Club Connections
Dunwoody Woman's Club
Serving the community since 1971

February 2024
Wednesday, February 7 - 10 am
Valentine Creation Day
St. Luke's Presbyterian Church
Finch Room - Second Floor
1978 Mt. Vernon Rd., Dunwoody
Sponsored by: Arts & Culture & Civic Engagement & Outreach

Thursday, February 15 - 10 am
General Meeting
North Shallowford Annex
4470 N. Shallowford Rd.

Thursday, February 15 - 11:30 am
Outgoing President's Luncheon
Capital Grille Dunwoody
94 Perimeter Center W

Monday, February 19 - 2 pm
Home Tour Meeting
St. Luke's Presbyterian Church
1978 Mt. Vernon Rd., Dunwoody
Sponsored by: Ways & Means
Wednesday, February 21 - 1 pm
Arts & Culture Planning Meeting
Home of Lee Dees Giesecke
Sponsored by: Arts & Culture

Thursday, February 22 -11:30 am
Carpool from St. Luke's - 10:45 am
Lunch at Southbound prior to
Lifeline Animal Shelter Tour
3280 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd.
Sponsored by: Environment

Thursday, February 22 - 1:30 pm
Lifeline Animal Shelter
3280 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd.
Sponsored by: Environment

Thursday, Febrary 22- 6:30 pm
Evening Division Meeting
St. Luke's Presbyterian Church
1978 Mt. Vernon Rd., Dunwoody
Outgoing President's Luncheon

Date: Thursday, February 15, 2024
Time: 11:30 am
Location: Capital Grille Dunwoody
Reservations Required
RSVP to Beverly Clark or Faye Cashwell
by February 12, 2024
It has been a long standing tradition to treat the outgoing President to lunch after the February General Meeting. We have a reservation at the Capital Grille and they have agreed to let us order from the menu and receive separate checks. If you are planning to attend, please email or call: 

Beverly Clark 770 833-0724
Faye Cashwell 404 202-1223
Dottie D'Angelo

Dunwoody Woman’s Club Dues for 2024 are due NOW!
The dues are:
•   Active Members, $85
•   Associate Members, $100
•   Sustaining Members, $110
Please bring your dues to the February General Meeting or contact Dottie at for her address.
Ways and Means
Terry Kemp

2024 Home Tour

Monday, February 19, 2:00 pm, St. Luke's Presbyterian Church. We are kicking off the 2024 Home Tour Committee with our first meeting, homemade sweet treats will be available.

All DWC members are welcome to attend our meeting and learn more about how to get involved in this year’s Home Tour. Sponsor packets are now available to assist you in your sponsor solicitation.

Mark your calendar for Wednesday, October 9 for another exciting and successful Home Tour. We have our 3 homes for this year’s home tour! Thank you to Rosemary Watts, Meredy Shortal, and Carol Ciepluch, a good friend of DWC, for their help in obtaining these homeowners.
Arts and Culture
Lee Dees Giesecke

Date: Wednesday, February 7
Time: 10:00 to 12:00 noon
Location: St. Luke's, 2nd floor Finch room

Join us for "Valentine Creation Day." We will make valentine cards to take to Adult Day of Dunwoody, local nursing homes, the Dunwoody Police Station and the local Fire Stations.

Date: Wednesday, February 21
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Lee Dees Giesecke's home

We have scheduled a planning meeting for Arts and Culture. Please RSVP to Lee at if you plan to attend.

Save the Date: Sunday April 21, 2:30 pm, Arts and Culture is sponsoring a group (spouses, friends welcome) to go see “Native Gardens” at the Stage Door Theatre with dinner to follow at Marlow’s. More details forthcoming.
Civic Engagement and Outreach
Donna Knowlton
February Events

  • Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention MonthWe’ll be placing fact sheets and “Take the Pledge” sheets in the Dunwoody Library and the Sandy Springs Library.

  • National Burn Awareness Week – February 4 – 10. The theme for 2024 is “Handle With Care, Flammable Liquids Beware.” In the United States, one person sustains a burn every sixty seconds. In fact, every year, about 4000,000 people receive medical treatment for burns. Though most burns occur at home, 10% happen in the workplace.
Education and Libraries
  • National Library Lovers Month is an entire month devoted to celebrating libraries. From showing appreciation for your favorite and local library, librarians you have encountered, other book lovers you know, and books and reading in general, this special month-long event is a great way to get back into reading and enjoy the simple things in life!

