Welcome, Jo,

The last few days of August and it doesn't seem possible.

We celebrate our 31st anniversary by going twice to the movies. For us that is significant as we are both doing well after health issues. PRAISE GOD!

We watched the Sound of Freedom with Jim Cavaziel. If you missed this, it is a true story. Jim Cavaziel portrays Tim Ballard, a former US Government agent who embarks on a mission to save sex-trafficked children in Columbia. Powerful movie.

This has been on my heart for years and I recently connected with an organization in my community.

Do you know a sign for someone who may be in trouble? I posted it below.

The other movie, The Hill, starring Dennis Quaid. Another true story, and we enjoyed it. I read it’s a modern remake of The Jazz Singer where a preacher believes his son will take his place. I loved the original Jazz Singer with Al Jolson and the version with Neil Diamond.

Since a child, I have loved movies and music. What are some of your favorites?

The Monthly Catch-up

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Interview 156 -

I’m beyond thrilled to welcome my last author to the Yahweh Sisterhood Book Club. In case you missed my updated news, after fifteen years, YSBC will close its doors. In the fall of 2024, look for my new podcast.

You will find 62 recorded on my YouTube channel. Please subscribe!

Look for updated information in upcoming newsletters.

Watch  previous interviews. here.

What is your favorite fall recipe? Send it along and I'll feature it in my upcoming newsletter.

Email me your recipe.

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