Annual SDOC Art Show


In the inaugural year (2017), the Chatham Education Foundation generously granted the teachers with professional display panels to help make this annual event possible. The Chatham Education Foundation is pleased to award another $10,600 this year for additional panels. To learn more about our grants in action, stop by the CEF booth at the art show!

Don't miss this wonderful event, May 22 & May 23, 6:30pm-8:30pm at Chatham Middle School showcasing art from K-12 grades, 800 students.

Here is a sneak peek of the incredible talent in our community. To learn more about details of each day, see the TAPintoChatham article.

Bettina Mogelvang

"Fire Extinguisher"

Lillian Auer

"Concrete Desert"

Annie Drouet

"With Myself"


29  years of services

280  grants funded

$1.7M  total awards

To learn more, visit our website