Holistic Child Health Newsletter 
March 2015 (Part 2 of 2)


Dear Friends,


Welcome to the Holistic Child Health Newsletter.


The goal of my holistic pediatric practice, and of this newsletter, is to inform and support parents to become more empowered as the primary health care providers for their children. Extending far beyond Western medicine's conventional treatments, holistic medicine and mindful parenting allow us to boost children's natural immunity, support their optimum health and wellness, safely heal any illnesses, and prevent disease-without dangerous side effects.  Holistic medicine provides us with the tools to nurture the physical, emotional, social and spiritual health of your children.


Over the coming months and years, I intend to use this newsletter to address some of your concerns as parents, share information that you might want to add to your knowledge base, and inform you of important issues and current events that are happening in the news, and in your area.


Together we can heal the whole child. Naturally.


Yours in Health,


Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD

Leah and Larry  

Celiac Disease Rate Among Young Children Has Almost Tripled in Past 20 Years

Dr Palevsky's Comments: Anyone wonder whether there is gluten, or a protein similar to gluten, that is used in the manufacturing process of vaccines that, when injected into children, makes them sensitive to gluten, and reactive to the gluten grains once they eat them? We know the increase in dairy, peanut, egg, and soy allergies is secondary to the injection of these food proteins that are present in the regularly scheduled vaccines for children. And, we know that experts express little concern for the development of these food allergies in children, secondary to the injection of these vaccine food ingredients, because of the much greater risk, they say, of the infectious diseases over the development of these minor [sic] food allergies.

But, with the rapid rise of celiac disease, and the additional rise in non-celiac gluten sensitivities in children and adults, is it not reasonable to ask the question as to whether gluten protein is injected into our children's bodies through vaccines, causing them to  mount an antagonistic immune reaction against the injected gluten protein which,  upon subsequent ingestion of the gluten protein, would automatically create an immune reaction against the gluten they consume, leading to a myriad of possible symptoms? 

We forget that the injection of proteins into the body automatically causes the immune system to see these proteins as foreign and, as a result, signals the immune system to mount a response to reject them. This rejection, at some point, can develop into many of the chronic symptoms we see in children and adults, such as eczema, asthma, enlarged tonsils and adenoids, sleep problems, autism, ADHD, learning disability, sensory issues, speech delay, mood disorders, seizures, thyroid problems, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, obesity, diabetes, ear fluid, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disease, behavioral problems, and many others. For many children who develop these chronic conditions, their symptoms may easily resolve with the removal of the foods to which they have become sensitized, as a result of their repeated injection into their bodies through vaccines.

Unfortunately, unvaccinated children are still affected, as children of parents who have been vaccinated. The transgenerational epigenetic issues related to vaccines have not been addressed, but have long been a concern of mine. Parents, who have been vaccinated, may be gluten sensitive (and not know it) and can only reflect on the possibility that they are sensitive, when their unvaccinated children are found to have gluten sensitivity.

A New Autoimmunity Syndrome Linked to Aluminum In Vaccines

Can We Continue To Justify Injecting Aluminum Into Children?

How Aluminum Adjuvants Could Promote and Enhance Non-Target IgE Synthesis in a Genetically-Vulnerable Sub-Population

Neuroscientist Makes It Clear Why Aluminum Adjuvants Should Not Be In Vaccines

Dr Palevsky's Comments:   Here is the list of vaccines that are known to contain aluminum: DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), some but not all Hib vaccines (Haemophilus influenza B), Prevnar-13 (Streptococcal pneumoniae), Hepatits B, all combinations of DTaP, TdaP, Hib or  Hepatitis B vaccines, Hepatitis A, HPV (Human Papilloma Virus - Gardisil), anthrax  and rabies. IPV (polio), MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), varicella, and influenza vaccines are not known to contain aluminum, although at times, they are administered at the same time children receive aluminum containing vaccines. 


