The DD advocacy in this last session amazed all of us. In the end we have many pieces of legislation to be proud of. In particular, funding for the entire Priority One DD Waiting List. This was a huge achievement. If you helped by writing letters, speaking at committee meetings, emailing and calling delegates and senators, attending Advocacy Day events and more, thank you! You were heard.
Many thanks to The Arc of Virginia, the Autism Society of Central VA, the Virginia Autism Project, Commonwealth Autism, and the supporters of the Virginia Autism Advocacy Alliance for leading the advocacy on behalf of people with DD during the General Assembly.
CRAAG is sharing a recent mailing from Tonya Milling, Executive Director of The Arc of the Virginia. It is a thank you letter and newsletter to all the friends and supporters of The Arc for their advocacy during the recent General Assembly (GA).
Dear Friends and Supporters,
What an incredible and historic year. After decades of YOUR fight -- funding for Priority One has become a reality. While we know there are thousands of people in priorities two and three -- this first step of getting services now for 3,440 people is our only way forward to building a functioning system that can meet the needs of our entire community.
This only happened because all of you stood up, showed up, and made your voices heard. As we look forward, we know we aren't done, but right now, we will celebrate together and take pride in a job well done.
Tonya Milling
Executive Director
Click to Read The Arc's Newsletter -
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