Door to Door Solicitors
As the weather gets better and the days get longer, out-of-town solicitors will pop in and out of our neighborhoods. It's good to understand what is and what is not allowed:
In order to solicit in the City of Covington, one must have a valid permit issued through the city. One must clearly wear the permit outside of their clothing so that it is visible for citizens to see. Solicitors may only solicit between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM and 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM during daylight savings.

There is no soliciting allowed on Sundays.

If a solicitor is asked to leave a person’s property they must leave. If they do not leave after being told the first time, then contact the Covington Police Department. 

Reminder: Text CPDLA to 847411, enter new contact as "Cov PD."

Future text messages go directly to an officer on duty.

This is a great tool for un-permitted solicitors or non-emergency situations.

For emergencies, still call 911.

Of note and per the Supreme Court, such rules do not apply to Jehovah Witnesses.

Lots to Do : )

Master pianist/vocalist Samuel Warren and his three sultry vocalists (a la the Raelettees) perform this American legend's most popular hits in a Ray Charles Tribute show at the Fuhrmann Auditorium as part of Covington's

 OnSTAGE Series.

Leadership St. Tammany Alumni Present

Affordable Housing Divide in St. Tammany Parish

What are the factors impacting the affordable housing divide? What is the role of local government, industry leaders and non-profit resources? How does the issue of smart growth impact households attempting to cross the divide and establish roots to become a part of the 90.9%? Let’s explore how these factors connect and how we find a way forward to begin narrowing the divide.

Open to the public: $35.00 Per Person, Register Here

Applications for Leadership St Tammany Class of 2024 are currently being accepted. Deadline is April 30th: Details and Application

St.Tammany Parish Library, 1950
Covington Branch

In 1950, the Parish moved into a new location at 325 East Boston Street.

Pictured above is the the same building today (Dom's Barber Shop, Tuscany Family Salon).

For more on the library from 1950 to 1955, check out Ron Barthet's Tammany Family Blog.

Eventually, the St. Tammany Parish Library operated the Covington branch at 405 N. Jefferson Avenue.
I often told my mother I was going to this branch to study, but I was really going to meet girls.

I got shushed and admonished a lot by the librarian, Mrs. Alice Rogers.

As an adult I would become chairperson of the Parish Library Board of Control ... but Miss Alice could still shush me : )
During segregation, the Black's only library was located at the corner of 29th Ave. and N. Tyler Street. The librarian was Mrs. Dorothy Williams. She also drove the bookmobile parishwide from 1958 to 1983.

 Replies to this e-mail go directly to Mayor Mark.

Trash Pickup Reminders … Please put Wednesday's garbage in your cart in a bag. Click here to: Containerize!

Please DO NOT put Thursday's recycling in a bag : )

Rooted in History, Focused on the Future
City of Covington | Website