Partnership Welcome & Update
The South Mountain Partnership works best as a network of people and organizations working toward common goals.
Our common goal? Making the future of our region better.
What's in this Newsletter
SMP News
- Intro From Tyler Semder
-Sponsor Thank You
-11th Annual POP
-South Mountain Holiday Gift Guide
-Walk and Talk Update
-Call for SMP Volunteers
-SMRC Update
-Friends of SMP Annual Report
-Mini Grant Success Stories
-Metric Collection Needed!
Partner News & Social Media Roundup
- Top Social Media Posts
-Goodbye Graffiti!
-Support Ship Composts
-SHPO Call for Awards
-AALARM "Did you know?"
-Scott Hackenburg Retires
Trainings, Workshops & Learning Opportunities
-DCNR Grants Recordings
-Calendar of Events
From Tyler Semder , DCNR Internal Lead for the South Mountain Partnership
Hello friends, neighbors, and partners, it’s great to be writing to you all for the first time as the DCNR internal lead for the South Mountain Partnership! I have continued to be impressed (and grateful) by the hard work of such dedicated, passionate, and energetic partners. As I ponder what unites our diverse network of partners, and what draws us together, it’s clear to me our landscape’s strong sense of place, and the shared love for this sense of place, is one of the main ingredients. To many of us, this landscape is also our home!
There has been no shortage of amazing work done in the past year, including some strategic organizational changes, and several context sensitive projects to meet the challenges and opportunities of our ever-changing landscape. Some of these highlights include:
- Hiring a program manager
- Growth of our fund-raising committee and communications work
- Strategic engagement of new partners
- Efforts to educate and collaborate with partners around climate change and solar energy
- Advancement of our South Mountain Science Research Corps.
- Convening of a new mini-grant review committee, and selection of seven awesome mini-grant projects
- And development of a framework and system to collect data and establish metrics for the first time ever
Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsor
Franklin County Visitors Bureau!
Join the Franklin County Visitors Bureau at the 11/30 Visitors Center on the square of Chambersburg for Festival of Trees. Enjoy a holiday train display, courtesy of Cumberland Valley Model Railroad Club. View dozens of trees and wreaths decorated by local businesses, organizations, and youth groups. Vote for your favorites and bid to take them home. All funds raised benefit the Cumberland Valley Breast Care Alliance.
Hours are Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 4:30 PM and the final day will be Friday, December 3, 8 AM–8 PM
11th Annual Power of the Partnership
Friday January 21,2022
8:30-10:30AM, Held Virtually
The South Mountain Partnership hosts the Annual “Power of the Partnership” Celebration each year, with more than 100 people in attendance. It is a time of celebrating the protection and promotion of this wonderful place that we all call home – the farms and farmland, historic places, water and air quality, wildlife and habitat, and parks, trails, and open spaces. South Mountain Mini-Grants and the Spirit of South Mountain are awarded, and plans and events for the coming year are reviewed to keep you informed. The location of the Celebration typically rotates among the different counties in the South Mountain region but this year we are hosting virtually.
South Mountain Holiday Gift Guide
We're kicking off the holiday season in South Mountain with a gift guide tailored to support the people and businesses working to protect our landscape. This season we encourage you to shop small and local and support the South Mountain Region. From browsing a store to sipping cider we've got you covered with great holiday recommendations.
Did you know you can also support the Friends of the South Mountain Partnership this holiday season? Our Friend’s group allow us to fundraise for more conservation dollars to spend in our region through grants and initiatives. More details here.
Walk and Talk Speaker Series Wrap Up
Thanks to our fabulous guides and all our attendees for joining us out in the region on our Fall Walk and Talks!
Special thank you to Friends of Pine Grove, Friends of Michaux, and the Central Pennsylvania Conservancy for hosting us. Looking forward to planning hikes again next year... stay tuned!
Now Recruiting Volunteers, Committee Members
We are recruiting new committee members and volunteers! This opportunity is especially great for young professionals, those wishing to build their resumes and professional networks, and retired individuals. If you strive to be a good communicator and a “doer” who takes action and gets things done, you may be a great fit!
South Mountain Research Corps (SMRC) and Science Summit Update
Please join the South Mountain Research Corps next April for our second Science Summit (location to be announced). The program will feature presentations on topics as diverse as endangered species, water quality, silviculture, archaeology, and climate change. A panel discussion and question and answer session is also planned that will help establish future research priorities in our region. We’re hoping to see lots of young scholars and researchers from regional universities with an interest in the natural, geological and human history of the South Mountain Landscape. Please save the date, and plan on sharing your thoughts and priorities for scientific research in South Mountain country!
Friends of SMP Annual Report
The Friends of the South Mountain Partnership 2021 Annual Report is now available! 2020-2021 was our first year and we are so pleased to share with you the accomplishments and the people and organizations that are making it possible.
Mini Grant Success Stories
Join us in congratulating these exciting Mini Grant Projects that have recently been completed. The South Mountain Partnership’s Mini-Grant Program is intended to catalyze on-the-ground projects that further the goals of the Partnership, and to advance the capacity of partners to complete projects throughout the region. Learn more about the program here.
Orchard & Ales Trail, Land Conservancy of Adams County
The Land Conservancy hired trail planning professionals to design a hiking path crossing three preserved properties in the Adams County Fruitbelt. The trail will connect Thirsty Farmer Brew Works to Boyer Nurseries & Orchards, passing through lands owned by Hauser Family Farms, with stunning views of South Mountain, active orchards, and the historic Round Barn. Read more here.
