Club Connections
Dunwoody Woman's Club
Serving the community since 1971

December 2023
Monday, December 11 - 10am
Lutheran Towers Gift Bags
St. Luke's Presbyterian Church
1978 Mt Vernon Rd, Dunwoody
Sponsored by: Health & Wellness

Thursday, December 14 - 10 am
DWC Holiday Luncheon & Meeting
Dunwoody Country Club
1600 Dunwoody Club Dr, Atlanta

Friday, December 15
Last day for Flower Power
Sponsored by: Ways & Means
Friday, December 15 - Noon
Decorating for "Christmas for Kids"
Sponsored by: Civic Engagement & Outreach

Saturday, December 16
Wreaths Across America
Sponsored by: Civic Engagement & Outreach

Dunwoody Woman's Club
Annual Flower Power
Holiday Bulb Sale

Back by popular demand! The website is live and ready for orders! You can choose from an assortment of beautiful amaryllis and paperwhite kits complete with pot, soil, and a decorative burlap bag for $22.00. The waxed amaryllis bulbs are $30.00, and the wax amaryllis bulbs with sweaters are $34.00.

The deadline for ordering is December 15, 2023, and the bulbs will be shipped when the orders are received for a $6.99 fee per order to any location in the US.

Click on the link below to order your holiday gift bulbs.
Dunwoody Woman’s Club Dues for 2024 are due January 1, 2024.
  • Active Members, $85.00
  • Associate Members $100.00
  • Sustaining Members $110.00.

Please bring your check to the Holiday Luncheon December 14 at the Dunwoody Country Club. The checks should be made out to Dunwoody Woman's Club. If you are not able to attend the luncheon to pay your dues, please contact

Our dues are used to pay the operating expenses of our club. All of the profits from the 2023 Home Tour are donated to the community.
Arts and Culture
Lee Dees Giesecke

Happy Holidays!
Civic Engagement and Outreach
Donna Knowlton
Friday, December 15, 12:00 pm – Decorating for “Christmas for Kids” Dunwoody City Hall, Partnering with I Care Atlanta, the Dunwoody Police Department will host a Christmas celebration for deserving children and their families on the evening of December 15. The Dunwoody Police Department will be collecting new unwrapped toys and gifts for kids aged 1-15 years old. You may drop off gift donations at the Dunwoody Police Department. We will decorate 4-5 trees and help set up other decorations for the event. If you have not signed up and would like to help, call Donna Knowlton at 470-225-1050.
Saturday, December 16, 11:00 am - Wreaths Across America Program, Old Roswell Cemetery.
Check out the Roswell Historical Society website for more information and the opportunity to sponsor a wreath. To date, our members and club have sponsored 18 wreaths.
Education and Libraries
December Fun Facts

National Letter Writing Day
Get ready to write some heartfelt letters on National Letter Writing Day, which falls on Dec. 7. This special day was created by the United States Postal Service in 2005 as a way to encourage people to rediscover the joy of putting pen to paper and connecting with friends, family and loved ones via personalized notes. It's also an opportunity for us all to reflect on our relationships and express our appreciation for those who support us.

Dewey Decimal System Day
It's time to celebrate the Dewey Decimal System on December 10, a day dedicated to honoring one of the most important library classification systems in the world! The Dewey Decimal System is an organizational tool used to classify books into ten broad categories that make it easier for librarians, teachers and students alike to quickly find the material they need. It was first developed by Melvil Dewey in 1876 and has since become an invaluable part of libraries all over the world. This day is not only a great way to recognize its importance, but also a good reminder to take advantage of all those resources our libraries have to offer!

Dot Your I’s Day
It's time to put your best penmanship forward and celebrate Dot Your I's Day on December 20. This day was created to remind us all of the importance of taking the time to pay attention to detail. It's also a great opportunity for us to slow down and take the time to appreciate the little things in life. Whether it's taking care of our relationships, or simply writing a letter with care, making sure we dot our i's and cross our t's is essential. So let’s get out those pens and pencils and start dotting away!

Kathy Hanna
Nancy Baldwin & Gang

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Environment Gang. We thank you for your support and participation in our events in 2023 and hope you will enjoy “playing in the dirt” with us in 2024.
Congratulations to the City of Sandy Springs as Brent Walker will be their new Director of Parks and Recreation. He has been a great asset to Dunwoody and DWC. Brent will be missed by many of us.
If you have anything to report on donations to our charities, we need your information for our report to GFWC Georgia.

  • Just a reminder, leave seed heads on your plants for wildlife, don’t remove all your leaves and sticks from you planting beds as many species need cover and winter protection. 
  • This is a great time to recycle what you have been putting in the back of your closet.
  • Fur Kids on Holcomb Bridge will take it all and help with pet adoption and care. Donations to PAWS and Life-Line shelters are a great gift for someone on your gift list.
  • This is a great time to contact GA Power for an energy audit of your home. Attic and windows are great places to find leaking heat.
Health and Wellness
Faye Cashwell
Monday, December 11, 10:00 - 12:00, Lutheran Towers Holiday Gift Bags. Please join us at Saint Luke’s to assemble gift bags for the residents of Lutheran Towers. Small gift bags will be prepared for 120 ladies and 80 gentlemen, who may not receive any other gifts.  

