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Draft of Smart and Sustainable Corridors Specific Plan to be Released for Review

Both In-Person and Virtual Opportunities for Feedback

A key component of the City’s General Plan Update is the Smart and Sustainable Corridors Specific Plan (SSCSP), which will build on the previously completed Smart and Sustainable Corridors Plan.

The SSCSP will establish land use and development standards for properties within inland segments of the City’s major east/west commercial corridors (i.e., Mission Avenue, Oceanside Boulevard, and Vista Way). The SSCSP will implement the vision of thriving, visually enhanced, pedestrian-oriented mixed-use corridors outlined in the Smart and Sustainable Corridors Plan. 

A fundamental goal of the SSCSP is to channel the bulk of the City’s future housing and non-residential growth into these already-urbanized and transit-served areas, thereby limiting additional urban sprawl and preserving open space, farmland, and single-family neighborhoods.

Opportunities for Review and Feedback

A draft of the SSCSP is nearing completion. The City’s Planning Division will soon make the draft available to the community for review, and then host an in-person open house on the draft this fall. The in-person open house will be followed by a week-long “virtual open house” that will allow community members to review and provide comment on the draft through an online platform. 

We Appreciate your Participation!

The City of Oceanside is grateful to the many community members who have participated in outreach events designed to guide the preparation of the SSCSP and other components of the updated General Plan.  Informed by the input we’ve received at these events, City staff and partners have sought to create goals, policies, and standards that both reflect the values and priorities of the Oceanside community and align with state and regional objectives.  At the coming open house events, you can let us know if we’ve struck the right balance in efforts to address local concerns and, at the same time, contribute to the betterment of California and the San Diego region.  

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