  • Do you know? There are over 17,000 public libraries in the US. The largest library in the world is the Library of Congress. The famous philanthropist Andrew Carnegie helped fund the creation of over 2,000 libraries across the world by donating millions of dollars between the 1880s and 1920s.

February is also National School Counseling Month to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. It highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career.
Kathy Hanna
Nancy Baldwin & Gang

Thursday, February 22, Tour of Lifeline Animal Shelter and lunch at Southbound in Chamblee.

We will meet at 10:45 am at St. Luke's and carpool to Southbound restaurant in Old Chamblee for lunch, and after lunch, continue to Lifeline Animal Shelter at 3280 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd. for a tour at 1:30 pm led by one of the employees or a shelter volunteer. Please bring your donations for the animals.

On going programs:
  • Dunwoody Nature Center - Wonderful Wetlands on February 3, from 1-2 pm; Valentine's Day Painting Event, February 10, from 6:30 to 9:30 with wine, $70. Please register for all events at or call 770-394-3322
  • Master Gardeners - Second Saturdays @ 11:00 am at the Brook Run barn, the Master Gardens present great and timely gardening related programs, all are welcome. February 10 will be Container Gardening.
  • Trees Atlanta - Is planting 80 front yard trees in Dunwoody this March. If you want one, contact Trees Atlanta and sign up, it's free.
  •  Recycling - Dunwoody's Sustainable Committee asks everyone in Dunwoody to curbside recycle. They accept cardboard, shrink wrap, packing paper, paper containers and cups, milk, juice, and soup containers, steel, aluminum cans, plastic codes 1-5-7, and mixed paper. We are again collecting pill bottles to be used for the upcoming Sunflower project.
Health and Wellness
Faye Cashwell
February “Go Red” Month
February is American Heart Association Month so wear Red to all our meetings. Special quick games at Board and General meetings to highlight healthy hearts. Prizes awarded, so don’t miss attending.
Other Special Health Notes – February 2024
·         Age-Related Macular Degeneration/Low Vision Awareness
·         National Cancer Prevention Month
·         National Children’s Dental Health Month
·         Internation Boost Self-Esteem Month
Retirement Homes: Collecting magazines at monthly meetings.

Animal Shelters: Collecting blankets any size, dog or cat toys, animal treats, newspapers, paper towels, food (they are in need of adult animal food), and monetary donations. Please bring donations to the General Meetings and we will deliver for you.
Sunflower Project: Empty pill bottles for sunflower seeds.
GFWC Clubwoman
Judy Bertrand
Did you know that Saint Valentine's Day first occurred
in Paris on February 14, 1400? 

One hundred forty-five million greeting cards are exchanged yearly for Valentine's Day. That's just in the United States alone, according to Hallmark. Eight billion candy conversation hearts are manufactured annually. Approximately 250 million roses are grown for Valentine's Day!

As women of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), we can use Valentine’s Day to show our leadership skills. What comes with the thought of Valentine's Day? L.O.V.E  ̶ Let's break down this word into the characteristics of a leader.

  • L - Listen: Everybody needs to be heard, no matter who they are, your loved ones, or your club members. Showing that you pay attention to their voice shows you value their work. 
  • O - Open: A true leader has a genuine open-door policy. Besides being approachable, you also should open your mind to new ideas, suggestions, or feedback. 
  • V - Value: Are you a values-based leader? Does your style of leadership reflect a selfless attitude? Great leaders show others that they are valued and appreciated. When others feel valued, they work more productively, hold themselves accountable, and are less likely to leave. 
  • E - Empowerment: Include your team in decision-making and give them the space and role to capitalize on their expertise, strengths, and judgment. As a result, empowering your team will increase their worth and commitment.

Let’s use our GFWC voices through social media and other platforms to advocate for
“Be About It.” 
Visit Love is Respect.
"Love is Leadership; lead people with love."
                                                                                                            - Dolores Gonzalez

Deborah Gault

Leadership Perimeter Presentation
General Meeting
Thursday, March 21, 2024

At the March General Meeting, Roslyn Putnam, Executive Director of Leadership Perimeter, will speak on the Leadership training program open to our members and community. Leadership Perimeter is a professional organization focused on training leaders and fostering civic engagement collaboratively between organizations and stakeholders to benefit metro-Atlanta’s central Perimeter community.

