A strong wind is blowing. Pentecost season is upon us. It is a great time to celebrate what God is doing and look forward to the next phase of our witness to the neighborhood. Sunday, we talked about how God has moved at Grace over the last few years. Though the pandemic was hard, we survived as a people and have been engaged in a steady revival over the last couple of years.
We’ve said some hard goodbyes to friends and loved ones; but we have also welcomed new folks into our family. We have revived old ministries and begun new ones. We have opened our space to the neighborhood. We’ve taken up the challenge of Disciple. We’ve seen growth in Messy Church and the Food Pantry. We’ve deepened our partnerships with local schools. God has surely knit us together as a body and breathed a spirit of life into us.
There is a greater spirit of inclusion moving in our denomination. This is good news for Grace as it aligns with our values of family and neighbors. We have long been a place that welcomes all people as they are. At the General Conference, the language around sexuality was removed from the Book of Discipline. This opened the door for decisions to be made at the local level around whom a church will sponsor for ordination and what weddings they will accept. We now need to consider these questions as a congregation. We will begin with a town hall meeting on August 11 after worship.
Why is it so far away pastor? (you hypothetically ask). This is an important conversation and deserves the fullest participation we can have. With so much travel over the summer the Board and I felt it was better to wait until after school starts and people are more settled. This also gives plenty of time for you to mark your calendar and make plans to join us.
I am excited to be serving Grace now. Summer and Fall offer so many opportunities for us to share good news with our neighbors. It really feels as if we are on the edge of something. God has knit us together and breathed new life into us. Now comes a season of telling people about what God is doing.