Volume 51/August 4, 2022
The Presbyark Update
Connecting & Informing the Presbytery of Arkansas
August 4, 2022
Join The Presbytery Staff "On The Road"
On Wednesday, August 17 the Presbytery staff will hit the road! We will be traveling to North West Arkansas to First Presbyterian church in Rogers to gather in person from 11:30am to 2:00pm with church pastors, CREs and other church professionals for a time of connecting and sharing information. We'll also be feeding you lunch while you are there.

Our "test group" met yesterday in central Arkansas and had a great time being together again and learning so much about all the support their Presbytery offers.

Click here to register for this event. Direct questions to Julie Price, Presbytery Connector.
Transforming Conflict From The Inside Out
In our homes, our churches, and our world we are experiencing so much conflict and so many divisions. Some of us are constantly battling and some of us never engage. It's exhausting. There must be a healthy way to engage and transform this conflict into relationship, but what might that look like?

On Wednesday, September 21 from 1:00 to 3:00pm the Presbytery's Resource Team is sponsoring an interactive online workshop featuring the Rev. Theresa Latini. She will present basic skills for transforming conflict into mutual connection, collaboration, and creative vision. Based on the model of Nonviolent Communication, participants will enhance their competencies in speaking honestly, listening empathetically, responding to criticism with courage and compassion, and remaining resilient in the midst of communal conflict.

This workshop is for everyone, pastors, church professionals, ruling elders, and congregants. Click here to read more and register.
Peg Falls-Corbitt Installed
CRE Peg Falls-Corbitt, was installed Sunday, July 31, at First Presbyterian of Morrilton. Pictured here from the front left to right are MWS Blake Brinegar, RE Debbie Bruce Turner, CRE Peg Falls-Corbitt, RE Doug Corbitt, Will Mobley, RE David Davies, Jimmy Bell, and back row, Jeannie Corbitt, MWS Ruskin Falls, MWS Susan Arnold.
Lulu's Love in Action
Lulu’s Love in Action Day is Vera Lloyd’s annual Day of Giving, celebrating our founding mother, Lulu Jackson Williamson, on her birthday! Mrs. Williamson’s servant heart and love for others touched countless lives and laid the groundwork for who we are today! Decades later, we continue to honor her legacy of providing love and guidance to children and youth by fulfilling our mission to heal, prepare and empower children, youth, and families in need.

On August 11th, we ask that you visit our website- www.veralloyd.org to make a gift in memory of Lulu Williamson and honor all the lives healed at Vera Lloyd. If you prefer, mail a check to our office with a postmark between August 11th and August 16th with Lulu’s Love in Action in the memo line. 1501 N. University Ave., Ste 345 Little Rock, AR 722207.

We are excited that a special donor will be matching all donations up to $10,000 made between August 11th and August 16th in honor of Lulu’s Love in Action Day! Thank you for keeping the love alive.
Join the Retired Pastors
Whether you've been retired for years or months, join Stewart Smith Friday morning, August 12 at 10:00am on the Presbytery Zoom for a time of catching up and connecting.

There's no registration required. You should receive an email reminder with the zoom link. If you have any questions, contact Stewart at stewart@presbyark.org.
Youth Summer Trips
Arkansans (native, recent additions, youth, and adults) gathered at Mo Ranch and Montreat three different weeks during the summer. We ARE Arkansas Presbytery wherever we go!
Mo Ranch, junior high
Montreat, senior high, week 4
Montreat, senior high, week 5
Celebrate Synod Sunday!
SYNOD Sunday is not just ONE Sunday but all the Sundays in September. Synod Sunday is not just celebrated in ONE place, but in all of our churches in Arkansas Presbytery because we are ALL part of the Synod of the Sun.
Click here and use these resources to celebrate Synod Sunday in your congregation! Learn more about the diversity of programs, ministries, and grants offered by the Synod.
Youthquake: Save The Date
Join us for Youthquake 2022, October 14-16 at Ferncliff Camp. All 6th-12th graders are invited! Click here for the registration that will drop next Friday, Aug 12th.

Would you like to help put on Youthquake? We are looking for volunteers for the following roles: 
  • Rec Leader - Plan and lead games, activities and energizers for Youthquake (must over 22)
  • Rec Assistants - Assist the rec leader at Youthquake (must be over 18)
  • Small Group Leaders - Lead a group of students in discussion and activities during Youthquake (must be over 22)
  • Small Group Helpers - Assistant to a small group leader (must be over 18)
  • Medical Team - Help oversee medical needs at Youthquake (must have a medical degree) 

Direct questions to Brianne Christiansen at brianne@presbyark.org
Youth A-Team Fall Retreat
Youth A-Team Fall Retreat is next weekend, Friday Aug 12 through Saturday Aug 13, location TBD. 

We'll meet Friday evening for snacks and reconnecting fellowship, spend the night and then use Saturday to plan the YAT year. We hope to wrap up in the early afternoon. Please RSVP to Brianne at brianne@presbyark.org or 712-240-3122.

If you would like to join the YAT and help plan events for our youth, please fill out the YAT application by clicking here.
Premier Presbyterian Podcast
Pilot Proves Popular
Can anything that sparks this much alliteration possibly be bad? With some help from our Future of the Church grants, Hearing Matters with Pastor Judi McMillan (and her guest Jean Nichols) from the Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista is now up and running.

You can hear the Pilot by clicking here or find it on the church's website. If you're a cat lover, you'll especially enjoy this creative exploration of "God's Immanence related to cats: how our cats can lead us into closeness to God!" Stay tuned for the whole podcast, as Judi poses some very interesting questions such as: What would God's favorite ice cream be? Hmmmmmm.
Looking Ahead
  • Thursday 8/4 4:00-6:00pm Enneagram Workshop #1
  • Tuesday 8/9 2:00pm Staff Meeting
  • Thursday 8/11 4:00-6:00pm Enneagram Workshop #2
  • Tuesday 8/9 2:00pm Staff Meeting
  • Wednesday 8/17 11:30-2:00pm On The Road (Rogers 1st)
  • Thursday 8/18 4:00pm Enneagram Workshop #3

Presbytery of Arkansas
9221 N. Rodney Parham Road
Little Rock, AR 72227