Club Connections
Dunwoody Woman's Club
Serving the community since 1971

April 2023
Thursday, April 13
Golden Olympics
Lunch at Vintage Pizza - Noon
Games at Dunwoody Nature Center
5343 Roberts Dr., Dunwoody
Sponsored by: Health & Wellness

Thursday, April 20 - 10:00 am
General Meeting
North Shallowford Annex
4470 N. Shallowford Rd

Thursday, April 27 - 6:30 pm
Evening Division of DWC Meeting
St. Luke's Presbyterian Church
1978 Mt. Vernon Rd., Dunwoody
Thursday, April 27
Lunch at Maximo's - 11:30 am
Plant Sale at
Brook Run Greenhouses - 1:00 pm
4770 N. Peachtree Rd.
Sponsored by: Environment

Saturday, April 29 - 6:30 pm
Dinner Party - Wellspring Living
Dunwoody Country Club
1600 Dunwoody Club Dr,
Sponsored by: Arts and Culture

Tuesday, May 2 - 1:00 pm
Book Club
Sponsored by: Education & Libraries
Ways and Means
Terry Kemp

Important Dates:

August 17 - 10am - Called Meeting
Meet your Head Hostess, receive your packet of tickets and preview the homes.

October 4 - 10am to 2 pm - Home Tour

Update from the Home Tour Committee
  • Ticket prices - $30
  • "Save the Date" Posters/Postcards - will be distributed in key locations and key events in Dunwoody such as Lemonade Days and Dunwoody Arts Festival.
  • "Piggyback" on booths such as DNC, Spruill, Stage Door Players to display Home Tour info with QR Code. The QR code will access the DWC Home Tour web page where tickets may be purchased.
  • Consider posts on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Researching how to recognize our most loyal sponsors over years.
  • Southern Comforts will again participate.
  • We have collected $4,100 in sponsorships.
How can you help?
  • Request posters and postcard size "Save the Date" cards to distribute to places where you do business.
  • Help distributing promotions throughout the community.
  • DWC counts on each member to sell at least 5 tickets.
  • Encourage friends to help with working the Home Tour.
  • Please follow up with your sponsors and bring your checks to a Board or General Meeting. You can also mail to:
Terry Kemp
6920 Polo Hill
Cumming, GA 30040

The Evening Division of DWC is participating in this event by obtaining sponsorships and working the day of the tour. Please remember that we count on each member to sell tickets and be a hostess in one of the homes on the day of the tour.
Arts and Culture
Lee Dees Giesecke
Spring Fling Dinner Party
Benefitting Wellspring Living

Saturday, April 29, 2023
Dunwoody Country Club

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Reception
Dogwood Room (cash bar)
7:30 pm Buffet Dinner
Magnolia Room

$75.00 per person
Limited Seating (50)

Celebration of GFWC's DAY OF SERVICE for 2023 is April 29. For our Service Activity this year, we are hosting a dinner at Dunwoody Country Club. A portion of the proceeds will go to support Wellspring Living and our speaker will be Sarah Richardson, Development Director at Wellspring. We hope you will be able to join us but if you cannot attend, please consider making a donation to support this years Day of Service.

Please make checks, for dinner or donation, payable to Dunwoody Woman’s Club. In the check memo section, please put “Spring Fling”  You may add an additional donation.

Please mail or give checks to:
Lee Dees Giesecke
1195 Dunbrooke Lane
Dunwoody, Ga 30338

April 22 is the final date for RSVP. 
Civic Engagement and Outreach
Donna Knowlton

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and National Sexual Violence Awareness Month

Civic Engagement’s April Program will promote Prevent Child Abuse. A pinwheel garden will be created in front of the Veterans Memorial next to our Dunwoody Woman’s Club bench at Brook Run Park. Fifty blue pinwheels will be planted to draw attention to the prevention of child abuse and neglect. Pinwheels are the national symbol for child abuse prevention and the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign focuses on positive efforts to ensure that all children have the safe, stable, nurturing families they deserve.

