Greetings! in the precious name of our wonderful Lord and Saviour.

 To God be the Glory!
This month we have the opportunity to hear from both Dr. Perry Edwards AND
Rev. Warlito Monsalud regarding C.I.P.T's work in the Philippines.

Dr. Edwards writes:
" It was once again my privilege to travel to the Philippines and spend two weeks training Pastors for the ministry. I taught the Life of Christ the first week to twenty five students and Early Church History to thirty students the second week. I preached six times in different churches over the two week period. I praise God for the Lord's blessing during this teaching trip. There were great times of conversation, debate, and reflection on the Word of God. It was wonderful to see new students at the School, as well as some who have been attending for several years. This was my fifteenth time to the Philippines, and if God will, I hope to go another fifteen. Pray for the Philippines and pray for the students as they serve God in advancing His kingdom in that far away land."
Rev. Warlito Monsalud reflects:

" To God be the glory for what God has done for this two-week modular class of learning together. We are so thankful for the faithfulness of Dr. Perry Edwards, a lecturer from Canada who had sharpened the minds and move the hearts of the pastors and church leaders.
The first subject taught was the Book of John and for the second week the subject was Early Church History. It was amazing how God used His servant, Dr. Edwards, in teaching these two subjects. All students were sharpened, moved, equipped and educated ready for the Master’s use.
On this modular time, almost all our students can understand and speak in English, though, of course, the accent is different. The teaching was effective and can be understood as well by the students."
Our items for Prayer come from our Field Coordinator, Rev. Warlito Monsalud, he requests:

Items for Praise:

  • Praise God for His enabling grace on this modular class;
  • Praise God for new students, ready to embrace the reformed teaching;
  • Praise God for those who continually supported us through prayers and financial support;
  • Praise God for the Carey lecturers who dedicated their time to minister on this island.

" Your consistent corporate commitment and prayers to this noble task, without doubt, will encourage us to move on. Our goal and desire is to promote reformation for the glory of God and to make our pastors and church leaders competent in the ministry of teaching and preaching the Word of God. SOLI DEO GLORIA !"
Rev. Paul Hudson
Please keep our VP Canada, Rev. Paul Hudson in your prayers as he teaches two conferences and travels about in South Asia.

Carey is a cutting edge ministry and has boots on the ground ready to stand and work on the front-lines. However, after being warned by our Field Coordinator and after much prayer and contemplation C.I.P.T has decided to cancel our winter module in Beirut, Lebanon due to political and personal safety concerns. Lord willing, we will return to Lebanon in the spring of 2020.

*Please pray for Lebanon
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Contact Us
Carey International Pastoral Training (CA)
17a-218 Silvercreek Pkwy.N.  
Suite #338
Guelph, ON
Canada N1H 8E8
Tel:  (519) 837-5486
Carey International Pastoral Training (USA)
720 S. Eastwood Drive, #238
Woodstock, IL.
Tel: (224) 901-2077
Carey International Pastoral Training (UK)
Office 8, Ladygrove Mill,
Ladygrove Road,Two Dales,
Matlock, Derbyshire,
DE4 2FG.

Tel: 0113-815-1228