This edition is brought to you by Richard Lewis. Thank you for your support!
Greetings fellow South Mountain Partnership members.
I'm proud to be a SMP Member and pleased to sponsor this issue of the "Around South Mountain" Newsletter.
I offer my thanks to SMP leadership members, Director Katie Hess, the PA DCNR and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy for all you do to make the SMP the success it has become. SMP is a shining example of the positive environmental, agricultural, and outdoor recreation activities and projects that can be accomplished by those who live in "communities of place" and who believe in the importance of collaboration and partnerships.
Richard Lewis
President - Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
Immediate Past President - Pennsylvania Forestry Association

If you would like to help further the work of the South Mountain Partnership through a sponsorship, please click here.
Partnership Welcome & Update
The South Mountain Partnership works best as a network of people and organizations working toward common goals.

Our common goal? Making the future of our region better.
Show your support and have a real stake in the experience of our community and our environment. Have you enjoyed our newsletters, meetings, workshops, or events? Join us! If you live, work, play, or grew up here, become a member and spread your support by encouraging friends, family, and businesses to follow your lead. This tax-deductible, minimal commitment impacts all who live in the region.
Save-the-Date: Fall Partnership Meeting

September 17, 2021
9:00 to noon

To be held In Person!
Cumberland County
Sponsor the Fall Partnership Meeting
Two sponsorships are available. Learn more in our 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities flyer.

Now Recruiting Committee Members
Young Professionals, Recently Retired Encouraged to Apply
We are recruiting new committee members for the following committees. If you strive to be a good communicator and a “doer” who takes action and gets things done, you may be a great fit! This opportunity is especially great for young professionals, those wishing to build their resumes and professional networks, and retired individuals. Each committee member contributes based on their own interests and strengths. Contact Katie at or any current committee member to learn more or to submit a letter of interest and/or resume.

What do our committees do?

Communications Subcommittee – produces collateral and materials like flyers, brochures, newsletters and updates website
Program Subcommittee – guides and contributes to planning and running programs like the Spring and Fall Meetings and the Mini-Grants and Speakers Series programs
Fundraising Subcommittee – works with the Friends of the South Mountain Partnership and the sponsor program, attend events, and widen our circle
Leadership Committee – be a champion of the SMP, provide strategic direction and opportunities
Spring Partnership Meeting "one of the best"
Thank you to those who joined the 2021 Spring Partnership Meeting on Friday, May 14th. Over 80 individuals joined to learn more about solar energy development in the South Mountain landscape, South Mountain Partnership updates, our metrics collection initiative, and the new Manager of Pine Grove Furnace State Park. 
Sponsored by:
Twice annually (Spring and Fall), the Partnership holds a Partnership-wide meeting in which all partners and interested parties are invited to come together and build relationships and collaborations.

Partnership meetings are a chance to:

  • Connect or reconnect with the Partnership, learning more about the initiative and on-going projects;
  • Build and strengthen a network amongst organizations working throughout the region;
  • Spark conversation and collaboration across political and sectorial boundaries;
  • Help partners understand opportunities to engage in the on-going work of the Partnership;
  • and allow partners to help define the direction of the Partnership.
To sponsor the Fall Partnership Meeting, see our 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities.
Program Manager Hired
The South Mountain Partnership and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy are pleased to announce that Julia Chain has been selected as the Program Manager of the South Mountain Partnership.

Help us to welcome Julia to the South Mountain Partnership family!

For the first time, the South Mountain Partnership will have two staff members. The hire of a second staff member is pivotal in our evolution and it will allow us to further advance our work with additional human capacity.

Julia's role as Program Manager will focus on management and development of the Partnership's core programs: Mini-Grant Program, Communications, Speakers Series, and Partnership Meetings while also facilitating and developing the Communications and Fundraising subcommittees and working with the Friends of the South Mountain Partnership and the Foundation for Enhancing Communities.
Social Media & Partner News Roundup
Most Popular Social Media Posts
The following are some of the most recent popular posts from our Facebook page,
followed by partner-submitted news that you should know about.

Follow us for the latest news, upcoming events, and more!
'Discover South Mountain' Launched
Thanks to a group of committed local residents and business owners, the Discover South Mountain initiative was launched! The initiative highlights the entire South Mountain landscape and all of its natural, agricultural, musical, and cultural uniqueness by listing events and festivals. The website is now available to nature-lovers, outdoor-enthusiasts, art-enthusiasts, history buffs, foodies, sommelier-wannabes, and more!

The site serves the greater South Mountain region as a clearinghouse of events and supports the places and businesses that are part of our outdoor and place-based economy - this includes our Partners and groups working to preserve and promote the region! The more events and festivals that are entered, the better the site will become so enter yours today.

At no cost, your group can add events and festivals to the calendar.
Sign-up for their weekly newsletter now!
Follow them on Facebook and Instagram
Local Environmental Management Alumni Celebrated by Penn State
Penn State's Environmental Resource Management program is celebrating 50 years since its inception. In that time, over 3,000 alumni graduated with the degree, many going on to become trailblazers in the areas of conservation and resource management, including one of our own, Wayne Kober, who serves on our Research Corps and Science Summit Steering Committee.
Share with the region through the Around South Mountain e-newsletter and the SMP website.
Send us your free events, trainings, work days, celebrations, challenges, and other updates. Type "For Newsletter" in the subject line of your email. Include your event date, time, location, title, and short description. We will include on our website calendar.
Trainings, Workshops & Learning Opportunities
Due to the COVID-19 and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), please visit individual partner organization's websites to confirm event details prior to the event. Stay healthy!
Calendar of Events
July 7
Summer Book Club for Adults
Join us at the historic Kings Gap mansion for a summer book club series for adults. Explore various nature topics with a guided discussion led by the staff. Participants read the book on their own before each session. Books can be purchased from local bookstores, such as the Whistleshop Bookshop in downtown Carlisle. Light refreshments will be provided. Learn more here.

July 13
Webinar: How Outdoor Recreation Strengthens Your Local Economy
Outdoor recreation generates $28.5 billion in economic activity in the state. The PA Downtown Center undertook a study to understand how our natural assets can be economic drivers. Hear a summary of the study’s findings, how outdoor recreation impacts the local and statewide economy, and how Nature-Based Placemaking can create spending to local businesses. Learn more here.

August 17
Preservation Roundtable
The Cumberland County Historical Society hosts periodic roundtable discussions on topical preservation issues. Learn more here.