Dr Palevsky's Comments:   Why Might This Be Happening? The survival of the human species is dependent on preserving the health and reproductive capacity of girls/women. If, at any time, there is a perceived threat within the physiology of girls' bodies, there is going to be an  appropriate hormonal response to respond to that stress, in an attempt to not only preserve the girls' bodies, but to also preserve the human species. Thus, girls going into puberty at an earlier age is an appropriate response to the inappropriate stressful conditions to which they are exposed, as an attempt to prepare them to reproduce. 

What are these inappropriate conditions? I don't see how you can expose younger and younger girls to sex, kissing, touching, and violence, through photos, videos, advertisements, movies, TV shows, magazines, and internet clips of scantily-clad boys and girls and adult men and women, and not make the connection how significantly these visuals impact the physiology of our children. This, is a no-brainer. 

I would imagine that young girls who have fewer exposures to these 
ty pes of visuals, and are allowed to truly engage in an appropriate childhood, would unequivocally develop puberty at later ages, compared to other young girls who are prematurely, and inappropriately, exposed to the trash freely available on social media, print media, movies, TV, etc, stripping them of their innocence, regardless of chemical exposures and rising obesity.

While food intake/environmental exposures do pose a stress to our children,  I believe that the visuals and audios that our kids are exposed to pose a much deeper stress to their physiologies, that makes the food and environmental exposures that much more potent in their damaging effects on their bodies. In other words, I believe the videos and audios set up our children's immune systems to be much more vulnerable to the effects of bad foods and environmental chemicals on their physiologies, than just the food and environmental chemical exposures, alone.

Does this have the same effect on boys? Well, I haven't seen any studies on boys, but boys are not vital to the survival of the species the way girls/women are. If there is a stress to the survival of the species, the species needs all the women it can get to ensure their reproducibility. No species needs the survival of one man for every woman, to continue populating the species....

The Vaccine Culture War in America: Are You Ready?

The Vaccine Debate: Health Matters - Discussing Public Health and Parental Rights...
Barbara Loe Fisher's Comments:
So nice to see Dr. Daum and Dr. Fauci in this Washington Post article confirm all the referenced statements I made in my flu commentary ( http://www.nvic.org/NVIC-Vaccine-News/January-2015/ANOTHER-Epic-Fail-for-Influenza-Vaccine.aspx ) It is amusing to see them engage in a public confession to try to buy sympathy from the public for promoting mass use of a product that doesn't work.
According to Daum and Fauci: The influenza virus is smarter than humans, vaccine policymakers and manufacturers haven't got a clue what they are doing but that is OK. We should feel sorry for them because they care so much and are hanging their heads and wringing their hands, discouraged and frustrated, about how their annual influenza vaccine strain selection for the flu shot is - and has always been - "a very inexact science."
I guess their expressions of deep concern and admission of ignorance makes it OK for government health officials and doctors to continue screaming that everybody should "just get the damn vaccine," while children of working parents are told their babies can't enter daycare and people are being denied medical care and fired from their jobs if they don't.

Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children 2014 
Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe 

Some Tips to Reduce Your Exposure to Wireless Radiation



WHO/Europe Calls for Scaled-Up Vaccination Against Measles



WHO Puts Kenyan Tetanus Vaccine Under Police Guard to Avoid Testing


Dr Palevsky's Comments:
Did you know that the Kenyan government was being asked to mount a campaign to administer tetanus vaccines to Kenyan women? A campaign using a vaccine that contains HCG, a hormone intended to sterilize Kenyan women? How does the presence of HCG help pr event against tetanus infections? With infertility problems at an exceedingly high rate in the US, do people still feel it's ok to blindly trust the American vaccine program, and accept that vaccines are appropriately tested and evaluated for safety, to be given to our own children? I see.....they would never do this to our own children........


Harper Unveils Foreign Vaccination Funding, Chides Anti-Vaxxers



Fact Check: Anne Schuchat's Claim That Vaccines Can't Cause Brain Damage



Vaccine Causes Autism - The Best Explanation I've Ever Heard!



