Welcome to the July edition of the 2018 Dunstan News.
With winter well upon us the temptation might be to hibernate; however, there will be plenty to see, do and attend over the next few weeks!
We're collaborating on a range of projects and events and you can read below for all the latest on what's going on.
Next week, 9-13 July, we are partnering with Entrepreneurs Week and the Adelaide Festival of Ideas .  Dr Guy Turnbull, who is coming to Adelaide as our Thinker in Residence later this year, is in town to deliver presentations at both these exciting events. If you want a taste of what Guy will be bringing to the Thinkers in Residence Program, make sure you catch him at either, or both, of these events.
We were planning the third and final visit of Allyson Hewitt  to take place this July; however, due to unexpected personal circumstances Allyson has postponed her visit. We'll keep you in the loop about when this visit will be rescheduled.
You'll find below an update on the Adelaide Zero Project. As part of Connections Week we identified, for the first time, all the people (and their names) sleeping rough on the streets of our city. This was a crucial first step in our efforts to end street homelessness. Below you'll also find more info on the 2018 Homelessness Conference on 8 August.
We've also included an update on some great reads and what else is going on around town,  the videos from this year's AdMental and much more. 
If you like what you see, we hope you will consider  attending , joining , donating , partnering  or volunteering  and help us inspire action for a fairer world.

As always, we value your feedback on what we are doing so please get in touch!


David Pearson
Executive Director
Don Dunstan Foundation

Entrepreneurs Week - Opening Event
MONDAY 9 JULY |  8.30 - 4.00pm |  Adelaide Convention Centre, North Terrace

The Don Dunstan Foundation, as part of the Thinkers in Residence Program has partnered with Entrepreneurs Week to ensure cooperatives and social enterprise are again a big focus this year. Guy Turnbull will visit later this year as a Thinker in Residence to bring his international expertise in establishing an employee owned disability care cooperative in the UK . As Allyson Hewitt is unable to be in Adelaide this month, we are thrilled that Guy will be stepping in to fulfil Allyson's speaking engagements at Entrepreneurs Week and the Festival of Ideas.
The Thinkers' Team has organised a number of the sessions as part of the Entrepreneurs Week Opening Event including:

The Rise of the Co-op: Unlocking the latent entrepreneurship in workers and industry. How could your business benefit? 10.00am - 10.40am 

Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Economic Growth 11.15am - 12.15pm

Entrepreneurship in the Purpose Economy 
12.15pm - 1.00 pm

Co-operatives and New Market Opportunities
1.45pm - 2.45 pm

Entrepreneurs Week - Opening Event full program is available here
Adelaide Festival of Ideas
12 - 15 JULY | Various Times and Venues

The Don Dunstan Foundation is partnering with the Festival of Ideas again this year and  is pleased to be supporting these two events:

Ethical Enterprise and Democratic Business Ownership Models Shape Who's at the Wheel

Dr Guy Turnbull 

Guy has been embedded in the co-operative and social enterprise sector since 1988 and is the former full-time managing director of Care & Share Associates Limited (CASA), an employee owned social enterprise he helped to found in 2004. He previously worked across the UK as a social economy consultant, specialising in business planning, social franchising and replication, programme leadership, training, research and strategic planning.

FREE EVENT - Make sure you arrive a bit early to get the best seat! There's no registration required.

Note: Allyson Hewitt is listed in the program as the speaker; however, due to personal reasons, she is not able to be in Adelaide at this time.

When:  2.30pm - 3.20pm | Friday 13 July 2018
Where:  AHMS GO30
Presented by Don Dunstan Foundation

Graeme Hugo Memorial Lecture: Does migration drive up house prices?

Chris Leishman
Director, Hugo Centre for Migration and Population Research, University of Adelaide.

Housing has become unaffordable in many developed countries - in Australia perhaps more so than in others. A particularly evocative explanation is that the volume of immigration is mostly to blame. Chris Leishman will aim to expose the degree of truth of this view, and hopes to introduce some new, disruptive and challenging ideas as food for thought for researchers and politicians alike

A recent migrant himself, Chris is well placed to comment on factors (including migration) that drive house prices, and the role that supply plays in helping to determine housing affordability.

FREE EVENT - Make sure you arrive a bit early to get the best seat! There's no registration required.

