Offered with Spanish Interpretation
Lo Bueno, Lo Malo, y Lo Inesperado
Prayer Experience
- Designed by Christi Pease (On Your Own) Session 1 & 2
Partnering in God's mission in Latin America
- Erika Clauson and Katie Isaza Session 1 & 2
Adventure Mentors. Reconnecting with our Youth.
Luke Korthuis and
Nick Aucker Session 1 & 2
Missional Women
- Linda Freeman Session 1 only
Face the Clutter
- Jan Liebsch Session 1 only
Estate Planning Mistakes of the Rich and Famous, and How You Can Easily Avoid Them
Danielle Hilgers Session 1
Is Your Relationship Healthy? You Might be Surprised
- Amy Deike Session 2 only
Make and Deepen Disciples
- Linda Freeman Session 2 only
Create an Upcycled Greeting Card Placemat/Table Topper
- Jan Liebsch Session 2 only ($3 Fee bring to class)
Optional supplies to bring: 12 used greeting cards, a few photographs, decorative scissors