Applications are accepted each year from a cross-section of ages and academic and business experience. The selected class of approximately 40 individuals, from corporations, non-profits, government, schools, small businesses, and volunteers, are provided educational experiences, workshops, motivational speakers, and networking opportunities designed to hone leadership skills and expand knowledge of our community. 

Roslyn will describe the application process, the various learning opportunities, and the impact Leadership Perimeter graduates have had influencing, leading, and contributing to the many Perimeter area organizations. 

Yes, YOU may want to apply! Come to the General Meeting for a very information session. Visitors are welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Deborah Gault, (contact info below).

Deborah Gault
Mobile: 404-304-5234
Stage Door Theatre

Love Songs Through the Decades
February 16 - February 18
Tallulah Falls School

Fostering Reading

TFS middle school students, teachers and staff discuss students’ latest reads during book talks. Not only do students discover new and exciting books, but the talks also create a positive reading culture within the school. Students stay behind to ask Ms. Kyle (Lower/Middle School Counselor)for recommendations for their next read!

We will be sending a Gift card and Valentine Card to our four adopted TFS students.
Women in History
Suzanne Bentz

L’Inconnue de la Seine,
The Most Kissed Face of All Time
If you are taking in Trivia Night this month at Mellow Mushroom, Dunwoody Tavern, or maybe Downwind at PDK Airport, you might want to tuck this Valentine nugget into your bank of trivia knowledge. It is claimed that the image of the young woman shown here has the most kissed face of all time. And if you have taken a CPR course, you too have kissed her gentle lips.
The sad twist to our story is that no one knows the young woman’s true name, hence, her burial designation, L’Inconnue or Unknown Woman of the Seine. She was thought to have been around 16-years-old when she drowned and was plucked from the Seine River in the 1880s. Her body “was put on display in the Paris mortuary, in the hope someone might recognize her and claim her body.” Sadly, nobody came forth. 
Enchanted by the young girl’s beatific face and enigmatic smile, the pathologist “commissioned a plaster cast made of her face.” Thousands of replicas were made and our tragic ingenue soon adorned the walls of chic European apartments, became deeply tied to Bohemian culture, and entered the work of ballet choreographers, poets and writers like Aragon, Camus and Nabokov. 
More than a half century after the young woman’s death, in the late 1950s, a toymaker named Asmund Laerdal, working with associate Peter Safar, created what we now know as the CPR doll. Seeking a human image that would have a natural and appealing appearance, Asmund remembered a mask that once hung on the walls at his grandparents’ home. 
That image became the face of what we now know as first aid mannequin Resusci Anne, which was first used in CPR courses starting in 1960. It is unknown how many thousands of lives have been saved by first aid responders, medics, and just plain folks worldwide who have taken CPR courses and learned how to breathe life back into people by kissing Resusci Anne in practice. Perhaps L’Inconnue de la Seine smiles enigmatically because she knew her death would benefit mankind and, at peace and in Heaven, she is keeping track of lives her kiss have saved.
Dunwoody Woman's Club Evening Division
Maria Barnhart -
The members enjoyed an evening of flower arranging in mugs at the January 25 meeting. Thank you to Kathy Hanna and Jill Post for leading the workshop
We had 22 in attendance for the January Evening Division Meeting and welcomed 2 prospective members; Veronica Anderson and Laura Neff. 

Thank you to these ladies for accepting leadership positions:
  • Evening Division Chairman - Rosmary Watts
  • Recording Secretary - Lisa Benson
  • Meetings/Refreshment Chairman - Jill Post
  • CSP Liason Chairman - Mary Jane Holland

Diane Norris presented the New Member Award to Rosemary Watts and Terry Kemp updated the 2024 Home Tour
Thursday, February 22, 6:30 pm at Saint Luke’s Presbyterian Church. Member Cyndi Ellsom, a certified Yoga instructor, will lead our February meeting. She will talk about Yoga and lead the group in chair Yoga. Dress comfortably for this meeting. 

 The Evening Division will be on the road (different locations) for March, April and May meetings.

Thursday, March 28, 6:30 pm at Stage Door Theatre in the rehearsal room. Justin Ball will be the speaker and food will be served.
We encourage evening members to review each monthly newsletter for DWC programs. All programs and events are open to both Day and Evening members. We are one Dunwoody Woman’s Club living the volunteer spirit. 

 Maria Barnhart, Diane Norris, Ida Dorvee
Coordinators for Evening Division of DWC
Carolyn Anderson
53 Years of Service in our Community 1971-2024