When:  1pm - 1.50pm | Saturday 14 July 2018
Where:  AHMS GO30
Presented by the School of Social Sciences, The University of Adelaide

There is plenty more on as part of the  Adelaide Festival of Ideas , so we encourage you to visit their website to find out more about what's on offer.
Save the Date - 2018 Homelessness Conference
WEDNESDAY 8 AUGUST 2018 | 9.00am - 5.00pm | Adelaide Convention Centre

Now in its fifth year, the Don Dunstan Foundation Homelessness Conference is a valuable opportunity to hear from international speakers, and professionals working in the sector in South Australia. Representatives from the  Adelaide Zero Project  will also present on achievements to date, and next steps, as they work towards ending people sleeping rough in the Adelaide CBD by 2020. 

We are pleased to announce our keynote speakers for this year's conference will be Professor Marah Curtis of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) and Sally Hines, COO of the Big Issue. You can find out more about our speakers on the website.

Nominate a Mini-Presentation speaker
Do you know of an organisation that is making a difference in the homelessness sector? We are seeking suggestions for innovative organisations, programs or initiatives to consider for 10 minute mini-presentations at the conference. To find out more or nominate a speaker, please email  emilie.soda@adelaide.edu.au.
We hope you can join us at this conference for new thinking on the challenges and the opportunities for policy makers and service providers in ending homelessness.

Pictured: Mini presentations presenters and delegates at the 2017 Homelessness Conference.

2018 Annual Appeal

While the end of the financial year has passed, you can still help us and those we support by making a donation today to our Annual Appeal, or commit to an individual priority area and make a difference to an area that means the most to you.

Co-operatives Forum: Opportunities for Care Services

Our Co-operatives Forum brought people together from across the care sector to explore the opportunities the cooperative business model provides and to explore opportunities for working together
The forum featured keynote presentations from international experts in care co-operatives and social enterprise, Dr Guy Turnbull (UK), and CEO of the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals, Melina Morrison (Sydney), and South Australian Disability Industries coordinator, General Rob DiMonte .

Visit the Thinkers in Residence 
pages on the Don Dunstan Foundation website to find out more about Guy Turnbull and view the Co-operatives Forum presentation slides.  The video will be available on our You Tube Channel shortly.

Image: Dr Guy Turnbull at the Co-operatives Forum.
2018 AdMental again a great success!

AdMental is an entertaining 'Gruen Transfer' style event harnessing the power of marketing and advertising to help achieve our state's objective of becoming the State of Wellbeing.  Our second AdMental event, held in early April and hosted by comedian  Amanda Blair  was once again a great success. 

Local ad agencies,  Floodlight Media and  Super8, presented their mental health messages to an appreciative audience in Bonython Hall.

The Geoff Robertson Memorial Award was won by Super8, with the People's Choice Award going to Floodlight Media.

Watch Floodlight Media and Super8's pitches here .
Indigenous Business Trade Fair Series - Adelaide

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Supply Nation are offering a series of Indigenous Business Trade Fairs across the country.

This is an excellent opportunity for Adelaide based Project Managers and Procurement Staff to engage with Aboriginal owned businesses regarding current and forward procurement opportunities.

Register now to engage more Indigenous suppliers, support the growth of the Indigenous business sector and help your department to meet its Indigenous procurement target.

When:  9am - 12noon,  Friday 27 July 2018 
Where:  Adelaide Entertainment Centre, 98 Port Rd, Hindmarsh, SA 5007
Cost: Free Event. Light refreshments provided

What else is on

VARIOUS ACTIVITIES - NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. The week is a great opportunity to participate in a range of activities and to support your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.  Sun 8 Jul -  Sun 15 Jul , Adelaide & National. 

VARIOUS ACTIVITIES - Entrepreneurs Week.   Entrepreneurs Week aims to showcase the many support programs available to entrepreneurs in the state, the importance of intrapreneurship in driving innovation, and celebrate success stories from our thriving start-up community. Mon 9 - Fri 13 July.  FIND OUT MORE

FESTIVAL - The Adelaide Festival of Ideas. Thurs 12 - Sun 15 July, Adelaide .
FESTIVAL - SALA: South Australian Living Artists Festival. August 2018. 

CONFERENCE - National Homelessness Conference . The Conference will bring together policy makers and practitioners from across Australia to learn, engage and network. Mon 6 & Tues 7 August, Melbourne.  FIND OUT MORE