation assaults. Your efforts have and will continue to save lives and we are incredibly grateful and proud to be doing this work with you.

2022 Imaging Recommendations For The Patient Who Has Been Strangled
Webinar Recording: 2022 Imaging Recommendations For The Patient Who Has Been Strangled 

Thank you for all you do to help victims of strangulation assaults navigate through challenging and dangerous circumstances. Together, we will continue to create pathways toward hope, healing and peace for survivors.


Always with Great HOPE,


Gael Strack, CEO, Casey Gwinn, President, Joe Bianco, Fernanda Espana, Jessica Kimsey, and Jill Bring

Helpful Resources For Implementation

2022 Imaging Recommendations For The Patient Who Has Been Strangled

Webinar Recording: 2022 Imaging Recommendations

Imaging Recommendations For The Pregnant Patient Who Has Been Strangled


NY Medical Alert On Imaging

San Diego Medical Alert On Imaging

4-Minute Imaging Video With Dr. Smock

American College of Emergency Physician’s Policy Statement

American Academy of Neurology Position Statement

California’s Duty to Warn Law

New DV Strangulation Exam Law from Colorado

New DV Strangulation Exam Law from Washington

New DV Strangulation Exam Law from California

Survivor Resources

Strangulation Assessment Card

Virtual Grand Rounds: What Physicians Need To Know

Dear Doctor Letter

NY Hospital Protocol

Upcoming Events

  • San Juan, Puerto Rico - four-day Advanced Course training - December 12 - 15 (SOLD OUT)

This project is supported all or in part by Grant No. 2016-TA-AX-K067 awarded by the Office on Violence AgainstWomen, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department ofJustice, Office on Violence Against Women.
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