Dosimetry Account Changes
Dosimetry Customers,

We understand that dealing with the current health and economic conditions can lead to changes in personnel and their roles in your organization.  

This is a reminder that the deadline for deleting wearers or making corrections to wearers for the 4th quarter has passed. Please make sure and send us any requests needing to be made for 1st quarter dosimeters by November 1, 2020 so we can make sure the necessary changes to the accounts are completed prior to the 1st quarter deadline.

For more information on adding or removing a badge wearer, click here.

Thank you,

JoAnne Surita

Phone: (281) 338-2133
Fax: (281) 338-2136
Suntrac also offers sealed source leak testing, meter calibration, repair and sales, personnel radiation monitoring (dosimetry), and radiation safety training, please visit to get more information on additional services or give us a call at 281-338-2133.