Downeast Medal Finals

March 2019
Downeast Medal Finals
September 12-15, 2019
Visit our website for more information about Downeast. We welcome all feedback and suggestions: please email Ginger at

Horse Dentistry
By Joe Bramante

Hi, I'm Joe, the horse dentist. Horses will need to have their teeth cared for throughout their life as horses' teeth continually grow and change. Horses need dental work for two main reasons: to prevent any difficulties with eating and to prevent any issues with bits/riding. Horses' teeth grow like fingernails, from the bottom up. As the teeth grow, they get too long and can develop sharp points. Because horses chew from side to side, these sharp points make it difficult for them to chew their food properly, causing food to fall out of their mouth and causing them to eat very slowly. These issues make it very hard to keep the horse in good weight. 
The second reason that it is important to take care of your horse's teeth is that when you put a bit in their mouth, the bit pushes the inside of the cheek into the sharp teeth causing the horse pain. This pain will usually lead to behavioral issues, such as throwing his head trying to escape the pain or refusing to go forward. To fix and prevent teeth issues, horses need to have their teeth floated. Floating is the practice of filing off any sharp edges or hooks that may form on the edges of the teeth.
There are differences between geldings and mares as well. Geldings have 42 teeth while mares only have 38, as they do not have canine teeth, the ones directly behind the front teeth. In the wild, male horses use canine teeth to fight other horses. As a horse dentist, I snip the top off the canine teeth and then smooth them down, just like cutting your fingernails.
How often should your horse see the dentist? A minimum of once a year should keep your horse eating and riding well. Please go to YouTube and check out my video .

Get to Know- Kaitlin Farrell
The 2018 Short Stirrup Medal Final at the 10th anniversary Downeast Medal Finals was won by Kaitlin Farrell. In this Get to Know series, we will be highlighting the champions of our 2018 Medal Finals classes as well as our 2018 Hunter Derbies. Here is what Kaitlin had to say:

"Hello. My name is Kaitlin Farrell. I am 13 years old and in the 8th grade. I have been very fortunate to be able to ride, show, and lease horses over the last few years. This has enabled me to progress in the equestrian world. George, my current lease horse, is an indescribable boy! He has allowed me to jump higher than ever before and learn that the sitting trot isn’t the easiest. Horsemanship is not just get on and ride, but building a bond with the horse you are a team with.
My current riding and training with George has allowed me to overcome challenges that I did not think I would be able to ever overcome. All of this is a major thanks to my mom, Cindy, who has taken me back and forth to the barn for lessons, my practice rides, every show from before the sun comes up to after the sun comes down, and IEA. I also want to thank my friends Julia and Jenna Vinci and their mom, Lori, as they were vital to introducing me to the world of riding and starting lessons. If my mom hadn’t taken me to watch a show at Senator Bell Farm, or an IEA show at Atkinson Riding Academy, I would not ever have gotten this amazing opportunity.  
2018 is my first year actively riding where I qualified for the Downeast Medal Finals as well as NHHJA. I give so much credit and appreciation in learning and growing as a rider to my trainer, Jess Hunt. From her love of coffee, to our school horse Howard and her awesome dog Arlo who lies by the jumps without any fear, I could not have gotten to where I have without her guiding eyes and training. I am very thankful for her!
Riding is something I hope to continue my entire life. It’s enabled me to be the best I can be as a person and as a rider. Throughout 2018, I gave my best showing abilities on different horses which eventually qualified me to go to finals. Winning the Downeast Short Stirrup Equitation Medal Final on the horse I was leasing, Dancing in Moonlight (aka Pepper), was a major contributor to my success! Thank you to Amy and Abby Zemp for that opportunity! 
As an equestrian rider, I am excited for the upcoming 2019 show season, along with countless learning opportunities and experiences I will gain along the way. I wish every rider the best in all you do, how you learn and be the best you can be. It is not about what you do, but how you learn to do it. "
Upcoming Shows with Downeast Qualifying Classes
Mar. 24 Evenstride Newbury, MA
Mar. 31 NEJA Winter Series Cumberland, ME
Apr. 14 Evenstride Newbury, MA
Apr. 28 Central Mass Horse Show Spencer, MA
Apr. 28 Lucky Clover Stables Sanford, ME
Want to see your show listed here? Fill out our  Downeast Classes Form !
Become a Downeast Medal Finals Sponsor:
All levels accepted and appreciated! 
Visit  for more information.
For more information, to list your show with Downeast qualifying classes, to be featured as a Downeast spotlight rider, or to become a sponsor, please email Ginger at .

Thank you to Spotted Vision Photography and Riitta Fortier for providing us with many wonderful photographs from the Downeast Medal Finals.
Bernard Klingenstein/Euclide Albert Memorial
Lucky Clover Stables (207-651-1881)
SeaHorse Stables