86 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link

Dr Palevsky's Comments: I imagine there is a majority of physicians, and many self-proclaimed experts without a science or medical background, who are sure the link between vaccines and autism does not exist. Most of them will swear by the industry backed studies putting a spin on the lack of any connection between the sacred vaccines and the brain damage we are seeing in our children. Nonetheless, it appears that not even the true science is enough to make people wake up. They either have to experience a deterioration in the health of their children to actually believe what vaccines are doing to their children's brains, or they have to wait until the government declares martial law, and then takes away their rights to informed choice. 



Read Recent Action Alerts regarding Vaccine Choice in the USA

and Consider Taking Action




Tell Congress to Listen to the Science on Vaccine Safety!



Join Balance Yoga and Healing 


the THIRD in a series of FIVE LECTURES  


Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD


Are Vaccines Safe and Effective? 

An Educational Opportunity for Parents and Practitioners

 Part 2


Thursday, April 23rd 



In this workshop, you will hear discussions on vaccine science:

  • What is current vaccine science and who is funding it and doing it?

  • How do vaccines work, and have they done, and do they do what we're told they do?

  • What role do vaccine ingredients play when injected into infants and children?

  • What do the ingredients do to our children once they're injected?

  • Do vaccines contribute to the development of chronic illnesses in children?

  • How do our children get into school if they're not vaccinated?

  • How does the immune system work in babies and children?

    Attendees will hear some of the answers to these questions, along with the research that questions whether vaccines are safe and effective, and whether the scientific process is even at work to prove the answers to these questions. Attendees will also be asked to look at the issues that drive us to make the decisions we make, many of which come to us through fear, bullying, uncertainty, and a lack of knowledge, and to perhaps think alternatively about how illnesses occur and disappear. 

Balance Yoga and Healing

680 East Jericho Tpke. Huntington Station, NY 11746 

  $30 (each lecture)





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where he will be posting important articles, scientific papers, 
and medical information for your interest, with his added comments.

Join him there today! 

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Dr. Palevsky is a board certified pediatrician who utilizes a holistic approach in his work with children and families. 


Dr. Palevsky received his medical degree from the NYU School of Medicine in 1987, completed a 3-year pediatric residency at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, and enrolled in a 1-year fellowship training program in the out-patient department at Bellevue Hospital/NYU School of Medicine. 


Since 1991, his clinical experience has included working in pediatric emergency medicine at Our Lady of Mercy Hospital in the Bronx, NY, serving as the Chief of the Pediatric Acute Care Unit at Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC, and working in in-patient and out-patient pediatric medicine, neonatal intensive care medicine, and newborn and delivery room medicine. 


Dr. Palevsky has also worked in a conventional, holistic and integrative pediatric practice at the NYC Beth Israel Center for Health & Healing- an integrative and complementary care medical facility.

Currently, he runs his own holistic pediatric practice in Northport, NY and Manhattan. Dr. Palevsky teaches holistic integrative pediatric & adolescent medicine to parents, and medical and allied health professionals, both nationally & internationally. 


Dr. Palevsky is a former Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Past-President of the American Holistic Medical Association, and a diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Medicine (ABIHM).


For more information, or to contact Dr. Palevsky go to: www.drpalevsky.com 


Don't forget to check out other informative interviews with Dr Palevsky on his Media Center page HERE



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Thank You for subscribing to the 
Holistic Child Health Newsletter.  
If you would like to contact us, please feel free to do so. 
We are happy to hear from you.
 Lawrence B. Palevsky, M.D., ABIHM
For Appointments: Long Island and Manhattan 
(631) 262 8505 

 For all other Inquiries: info@drpalevsky.com
  © 2012 Lawrence B. Palevsky. All rights reserved. 
Disclaimer: All material in this newsletter and on the web site is provided for educational purposes only. Consult with your health care provider regarding the advisability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your individual situation.