No B. S. Job Search Advice Ezine
Bi-Weekly Job Search Advice from
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

July 21, 2015
Jeff Altman
The Big Game Hunter 

Jeff has been a professional recruiter for more than 40 years. He has filled 1200 positions plus consulting assignments.

Are You or Your Firm Trying to Hire Someone? Call me at   
I'm by myself for a few weeks while my family is in England for a Buddhist festival they attend each year. Three weeks in the lake country of England sounds great . . . but then I've heard the stories of the constant rain and cold weather for years.

I have a lot planned while they are away starting with a networking meeting in Charlotte tomorrow with a number of recruiters I work with through NPA.


Don't Have Your Resume Rejected by The Applicant Tracking System       

Don't Have Your Resume Rejected by The Applicant Tracking System
Don't Have Your Resume Rejected by The Applicant Tracking System


Watch my other videos on YouTube. 

Cyber Security Analysts New Jersey

Qualified? Please email your resume to me at 


Job Search Radio - The #1 Show About Job Hunting


There are very few people who really understand job hunting as well as Jim Stroud does.


As someone who has been in the search field for many years, he has his own distinctive way of finding talent for his firm or his clients.  


That is reflected in his newest book, The Number One Job Hunting Book in the World."



Listen to the Show



Please give Job Search Radio a good rating in iTunes. It helps more people discover it. Job Search Radio is also offered in Stitcher.

My newest ebook was released on Amazon for Kindle

" No B. S. Resume Advice: How Does Yours' Measure Up" also contains links to several effective videos to support your resume writing


A $25 discount on a resume critique from me.

Order it from Amazon.

It will be available as a PDF though my website later this week.

And you can download it for free through Amazon Prime.


Is your current firm trying to hire someone?

Email me at

Let me know who to contact and whether I can mention your name. I would like to help your current firm staff positions.


Have a sensational week.
