New papers:

Shteynberg, G. (2018). A collective perspective: Shared attention and the mind. Current Opinion in Psychology, 23:93-97.

Haj-Mohamadi, P., Fles, E. H., & Shteynberg, G. (2018). When can sharing attention increase affiliation? On the bonding effects of co-experienced belief affirmation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 75:103-106.

Bush, J. M., Jung, H., Connell, J. P., & Freeberg, T. M. (2018). Duty now for the future: a call for public outreach by animal behaviour researchers. Animal Behaviour, 139, 161-169.

Coppinger, B. A., Sanchez de-Launay, A., & Freeberg, T. M. (2018). Carolina chickadee (Poecile carolinensis) calling behavior in response to threats and in flight: flockmate familiarity matters. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 132,16-23.

Lucas, J. R., Gentry, K. E., Sieving, K. E., & Freeberg, T. M. (In Press). Communication as a fundamental piece of the Machiavellian Intelligence puzzle. To appear in Journal of Comparative Psychology.

Ruck, D.J., R.A. Bentley and D.J. Lawson (2018). Religious change preceded economic change in the 20th century. Science Advances 4(7): eaar8680.

Bentley, R.A., A. Willis, B. Pradier, A.A. Kyaw, T.T. Win, A.D. Brandon and T.O. Pryce (2018). Social differences in Neolithic/Bronze Age Myanmar. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 21: 32-37.

Bentley, R.A., C.N. Ross and M. J. O’Brien (2018). Obesity, metabolism, and aging: A multiscalar approach. Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science 155: 25-42.

O’Brien M.J & R.A. Bentley (2018) Dual inheritance, cultural transmission, and niche construction. In The Handbook of Culture and Biology (J. Causadilas, E. H. Teller & N. A. Gonzales, eds.): 179-202.

Huffer, D., R.A. Bentley, M.F. Oxenham (2018) Community and kinship during the transition to agriculture in Northern Vietnam. In (C. Higham, ed) Handbook of Southeast Asian Archaeology. OUP.

Van de Moortel, A., Zahou, E., and J.B. Rutter, Mitrou and Proskynas in Prehistoric East Lokris. Chronology, Interconnections, and Society, in M. Papakonstantinou, H. Kritzas, and I.P. Touratsoglou (eds.), Pyrrha. Meletes gia tin archaiologia stin Kentriki Elladha pros timin tis Fanourias Dakoronias, Vol. I. Proistorikoi chronoi (Athens) 169-193.

Van de Moortel, A. Cultural Entanglements Between Phaistos and Malia in the
Protopalatial Period: a Ceramic Perspective," in: G. Baldacci and I. Caloi (eds.), Rhadamanthys. Studies in Minoan Archaeology in honour of Filippo Carinci on the occasion of his 70th birthday (Oxford: Archaeopress) 79-88.

Beckage, B., L. J. Gross, K. Lacasse, E. Carr, S. S. Metcalf, J. M. Winter, P. D. Howe, N. Fefferman, T. Franck, A. Zia, A. Kinzig and F. M. Hoffman. 2018. Linking models of human behavior and climate alters projected climate change. Nature Climate Change 8: 79–84.

J. C. Schank, G. M. Burghardt, and S. M. Pellis. Toward a Theory of the Evolution of Fair Play. Frontiers in Psychology 9: 1-15.

Prins, B. and A. Phayal. 2018. “ Armed Peacekeepers do Protect Civilians-with One Big Exception .” MonkeyCage, Washington Post, June 14, 2018

New members:

Dr. Damian Ruck (PhD, Bristol University, U.K.) joined the Department of Anthropology this fall as a postdoctoral scholar and will also be member of the NIMBioS DySoc group. Dr. Ruck uses large historical data sets to measure social and cultural change across cultures and nations over historical time. Dr. Ruck’s new research, published with Alex Bentley and Daniel Lawson this summer in Science Advances, measures the importance of religion in 109 countries spanning the entire 20th century has reignited an age-old debate around the link between secularization and economic growth.

The study, showing that a decline in religion influences a country’s future economic prosperity, received prominent media coverage this summer, including the front page of Britain’s leading newspaper, The Times.

Dr. Harry Dahms ( Sociology, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville). Dr. Dahms is the Co-Director, Center for the Study of Social Justice, UTK, Co-Chair, Committee on Social Theory, UTK , Editor of Current Perspectives in Social Theory, Director, International Social Theory Consortium (ISTC), and Affiliated Faculty, University of Innsbruck (Austria).
Dr. Dahms research interests are in economic sociology, political economy, and comparative sociology.

New course

EEB/Math 681. Evolution of human distinctiveness: a review of ideas and mathematical models.

Instructor: Sergey Gavrilets
CRN: 43210, Section #1, 3 credit hours
MWF 2:30-3:20
Place: Ayres 122/ Claxton 103

The goal of the course is to expand on the material presented in introductory courses on mathematical modeling in biological, social and cultural evolution to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the rapidly developing theoretical research focusing on human social behavior.

The list of topics to be covered:

1. Are humans a “uniquely unique species”?
2. Pair-bonding
3. Egalitarian preferences and fairness
4. Cognitive abilities
5. Language
6. Coalitions
7. Cooperation
8. Conflict
9. Learning and cultural evolution
10. Social norms
11. Social institutions and social complexity

For each topic, we will use at least 3 class periods to:
-Review ideas and data,
-Go through an earlier/classical model,
-Go through a more recent model,
-Critique and discuss possible generalizations of models.

No tests/exams but a significant amount of reading. Student-led discussions. A possibility for a project and/or publication.