November 10, 2020
Watch as Fr. Frank Sacks, CM, and Fr. Michael Shea, CM, share a brief history of our Novenas as well as their personal experiences. Join our Solemn Novena this year, beginning November 16 through November 24, either in person or via livestream.
Did you know that the Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, which is prayed in parishes throughout the world, was started by our very own Fr. Joseph Skelly, CM? Discover how this prayer heard round the world began; it's not as simple as you might think.

Join us for our Solemn Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, from November 16 through 24. Fr. Timothy Lyons, CM, will be telling us the true stories about nine young Vincentians (and one not so young), who left everything they knew to spread the Gospel in China. Hear their stories, see some of their artifacts, and learn how the difficulties they faced can help us through our own challenges.
Send us your prayer intentions as soon as possible, so we can place them at Mary’s Altar. They will remain there during these nine days of powerful prayer and on Mary’s Feast Day, Wednesday, November 25. Our Masses will be livestreamed, and you can pray with us no matter where you are.

Honoring the 190th anniversary of the apparitions to St. Catherine Labouré, the Holy Father will bless the sacred image of the Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in the Vatican on Wednesday, November 11. The blessing will occur in the presence of the Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, Father Tomaẑ Mavriĉ, CM, and a small delegation of persons responsible for organizing Mary’s pilgrimage to the various communities throughout Italy.
Tonight, November 10 at 6:00 p.m., we are hosting the second virtual meeting of our "Read Between the Wines" book club. Share your thoughts and insights with fellow readers as we delve through each chapter of Fr. Walter Ciszek's captivating novel, He Leadeth Me. Click here for more information.

Shine Outside the Shrine and help PAR-Recycle Works in Pottstown on Saturday, November 14 at 9:00 a.m. This event is fast-paced and a great community builder. Just as important, it’s COVID-19 compliant. Learn more here.

Join St. Catherine Labouré on Thursday, November 19 at 7:30 p.m., as she tells us about her encounters with the Blessed Virgin Mary. During Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, she will lead us in praying the Rosary. Click here for full details.

Join us on Thursday December 10 at 7:30 p.m., for a special International Rosary. As we ask our Blessed Mother to intercede for the entire world, we’ll pray each decade in a different language. Join this momentous prayer event.

Giving Tuesday is 3 weeks away!
Because of your donations, we were able to welcome more than 57,000 people to Mary’s Shrine last year, and more than 1,000,000 people joined our live events virtually. Here they found comfort, a Mother’s loving care, and a home away from home.
Keep MaryAlive! in the people who visit her Miraculous Medal Shrine 
Double or triple your donation with your employer's Matching Gift!
Don't forget to light a candle for your departed loved ones especially during November.
by Fr. Al Pehrsson, CM, a resident of St. Catherine’s Infirmary, Philadelphia
Two years ago, Buddy lost his wife to cancer. Taking care of her was undoubtedly hard, but his unwavering faith helped him through it. So did his devotion to Mary and her Miraculous Medal. Along with a smile, he always wears his Miraculous Medal in plain view--and carries a brochure in his truck. If you ask him about Mary's Medal, he’ll respond with a simple but well proven message: “We always have to keep the Blessed Mother and Our Lord in our hearts.”
Share your Marian devotion and Shrine photos with us on Instagram and Facebook.
Beginning on November 16, our Miraculous Medal Family worldwide will join together in nine days of prayer to our Blessed Mother. And when we do that, lives are changed! Time and again, we've seen the power of our united prayers in asking Mary's graces upon us, our loved ones, and our world.
It’s so easy to get distracted by the problems in the world around us. Our hearts can become filled with fear and sorrow. But no matter what troubles we’re going through right now, we can lay them at our Holy Mother’s feet. Send us your prayer intentions as soon as possible, so we can place them at Mary’s Altar. They will remain there during these nine days of powerful prayer to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and on her Feast Day. Watch our livestreamed Masses, and be sure to pray with us no matter where you are. 
Enter into the prayerfulness of Mary's Miraculous Medal Shrine with this special Novena Prayer set: a beautiful candle that depicts Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, the Perpetual Novena prayer book, and a laminated holy card containing an embedded Miraculous Medal. This Novena Prayer Package of three items is only $10.

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