 Please RSVP to Faye Cashwell by Friday, Dec. 8. 
Retirement Homes: Collecting magazines at monthly meetings.

Unwrapped gifts for kids 1 to 15. Drop off at Dunwoody Police Department.
GFWC Clubwoman
Judy Bertrand

GFWC Affiliate Organization Heifer International is excited to share information about Hatching Hope, a groundbreaking initiative designed to help farmers earn a living income in Mexico, Kenya, and India. This is just one of Heifer’s transformational flagship projects. 
Hatching Hope is a development program that is set to improve the nutrition and livelihood for 100,000,000 individuals by the year 2030. The project was designed with the firm understanding that an efficient poultry business can effect important change for farmers, their families, and their communities. Chickens and their eggs are among the best and lowest-cost sources of high-quality protein.
Heifer is coordinating agricultural training, tools, and resources – such as veterinary care – for farmers to raise larger numbers of healthy chickens in sustainable ways. Chickens can “hatch hope” at scale because a back-yard coop has low barriers to entry and requires minimal infrastructure. Moreover, chickens are easily fed and grow quickly, delivering a rapid return on investment for farmers. 
The key to Hatching Hope’s success will be to unlock barriers to high-value marketplaces within the private sector. Heifer is actively helping farmers make important connections in their respective regions, partnering with governments, financial institutions, and cooperatives. A comprehensive power for good, Hatching Hope promotes efficiency and sustainability in Mexico, Kenya, and India.
Stage Door Theatre

Stage Door Theater

It's A Wonderful Life
December 1 to December 17, 2023

Tallulah Falls School

Happy Holidays!

Women in History
Suzanne Bentz

Josephine Garis Cochrane
March 1839 - August 1913
If you ran your dishwasher a whole bunch of times over the Thanksgiving weekend, and are dreading a repeat over the upcoming holidays, just be glad you didn’t have to scrub and dry all those dishes, wine glasses, pots and pans by hand. And while you’re at it, give a hearty thanks to Josephine Garis Cochrane, inventor of the first commercially successful dishwashing machine. 
Yep, it took a determined woman to put an end to post-meal drudgery. What saddens me is that, while commercially popular from the get-go, Josephine’s invention (now a consumer must-have) took decades to make it into every home in America.
Josephine Garis was born in Ohio in 1839. While her dad was a civil engineer, and her great grandfather, John Fitch, was a steamboat innovator, Josephine was not formally educated in the sciences. In 1858, Josephine married William Cochrane, a prosperous dry goods merchant and politician, and they had two children. Josephine and William entertained a lot and she was truly fed up watching servants chip her fancy plates when scrubbing them in the kitchen sink. Josephine tried washing them herself, definitely a bothersome task. She just knew there had to be a better way.
So, Josephine worked out a design (innovation was clearly in her DNA) for a machine “that employed water jets and a dish rack that would hold the soiled tableware in place.” Sadly, husband William died while Josephine’s design was fomenting, and ensuing debt pushed her idea toward reality with the help of a mechanic, George Butters. In a backyard shed, Josephine “measured the dishes and constructed wire compartments to fit plates, cups and saucers, and placed these inside a wheel that laid flat within a copper boiler. The wheel turned, powered by a motor, and soapy water would squirt up over the dishes to clean them.”
Josephine patented her invention in 1886 and founded the Garis-Cochrane Manufacturing Company. Josephine’s machines attracted enthusiastic interest from restaurants and hotels at first, especially after she showcased them at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893 and took home the prize for “best mechanical construction, durability and adaption to its line of work.” 
Josephine’s company became part of KitchenAid through acquisition by Hobart Manufacturing Company when Josephine died of a stroke or exhaustion in 1913. “The machines’ popularity skyrocketed in the 1950s when technology, women’s attitudes toward housework, and dishwashing detergent, changed the dishwasher’s favor. Today, the dishwasher is a part of the typical American household.”
Josephine was posthumously inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2006.
Dunwoody Woman's Club Evening Division
Maria Barnhart -
Happy One Year Anniversary to our DWC Evening Division!
The first meeting was November 9, 2022. Thank you to everyone who has played a part in the success and dedication of the Evening Division of DWC. You attended meetings, led service projects, encouraged us along the way, and made a positive difference in our club and community.
At our November meeting, we made 128 Holiday cards and assembled 40 small gift bags for veterans at the VA Hospital. Maria and Mary Jane delivered the cards to the VA Hospital.
By-laws amendments were passed and included procedures for the Evening Division of DWC. Thank you Ida Dorvee for your extraordinary work on the by-laws. 

 Coming in 2024 .....
  • Thursday, January 25, 2024, Kathy Hanna and Jill Post have volunteered to lead a flower arranging program. At the January meeting we will elect an Evening Division Chairman so make plans to attend.
  • Programs for 2024 will include: Yoga, Stahge Door Theatre, Dunwoody Nature Center, tour the expanded Spruill Center for the Arts. 

We encourage evening members to review the newsletter for all DWC programs. All programs and events are open to both Day and Evening members. We are one Dunwoody Woman’s Club living the volunteer spirit. 

 Maria Barnhart, Diane Norris, Ida Dorvee
Coordinators for Evening Division of DWC
Carolyn Anderson
52 Years of Service in our Community 1971-2023