Upcoming Events:
  • Dunwoody 4th of July Parade, Tuesday, July 4.
  • The theme for this year’s parade will be “50 Years of Wildcat Pride”
  • Grand Marshals: Tom Bass, Principal at DHS and Steve Fortenberry, DHS teacher and Dunwoody resident.
  • If you would like to drive your convertible or walk in our entry, please let us know.
  • How should we dress? Should we find a truck so we all can ride? We need your creative ideas!
Education and Libraries
International Children’s Book Day April 2, 2023 

Helping to bring their imagination to life, books inspire, educate and encourage children to exercise their mind.
Reading books can help a child to learn and develop, and this can be difficult in certain parts of the world due to deprivation. However, International Children’s Book Day can help to provide resources for those children through various events in schools and communities that they may not have had access to otherwise. 
We will take books to the International Community School for the refugee children who attend there.

World Book Night April 23

If you’ve never found a book you’ve liked, there’s a good chance that you’ve not tried that many books and World Book Night is here to prove to both children and adults that there are plenty of opportunities to get lost in a good book. Every year, the occasion is coordinated by the Reading Agency, a national charity that aims to help people become confident and enthusiastic readers.
World Book Night celebrates both reading and books every year on April 23rd, when books are distributed throughout the UK to specifically, but not exclusively, reach those who don’t often get the opportunity to read – hospitals, prisons, homeless shelters and care homes are a particular focus. Those who love a good book are asked to give out their own books to similarly affected people in their own communities or the wider UK.
For the past 6 years World Book Night has also been celebrated in the USA as well as the UK and Ireland, with almost 50,000 people giving away a million books across the three different countries. 
We will distribute books to our little libraries and to a women’s shelter.

May Book Club

Tuesday, May 2, 1:00 pm. Our book for May is The Radium Girls a true story of the poison that made people glow in the dark. A story of the women who painted watch dials with radium paint and their determination to fight back to save countless lives. 
Link to Amazon for The Radium Girls details.
Kathy Hanna
Nancy Baldwin & Gang

We had a wonderful tour and lecture at the Environmental Education Center. Our tour guides did a great job of making us feel welcome and we left with a greater understanding on how our waste water is being cleaned. 
Thank you to those who joined us for the joint CSP's meeting at Brook Run Park, we were "singing in the rain". Our speakers were Cyndi McGill and Art Simon who spoke about our sunflower project.
Thursday, April 27, Lunch at Maximo's at 11:30 am and Plant Sale at Brook Run Greenhouses at 1:00 pm. Even if you have a small balcony or patio there are plants you can grow in pots to add beauty and food to your life.

Sunflowers for Dunwoody Project Update: We are organizing the planting of sunflowers on public spots and business centers in Dunwoody, and we have 21 sites to date. Share any contacts you might have for neighborhood home & garden groups. We would like to see the city in bloom this summer. Four members have taken on the plantings of our seedlings at their subdivisions

April Community Events:
Dunwoody Nature Center: ( 770-394-3322).
  • April 8, 10am - 1:30 pm, Paint like Bob Ross.
  • April 8, 10:00am - 12:pm, Gardening to Attract Birds and Other Wildlife.
  • April 16, 10:00am - 1:00pm, Forest Bathing.
  • April 17, 9:00am - 10:30am, Nature Lovers Book Club, A Sand County Almanac.
  • April 23, 12:00 - 3:00pm, Plein Air Art Class with Sharon Weiss. 
  • April 29, 6:00pm - 9:00pm, - Monarchs & Margaritas. 
Master Gardeners:
  • April 8, 11:00am, BR Greenhouse lecture/Square Foot Gardening.
Health and Wellness
Faye Cashwell
Thursday, April 13, Golden Olympics at Dunwoody Nature Center, Sunporch. We will go to lunch before the big event, 12:00 noon at Vintage Pizza. If you haven’t already made your reservation to attend this fun event let Faye Cashwell know. Please plan to attend and show off your expert game skills, or join us for lunch and help us store up energy for the big event.
Thursday, April 20, 2023, General Meeting – Health and Wellness speaker is Dr. Samuel Victoria, MD. He is a Vascular Surgeon and will speak on Peripheral Arterial Disease. Title of talk, "Could My Leg Pain be Peripheral Vascular Disease?"  Dr. Victoria is among a few vascular surgeons in the state with the expertise to perform FEVAR procedure.
April is the American Cancer Society “Walk 100 Miles Challenge”, I have signed up and will be walking my 100 miles to help fight for a world without cancer. I will be providing daily/weekly updates so stay tuned!
Lifeline Animal Shelters - Pet food; Kong dog toys; Nylabone dog toys; Martingale collars; laundry detergent; Method glass cleaner; pet treats; towels; sheets; and newspapers. Bring items to board meetings or general meetings.

