OC Water Summit Set for May 20
The author of "Death of a Water District" will discuss steps elected officials
take -- or don't take -- that ultimately harm their city or agency at the 9th Annual OC Water Summit.
The Summit will be from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on May 20 at the Westin South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa.
The author, Richard A. Wilson, is one of several experts who will address the challenges of leading local-government agencies. Those challenges can be physical, financial or political, but the goal is always providing reliable service at an affordable cost.
The OC Water Summit typically attracts more than 300 Orange County leaders. The event this year is targeting not only water officials, but civic, community and business leaders as well.
Sponsorships are available. See
OC Reliability Study Enters Phase 2
Will Orange County have enough water for its residents and businesses in 2040? How about the infrastructure to deliver it?
The answer to both questions is "maybe," although with an asterisk, according to the first phase of the Orange County Water Reliability Study. The study was managed by the Municipal Water District of Orange County, with input from every OC water agency.
The goal of the study is not to generate support for any potential water-supply project, but to provide decision-makers with information about how combinations of projects would impact Orange County.
The first phase of the project sought to determine OC's future water demands. Perhaps surprisingly, the study found that the demands from 2040 will not differ significantly from the pre-drought levels prior to the mandatory 25 percent reduction -- which were already at 1990 levels despite adding 750,000 residents. The steady demand is likely because of increased efficiency in plumbing fixtures and because residents are paying more attention to their water use.
Phase 2 of the study, under way now, will determine the benefits of various combinations of potential projects.
Click here for more about the OC Water Reliability Study
March Brings Fix-A-Leak Week 2016
Are you ready to chase down leaks? Household leaks can waste more than 1 trillion gallons of water annually nationwide, so each year we hunt down the drips during Fix a Leak Week. Mark your calendars for Fix a Leak Week 2016, March 14-20, 2016, but remember that you can race over to your plumbing fixtures and irrigation systems, fix the leaks, and save valuable water and money all year long. Click here for a video on how to find leaks in your home! |
Entries Sought for Poster Slogan Contest
The annual Water Awareness Poster-Slogan Contest and Photography & Digital Arts Contest are now accepting submissions!
This year's theme, "Drip, Drop, Stop" encourages students to express their water smarts through enthusiastic creativity. Students in grades K-12 are encouraged to submit hand-drawn artwork and original short slogans reflecting the intelligent use of water. Students in grades 6-12 are invited to create digital artwork and photos using their smart phone, tablet, or computer.
Tell your friends and family to enter for a chance to win a Nintendo 3DS or one of four iPad Minis. The contest deadline is April 4, 2016.
Orange County Water Mandates
In January Orange County as a whole had an 18 percent water savings compared to January 2013. Since June 2015, County water agencies have saved 90,224 acre feet. That's enough for more than 225,560 families for a year, and would have cost $83.5 million at the current cost of imported drinking water.
Mesa Water in January cut use by 39.85 percent by restricting outdoor watering at mutli-family housing and commercial properties.
Serrano Water District has saved so much water they are no longer required by the State to have to submit their usage Serrano's production numbers for the month of January compared to 2013 were down an amazing percent..
With the current conservation mandates set to expire in March, the State Water Resources Control Board in February implemented a new round of mandatory water-use reductions. While some OC agencies gained some relief because of their use of recycled water, all County agencies remain under conservation mandates through October 2016.
Osborne Selected MWDOC President
Wayne Osborne, who represents Fountain Valley, has been selected to serve as President of the Board for the Municipal Water District of Orange County for 2016.
Osborne, the retired Director of Public Works and Engineering for the City of Fountain Valley, has served on the MWDOC Board since 2012.
MWDOC supplies drinking water to 28 cities and water agencies, serving 2.2 million people. MWDOC also provides regional water planning and special programs such as water conservation, education and outreach.
Director Brett Barbre of Yorba Linda will serve as Vice President.
Upcoming Meetings/Events
March 2 @ 8:30 a.m.: MWDOC Joint Board Meeting with OC Metropolitan Directors
March 4 @ 7:45 a.m.: Water Advisory Committee of Orange County Meeting
March 9 @ 8:30 a.m.:
MWDOC Administration and Finance Committee Meeting
March 14 @ 8:30 a.m.:
MWDOC Planning & Operations Committee Meeting
March 16 @ 8:30 a.m.: MWDOC Board Meeting
March 23 @ 8:30 a.m.:
MWDOC Public Affairs & Legislation Committee Meeting
March 31 @ 11:30 a.m. Independent Special Districts of OC Meeting
All meetings are at MWDOC, 18700 Ward Ave., Fountain Valley.
For information on MWDOC meetings and events, please click on the calendar icon above.
Have something to share? Let us know!
Santa Margarita Water District Project Honored
Santa Margarita Water District earned Water Project of the Year by the American Society of Civil Engineers for the Gobernadora Multipurpose Basin.
The basin captures and naturally treats urban runoff and storm flows, and uses the urban return flows to help meet irrigation demands in the nearby community.
Anaheim Helps Community #BeRainReady
Anaheim Public Utilities recently hosted two rain barrel distribution events to encourage Anaheim residents to capture rainwater and continue to do their part to save water.
When anticipated El Ni
o storms arrive, Anaheim customers will be prepared to capture up to 50,000 gallons of rain water.
Read Full Article
Volunteers Needed for CWEF 20th Anniversary
Be a part of the excitement that is the Children's Water Education Festival! Presented by the Orange County Water District (OCWD), Disneyland Resort, the National Water Research Institute and OCWD's Groundwater Guardian Team, the Festival will be held at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) on March 23-24.
More than 7,000 third, fourth and fifth grade Orange County students are registered to attend this free field trip to learn about water and the environment.
Volunteers are needed! Be part of a great experience!
Click here for more information