Day 12

Don't believe the "humane" hype! Animal products cannot be obtained without harm or suffering. The concept of "humane" dairy and eggs is often a marketing strategy that masks the inherent cruelty within these industries.

When it comes to dairy, there's no escaping the fact that cows must be impregnated to produce milk. Even in so-called "humane" operations, the separation of mother and calf is inevitable. This emotional trauma affects both mother and calf, regardless of the conditions in which they are kept. No matter how well-intentioned the practices may seem, the fundamental exploitation of animals remains unchanged.

Similarly, the label of "humane" does little to address the inherent cruelty in the egg industry. The reality is that male chicks, deemed useless in egg production, are often disposed of in horrific ways, such as being ground alive. This practice remains widespread even in so-called "humane" operations. Moreover, the living conditions of hens, even under more favorable circumstances, often involve confinement and limitations on natural behaviors. True respect and compassion for animals cannot be achieved within these exploitative systems.

So, what can you eat instead? Next up we'll tackle plantbased milks and eggs alternatives!

Shout Out

Neda Moridpour is a socially-engaged feminist artist, advocate, educator. She participates in two artist-activist collaboratives: LOUDER THAN WORDS (with S.A. Bachman) and the [P]Art Collective (with Pouya Afshar). In a 2022 episode of In Context, Neda explained why the shifted from vegetarian to vegan shortly after giving birth to her daughter.

Further Inspiration

Check out the free postcards that Neda Moridpour and her collaborator S.A. Bachman have made available to you as a way of encouraging people not to believe the myth of "humane" eggs.

Read the book The Humane Hoax to learn more about the myths of "humane" dairy and eggs.

Recipe of the Day

If you're hankering for some cheesy indulgence, we recommend trying the Cashew Queso Recipe from Post Punk Kitchen. This delectable vegan alternative will satisfy your cravings while aligning with your values.

Further Inspiration

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