January 4, 2024

Dear Friends and Partners:


As we step into the new year it's natural to reflect on the year gone by. For many, 2023 was a blend of highs and lows. Mine was marked by significant transitions and challenges, including the loss of my mother. However, I realize that amidst these upheavals, the essence of growth and gratitude shines through.


2023 was also a year of building my life team. This concept, pivotal to personal and professional growth, revolves around the people we surround ourselves with. These individuals are not just acquaintances or colleagues but help us build our life's narrative.


Last year, I met individuals from many different walks of life. This eclectic mix brought fresh perspectives, enriching my life in unexpected ways. For example, I met Alberto and Laurent at a shared favorite bakery and what began as a shared interest has become friendships that enrich my life and personal growth. These relationships have been instrumental in making 2023 a year of enrichment and positive change.


Relationships are also about acceptance, grace and seeing people for who they are, and allowing them to contribute positively to our lives, overlooking minor quirks. It's not about seeking perfection in others but embracing them for their authentic selves. Taking this approach led to rekindling of old friendships and realizing that some relationships were draining my energy.


Life's most profound connections often stem from simple, serendipitous moments such as meeting people at a pizza place or a bakery—both which have led to friendships that have impacted my growth and outlook. These experiences remind me that growth and change are considerable, life-altering moments, and often hide in our daily interactions and choices.


As we launch into 2024, let’s approach the year with intention. It's not just about waiting for life to happen to us but actively shaping our experiences. This mindset involves building a life team that nurtures and challenges us, helps us find joy in the unexpected, and maintain a positive outlook.


Remember, the perfect year doesn't just happen. It is created through our choices, the people we meet, and the grace we extend to ourselves and others. So, as you navigate the new year, embrace opportunities for growth and change. Let 2024 be your canvas to create a year filled with learning, joy, and meaningful relationships.

Stay Max Fab,


CMSgt, USAF (ret), RN, BSN, MS

Leadership Coach, Consultant & Keynote Motivational Speaker

Military transition expert

MaxFab Consulting

(307) 757-6310



Are you a bad leader?

My book When the Cows Lie Down: The Reason People Quit YOU, Their "Leader," explores good and bad quitting. It also focuses on why people are quietly quitting—leaving the workforce, avoiding office environments, and giving up on social aspects of work. By understanding the reasons behind quietly quitting, you can leverage that knowledge to your advantage.

There are times, however, when quitting becomes essential for success, health, and raising your game. There are also moments when people quit YOU, their leaders—times when the cows lie down, so to speak. Get my book today to gain further insight into your leadership style and more!



The Veteran Experience: A Parallel to Rudolph’s Story

Like Rudolph, veterans often possess unique skills and perspectives that may initially seem out of place in a private work sector. Their experiences and capabilities, akin to Rudolph’s red nose, might initially be misunderstood or undervalued. 

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Emotional Labor: A Bridge to the Future of Veterans in the Workplace

Employers and leaders, in their journey to be the best, must recognize the importance of creating

environments that acknowledge and nurture emotional labor. This not only fosters a sense of belonging and value for veterans but also propels organizations into becoming employers of choice.

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Kangaroo Leadership Podcast

I started the Kangaroo Leadership Podcast this year. It’s been a pleasure having incredible leaders on the show to talk about their leadership journeys. If you haven’t already, check out the podcast today. New episode coming soon. Check out the podcast!



Schedule a time to connect with me through my Calendly or send me an email. I'm always here for you! Also, forward this newsletter to anyone you think would be interested!

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