Self Guided Tour, Northern York County Historical and Preservation Society
The Dills Tavern property sits at the entrance to Dillsburg from Route 15 north. Visitors are rewarded for coming with new tour materials. By picking up a brochure and using any internet device, they can hover over the QR code in the brochure to access a virtual tour of Dillsburg, where they are encouraged to walk into town and enjoy the local shops and eateries that are nestled among the stops. Read more here.
Oakville Connector Path Feasibility Study, North Newton Township
A feasibility study was completed for a 1,300 lineal-foot connector path between the Cumberland Valley Rail-Trail and North Newton Township’s 6-acre park. The study explored 4 path location options to create the connection. The factors of safety, expense, visibility and optimum usage were taken into consideration as well as collaborating with property owners for necessary access. Read more here.
Share your Accomplishments!
DCNR and the Partnership are collecting information (metrics) from our Partners to understand your 2021 accomplishments within our South Mountain landscape/region. Please share information about projects that the Partnership was involved with or helped to facilitate or get started. Acccomplishments will be collected under six main resource areas: Natural, Cultural, Social, Rural/Agricultural, Recreational, and Economic.
Most Popular Social Media Posts
The following are some of the most popular social media news posts,
followed by partner-submitted news that you should know about.
Follow us for the latest news, upcoming events, and more!
Goodbye Graffiti!
Friends of Michaux clean up at Pole Steeple
Thanks to the quick work of DCNR and the Friends of Michaux a popular local hiking site, Pole Steeple, has been cleaned of all graffiti. There were approximately 6 rock faces that are now free of graffiti. Trenton Bechtel (Recreation Forester at the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources) received the report of graffiti at this important site and worked to put together a group of volunteers to tackle the site. Volunteers were key due to the amount of gear needed to backpack into the site. Those of you reading who have hiked to the popular overlook know this is no small feat! These dedicated individuals cleaned off the graffiti, restoring the natural beauty of the site. Read the full story here.
Support Ship Composts: SMP Mini-Grant Project
ShipComposts (a project of the Center for Land Use and Sustainability and the Shippensburg University Farm) is creating a dynamic student-developed composting and waste recycling program. This program aims to bridge issues related to food waste, food insecurity, and soil health while also addressing the university climate change commitment. SMP is proud to support this program through a mini grant, but they need community support to get rolling...
Specifically, rolling with their tractor! Can you help them raise the funds to purchase a tractor? The tractor is key to being able to move compost materials and get the program underway. PS: you can even help name the tractor through your donation!
The Community Initiative Award from the State Historic Preservation Office (PA SHPO) Nominations Due Dec 31, 2021
The Community Initiative Award from the State Historic Preservation Office (PA SHPO) recognizes organizations, municipalities, agencies, individuals, and others whose work embodies the theme of Pennsylvania’s statewide historic preservation plan, #PreservAtionHappensHere.
Check out this great resource created by our partners at Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring - ALLARM. Not only does it provide some really interesting history of Indigenous Peoples in the Conodoguinet Creek watershed but it also places our region within a timeline that demonstrates the true antiquity of this place. The full resource also includes information on Land Acknowledgements, which are an important tool to honor the long history of this region.
Scott Hackenburg
Retiring After 35 Years of Service
After 35 years of service, Kings Gap Center Manager, Scott Hackenburg is retiring on December 18th.
Scott has served Kings Gap as an educator, program coordinator, and center manager. His vast knowledge, outgoing personality, and love for the Pittsburgh Steelers will be sorely missed.
Thank you Scott, for your many years of service. Your care for the environment, and for the good of Kings Gap is evident in all you do.
Share with the region through the Around South Mountain e-newsletter and the SMP website.
Send us your free events, trainings, work days, celebrations, challenges, and other updates. Type "For Newsletter" in the subject line of your email. Include your event date, time, location, title, and short description. We will include on our website calendar.
Trainings, Workshops & Learning Opportunities
Due to the COVID-19 and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), please visit individual partner organization's websites to confirm event details prior to the event. Stay healthy!
Central PA Counties - Fall 2021 Virtual Grant Workshops for Recreation and Conservation Projects- Recording Now Available
This virtual workshop is designed to help applicants develop project ideas in preparation of submitting a grant application to the Community Conservation Grant Program, which opens January 18, and closes April 6, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. DCNR, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation staff will be online to deliver a presentation on grant program selection criteria, review current program priorities, and discuss eligible project categories. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to attend at least one of the three statewide virtual grant workshops held this fall. The workshops are especially suited for municipal officials, consultants, board members, trail managers, land trust staff, and park and recreation professionals.
December 5,12,19 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Join the Friends of Kings Gap and enjoy this once-a-year opportunity to explore the Cameron-Masland Mansion, a gracious mountain stone villa built in 1908 as a summer home.
Take a self-guided tour of both floors of the mansion in seasonal decor. Docents will be available for information and questions about the mansion. All ages are welcome to attend this free event.
December 15 @ 6:00 pm
Water protectors across the country are calling for a focus on restoring water quality protections for our Nation’s waters and improving water infrastructure for clean, safe, and accessible water for all. This presentation will walk through the current updates related to the Clean Water Act, the American Rescue Plan, and the Infrastructure bills.
December 19 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
The Institute is hosting their second annual Winter Solstice Celebration on Sunday, Dec. 19 from 4 to 6 p.m. at Red Run Park in Rouzerville, Pa. The event is free and open to the public. The Institute’s solstice event is a family-friendly celebration of the season, and features winter folktale storyteller Bruce Rowland (at 4:30).