Albert Kaufman

I feel very lucky. I've found a medium, email newsletters, that is both fun and useful. Have you ever seen a musician use an instrument in a novel way you had never seen before? That's how I feel about newsletters. The longer I work with them the more innovative ways I find to add them into my life. They also play well with others.

For instance, once you have the archived link of a newsletter it can be published as content on platforms like Nextdoor, Alignable, LinkedIn, and more. There are probably endless ways to do email marketing, the main thing is doing it. Marketing is all about repetition - having your fans/customers/readers receive something from you on a regular cadence wins the day.

If you'd like to go a little deeper, join me for one of my upcoming free classes linked below. If you'd like to share a novel way you're doing marketing, please hit respond and let me know.

Take care,

Albert Kaufman
Here are my upcoming free virtual classes:

Each class has plenty of time for Q&A and you'll also get a chance to meet fellow small businesses and nonprofits who face the same challenges you do. You'll be with peers. I create a comfortable atmosphere and it's a great place to learn and grow as a marketer.

And if you haven't begun down this road yet, today could be the day you get a newsletter up and running!

I hope life is treating you well. Albert
Follow Great Thinkers

Greetings! I've been practicing email marketing for 16 years. I am still learning. The 2 thought leaders who I like the most are Michael Katz and Ken Countess. I read every newsletter they send.

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I've been adding a music video to the bottom of my emails. You like?
I don't usually read this far!