Partnership Welcome & Update
The South Mountain Partnership works best as a network of people and organizations working toward common goals.

Our common goal? Making the future of our region better.
August is our first annual membership drive! Memberships start at $10 and run through June 30th, 2022.
Show your support and have a real stake in the experience of our community and our environment. Have you enjoyed our newsletters, meetings, workshops, or events? Join us! If you live, work, play, or grew up here, become a member and spread your support by encouraging friends, family, and businesses to follow your lead. This tax-deductible, minimal commitment impacts all who live in the region.
Register for Fall Partnership Meeting

Friday September 17, 2021
9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Furnace Stack Pavilion,
Pine Grove Furnace State Park

Registration is limited, register today!
This Fall, we are responding to the region’s need for more knowledge about changing climate. The changing climate can be an overwhelming issue and we will translate this big issue into local understanding, impacts, and actions. Collectively, there is power in taking action how we can, where we can. Regionally, we can make an impact that will protect and strengthen our quality of life, environment, and sustainable economic development goals. Diverse speakers will cover how the changing climate is likely to affect us and actions already being taken by local governments, organizations, and individuals in the South Mountain region.

Following the event there will be an optional lunch and tour of the Appalachian Trail Museum. A boxed Lunch is available for $12, you must select this option during registration, you are also welcome to bring a bag lunch. Please also consider signing up for a tour of the AT Museum during registration.

We are excited to return to in person meetings, and the fall meeting will be held outdoors and will follow CDC guidelines, including an attendee cap to ensure social distancing. 
Twice annually (Spring and Fall), the Partnership holds a Partnership-wide meeting in which all partners and interested parties are invited to come together and build relationships and collaborations.

Partnership meetings are a chance to:

  • Connect or reconnect with the Partnership, learning more about the initiative and on-going projects;
  • Build and strengthen a network amongst organizations working throughout the region;
  • Spark conversation and collaboration across political and sectorial boundaries;
  • Help partners understand opportunities to engage in the on-going work of the Partnership;
  • and allow partners to help define the direction of the Partnership.

Mark your calendars for September 24th and October 8th as we head out on some educational recreation together!

Registration coming soon. These events are free and will be held rain or shine.
Now Recruiting Volunteers, Committee Members
We are recruiting new committee members and volunteers! This opportunity is especially great for young professionals, those wishing to build their resumes and professional networks, and retired individuals. If you strive to be a good communicator and a “doer” who takes action and gets things done, you may be a great fit!

Each committee member contributes based on their own interests and strengths. Fill out our quick quiz to learn more!

What do our committees do?

Communications Subcommittee – produces collateral and materials like flyers, brochures, newsletters and updates website
Program Subcommittee – guides and contributes to planning and running programs like the Spring and Fall Meetings and the Mini-Grants and Speakers Series programs
Fundraising Subcommittee – works with the Friends of the South Mountain Partnership and the sponsor program, attend events, and widen our circle
Leadership Committee – be a champion of the SMP, provide strategic direction and opportunities
South Mountain Research Corps (SMRC) and Science Summit Update

“No matter where you go, there you are.”
Buckaroo Bonzai

I’m writing to introduce myself to the partners and friends of the South Mountain Partnership. I’m honored to have been selected to manage and facilitate Year 2 of the South Mountain Research Corps (SMRC) and Science Summit Pilot, a collaborative research program that supports academic institutions and the existing and emerging natural and cultural resource conservation efforts throughout the South Mountain landscape of portions of Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, and York counties in Pennsylvania.

I take great and personal satisfaction into this new position: my father’s family has resided in this landscape since sometime in the 18th century, and I feel deeply connected and rooted here. I look forward to making a positive difference to the pursuit of science in the public interest in a place I’ve known and loved my whole life. Continue to full update here.
Share your Accomplishments!
DCNR and the Partnership are collecting information (metrics) from our Partners to understand your 2021 accomplishments within our South Mountain landscape/region. Please share information about projects that the Partnership was involved with or helped to facilitate or get started. Acccomplishments will be collected under six main resource areas: Natural, Cultural, Social, Rural/Agricultural, Recreational, and Economic.

