ILB billing goes hi-tech... and maybe paperless...
By combining Constant Contact (our opt-in, spam-free eNews provider), an e-Payment provider (PayPal, including debit card and credit card processing) and our own web site, we can now offer a paper-free billing, payment and reminder system for everything you need to pay to the Borough; from Boat licenses, to monthly Sewer bills (for the Lakewood STP folks), to yearly Water bills and Service Corp dues.  Sign up for only the services you use and for which you wish to be e-Billed, and we will issue e-bills and reminders with smart-phone and tablet-aware payment links.  And you will immediately receive acknowledgements and receipts by e-mail following payment.
How does it work?
Just click below and sign up for only the bills/services you use and you're done.  We will send more info as available for each.  Then, at the start of the next billing cycle (August for Sewage Use-Lakewood, December/January for most other things), you will be automatically notified by e-mail, with an optional payment link.  You will still get a paper bill for now.  If you want to be billed electronically but pay by check, you should sign up but just send a check instead of paying on line.  The choice is yours.
What does it cost?
e- Billing costs nothing.  e- Paying costs the Borough a little under 3%, but in the long run will save money since the e-Pay provider does the detailed accounting, receipts, etc. and sends us the $ and detailed reports.  We are looking at ways of streamlining our processes dramatically, revolving around e-Billing and e-Pay.  That should greatly enhance efficiency and customer convenience, particularly for boat licenses...