Other on-going needed items for shelters include: blankets any size; dog or cat toys; animal treats, paper towels, and monetary donations. Pill bottles are no longer needed.
Stage Door Theatre

April Show Schedule

  • Treasure Island, a Musical Adventure, April 14-16
  • Dad's Garage, A Night with Dad's Comedy Show, April 22, 7:30 pm

2023/2024 (50th Season) brochures will be available at the May General Meeting.

Women in History
Suzanne Bentz
Kanitha Samsen Wichiencharoen (November 4 1922 - May 13, 2002)

Phuying pen Kwai, puchai pen kon. (Women are buffaloes; men are human.)

Sadly, that adage rang true in Siam (Thailand) for hundreds of years. Women were considered unworthy of education. They had no rights under prevailing laws. Fathers could sell their daughters. Husbands could sell their wives. Women could not choose their fates. That all began to change when King Mongkut took the throne in 1851. British educator, Anna (“The King and I”) Leonowen, and a young peasant, Amdaeng Muean, would appeal to Mongkut’s sensibilities and inspire him, in time, to overhaul Thailand’s punitive legal system as it affected women. A century later, Kanitha Samsen Wichiencharoen would take Thai women’s rights even further.

Kanitha was born in Bangkok. Her dad was a lawyer and that is the path Kanitha would take. She enrolled in law school at Thammasat University, then moved to Washington, D.C., to study international law at American University and Columbia University in New York City, then off to Switzerland to study international relations at the Graduate Institute of International Development Studies. Returning to Bangkok, Samsen began her career at the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs where she met and married Adul Wichiencharoen, but soon returned to the States for a degree in social welfare at Howard University. In the midst of all that, she had three children with Adul.

You might begin to wonder how Kanitha managed to fit helping women into all that studying here and there, and raising children. Well, Kanitha was one focused, hardworking, and determined woman. When she permanently moved back to Thailand in the 1960s, Kanitha began advocating passionately for women’s rights. She became president of the Women’s Lawyer’s Association, instituted Saturday workshops to give pro bono legal advice and assistance to her community, was a legal counselor to the United Nations, and became president of an organization dedicated to revising laws to give better treatment to women and children.

Kanitha even opened her home as an emergency shelter to assist abused, unemployed, and elderly women when the country still had none. She also is credited with funding and establishing Thailand’s first women’s shelter, offering housing, meals, medical referrals, and eventually education and vocational training, as well as founding a policy research center to advise on economic and political issues impacting women. Ordained as a maechee (lay nun) in the Buddhist faith in 1993, Kanitha helped found the first college to offer women a bachelor of arts degree in Buddhism and philosophy. She died on May 13, 2002 of cancer.

At the end of April, Dunwoody Woman’s Club members will celebrate a Day of Service by hosting a Spring Fling Dinner Party to benefit Wellspring Living of Atlanta. Wellspring’s mission aims to transform the lives of those at risk or victimized by sexual exploitation. Maechee Kanitha would be proud of our work to help Wellspring. And I think the benevolent Buddha would look fondly upon our efforts, too.
Dunwoody Woman's Club Evening Division
Maria Barnhart -

At our March 23rd meeting, attendees enjoyed putting together 4 gift baskets; for 3 Dunwoody fire stations and one for the Dunwoody Police Department. Terry Kemp, Home Tour Chairman shared information about DWC’s Annual Home Tour set for Wednesday, October 4, 2023.

April Meeting

Date: Thursday, April 27   
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: St. Luke's Presbyterian Church
1978 Mt Vernon Rd, Dunwoody

Exciting news for the April 27 meeting! We will induct new DWC members at this meeting. Cimi Douglass, GFWC-GA Treasurer, will lead the induction ceremony.
We welcome all current DWC members and guests to attend our evening meetings. Just let us know you are attending and if you are inviting a guest so we can plan refreshments.

Evening Division Coordinators:
Maria Barnhart
Diane Norris
Ida Dorvee
Carolyn Anderson
52 Years of Service in our Community 1971-2023