Details about the type of information needed is available here. As projects or phases are completed, please enter them into our public data input form. Questions? Contact Tyler Semder at 717-772-4762 or
Most Popular Social Media Posts
The following are some of the most popular social media news posts,
followed by partner-submitted news that you should know about.

Follow us for the latest news, upcoming events, and more!
UPDATE: Using Rescue Action Funds for Trails, Parks, and Conservation

The US Treasury has published confirmation that Rescue Act Funds can be used to support parks, trails, recreation, and conservation.

The Underground Railroad in Michaux State Forest Video

Lunch & Learn session on the Pennsylvania Underground Railroad held on Thursday, June 17th. Hosted and organized by Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

In case you missed it, the recording is now available!
Proposed community septic system threatens “exceptional value” stream
From our Partner, Watershed Alliance of Adams County

In Pennsylvania, certain very clean, very healthy streams earn a special “Exceptional Value” designation from the state’s Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP). These are the most unspoiled waters in the Commonwealth, and they merit special protection from the PADEP.

Out of 59 named streams in Adams County, only three streams or stream segments have received this special designation: Carbaugh Run, a short section of Middle Creek, and Swamp Creek, which is located in Hamiltonban Township just west of Fairfield. This out of 59 named streams in Adams County.

But while a lot needs to go right for a stream to achieve Exceptional Value (EV) status, only a little has to go wrong to degrade an EV stream through overuse or pollution.

The Watershed Alliance of Adams County fears that Swamp Creek faces just this degradation, if a corporation that has purchased land along the creek succeeds in constructing a non-standard sewage-disposal system just steps from its banks that could more than double toxic nitrate levels in the stream...Full story here
Partner Job Postings
Department of Conservation & Natural Resources is hiring two positions of interest to our audience!

The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the commonwealth’s largest outdoor recreation provider and land manager, is looking for a dynamic individual who will advance outdoor recreation interests and programs for the commonwealth. Pennsylvania’s outdoor recreation economy ranks fifth in the nation, supported by one of the largest state and local park systems and network of trails in the country. Already historically popular, interest in Pennsylvania’s outdoor spaces has grown exponentially since the pandemic. The Commonwealth is looking for ways to capitalize on this growing interest while balancing the protection of these special places and ensuring equal access for all.
Closing: 9/1/2021 11:59 PM Eastern

This position serves within the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation, Partnerships Division, Landscape Partnerships and Educational Services Section. This employee works directly with the Section Chief to administer the Bureau’s Heritage Area Program to provide overall support to all 12 Pennsylvania Heritage Areas. 
Closing: 9/1/2021 11:59 PM Eastern
Share with the region through the Around South Mountain e-newsletter and the SMP website.
Send us your free events, trainings, work days, celebrations, challenges, and other updates. Type "For Newsletter" in the subject line of your email. Include your event date, time, location, title, and short description. We will include on our website calendar.
Trainings, Workshops & Learning Opportunities
Due to the COVID-19 and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), please visit individual partner organization's websites to confirm event details prior to the event. Stay healthy!
Calendar of Events
Sept 1
Summer Book Club for Adults
Join us at the historic Kings Gap mansion for a summer book club series for adults. September is a A World on the Wing – Scott Weidensaul
Experience the amazing phenomenon of bird migration, as researcher Scott Weidensaul immerses readers in the science and wonder of bird migration around the globe. Gain a deeper appreciation for the difficult journeys birds make, completing physical feats we can only dream of.

Sept 18
Women’s Introduction to Fly Fishing Clinic
The Muddy Creek TU Chapter, in coordination with the PA Fish and Boat Commission, is in the process of putting together a Women’s Introduction to Fly Fishing Clinic, to be held on Saturday, September 18th, from 9 am to 2:30 pm in the Bridgeton area on Muddy Creek in southern York County. As of now, the clinic will be conducted by all women, led by Amidea Daniels from the Fish and Boat Commission, along with other instructors from the Commission and local TU Chapters. The clinic is for women 18-and-older and is limited to 30 participants! More information is available at Learn more here.