CRC News | 8.18.2022
Men's Domestic Violence Support Group
Domestic violence against men is typically less recognized and less reported than other forms of domestic violence. Until recently, there's also been a lack support for men who have experienced it.

The Men's Support Group offers men connection and support, which is vital for healing and growth. It's a safe space, where men can gather to share and listen.

Victims of violence experience deep feelings of isolation, shame and self-doubt. Gender stereotyping adds an additional stressor that makes it hard for men seeking support. And, according to Luis Canseco, CRC's Domestic Violence Education & Prevention Manager, while many men reach out, they don't all show up to the class. After attending though, the men state they feel much better.

If you are experiencing an abusive relationship, or know of a man who is, we hope you will reach out for support or share this information.

Meetings are held online, on the 4th Wednesday of the month, from 5 PM - 6 PM.

40-Hour Domestic Violence Advocate Training
Learn from experts presenting the most current information on the dynamics, danger, and effects of intimate partner violence in our society and how to support and empower survivors in their healing.
The training will occur at One Safe Place,1050 Los Vallecitos Blvd., San Marcos
9 AM - 5:30 PM on five consecutive Fridays: September 9, 16, 23, 30, and October 7.

This training is presented by CRC and completion of the course meets California's Domestic Violence Counselors 40-Hour Training Curriculum.

A Note From Our CEO, John Van Cleef

I often describe CRC as the child of our community’s compassion and capacity to help our neighbors who are experiencing hunger, homelessness and hurt.

The assistance could be for the short- or long-term. The individual life story could be uncomplicated or complicated. The path forward could be direct or winding.

Whatever the assistance, story or path, CRC is accountable to those who fund its social ventures – Read more
The Latest News
CRC Event—Save the Date!
Plan to join us Oct. 23rd
Look for more information soon!
Give Back Event: Mendocino Farms
Mendocino Farms Grand Opening August 23
This fast-casual restaurant known for their fresh, tasty sandwiches and salads is opening their 50th store in Encinitas at 268 N. El Camino Real, on Tuesday, August 23.

Because Mendocino Farms is dedicated to supporting the communities they serve, they are also donating 50% of opening day sales to CRC and our food and nutrition program!

Join them in their opening day celebration and enjoy a tasty meal, knowing you're also helping someone else receive a healthy meal or groceries for their family.
Partner Spotlight
Cookies for Carol's House
This August, ILana from Carmel Valley Girl Scout Troop 3042 brought 50 boxes of Girl Scout cookies purchased by her devoted customers to be given to the domestic violence survivors at Carol's house, CRC's emergency shelter. ILana has been a regular donor to the CRC since her first birthday. (Very awesome!)

She is a junior in high school and has been bringing donated Girl Scout cookies to Carol's House since she started Girl Scouts when she was in kindergarten.

(ILana with Miranda Chavez,
CRC's Director of Integrative Services)
Thank You
Funding from our partners supports CRC’s mission to help our neighbors create paths to healthy food, stable homes and safe relationships. We are grateful for the generous support received from these individuals and organizations in July:

Wells Fargo

City of Solana Beach Community Grant


Paul Rothery

Alfred & Karen Esser Charitable Fund
July Volunteer of the Month
Congratulations to Lucyann Leonard, CRC's July Volunteer of the Month! Store manager, Karen Largent writes, "Lucyann comes in every Wednesday with a beautiful smile and positive attitude and is quite essential at helping put the store back in order.

Since Tuesday is one of our busiest days, our store tends to get a little messy. Lu ( as she prefers to be called ) is extremely helpful with our customers & donors and always displays excellent customer service skills.
I would just like to say that Lu is a great part of our CRC family and I value her as a volunteer and friend. Thank you Lucyann!"  
Get Involved
Volunteer at CRC
To learn more about how to become a volunteer, visit
September is Hunger Action Month
Imagine going through the day with an empty stomach. How would it affect your activities?

Started in 2008 by Feeding America, Hunger Action month is when people everywhere help raise awareness of hunger and help feed those who face going through the day without enough to eat, such as fixed-income seniors, people who are experiencing homelessness, and children of families living in poverty.

We invite you to support CRC's Food & Nutrition Program, and all of CRC's wraparound services that help our neighbors with healthy food, stable housing and safe relationships.

CRC Open House Tours - Up & Running
We enjoyed our first open house this month, where new staff and neighbors met, mingled and toured the facilities.

It was a great opportunity to learn about CRC's Food & Nutrition Program, where seniors, people without shelter and struggling families can find nourishment and hope.

Don't miss the next one coming up Wednesday, September 14th, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM.

Please register for a tour today, space is limited.
San Diego Gives - September 8
This September 8th, San Diego will come together for the 2nd annual 24-hour online fundraiser called San Diego Gives.

Community Resource Center is delighted to join in this local day of giving. This year, every dollar given tomorrow will support CRC's Food & Nutrition Program. We invite you to join us in helping feed those who are facing the day with an empty stomach.